Dallas McCarver Autopsy Report.

His ex wife posted a video of him CLEARLY fucked up on opiods (or something similar).... It was quite sad, and honestly, gross of her to do. Nonetheless, it further indicates that the ME should've performed tox screening... I would be shocked to find out he died from anything besides an OD.... Remember, first reports from his GF were that he "passed out and hit his head during a haircut..." Well, sounds to me like he did a line of oxy, got a haircut and passed out, hitting his head on the way down. Not to mention first responders noted lines of drugs with a rolled up dollar bill next to them... I'm no genius, but, I can put those pieces together pretty easily...
Yes, in that cases the common procedure is to do tox screen even around here.

Running TOX.I.S. costs about 3 dollars per run and it screens for hundreds of compounds at once...
Lets not overlook the fact too that he had TREN in his system...a major contributing factor ?? o_O
Why would you think that? Not hating, just genuinely curious as to why you think trenbolone would be a factor (possibly minor contributing factor, but unlikely to be the cause IMO).... Enlarged left ventricle is probably due to genetics, his size, his physical training and lastly the drugs....
I think its a pretty generic take away from all this. Genetics work both ways. McCarver had terrible hereditary heart conditions he either was ignorant to or knew about but proceeded anyway. That mixed with AAS was the damn perfect recipe to put him down for the count. I cant fault the guy. Could be any of us. But especially those of us that KNOW of heart conditions within our own family tree should take caution. Its a gamble and we should all be aware of that.

163 grams is roughly the size and weight of a medium sized potato. Now considering McCarver was only 26 at the time of his death and by all sources had likely been using AAS since he was 19 makes it more shocking. Rich Piana had been using steroids and the like for 30 yrs. He died at 46. Rich was open about his massive AAS abuse. The difference between the two men? McCarver probably should of never been involved in this lifestyle due to underlying genetic factors

Absolutely. However, we don't know that there was a history of heart conditions... Definitely underlying genetic factors at play which, many of us could have and not know about until it's too late.
Why would you think that? Not hating, just genuinely curious as to why you think trenbolone would be a factor (possibly minor contributing factor, but unlikely to be the cause IMO).... Enlarged left ventricle is probably due to genetics, his size, his physical training and lastly the drugs....

Are you worried about something Wunder ? o_O lol . Yes I think tren could trigger a heart attack . Prove me wrong....;)
Are you worried about something Wunder ? o_O lol . Yes I think tren could trigger a heart attack . Prove me wrong....;)
"Thinking it can" puts the burden of proof on you, not me. You must provide evidence to claim something can "cause" a result. It's not my job to prove a negative.... This is a long standing issue with many of your claims, you oftentimes ask the refuter to prove a negative, in order to prove you wrong. Not understanding the way things work, it seems.

This is like me saying "prove Dallas' hair color didn't cause his death!" It just doesn't make sense, and I can't recall any evidence supporting tren being MORE harmful than genetics, size or testosterone. Can you? Or, is it just an instinct?
"Thinking it can" puts the burden of proof on you, not me. You must provide evidence to claim something can "cause" a result. It's not my job to prove a negative.... This is a long standing issue with many of your claims, you oftentimes ask the refuter to prove a negative, in order to prove you wrong. Not understanding the way things work, it seems.

This is like me saying "prove Dallas' hair color didn't cause his death!" It just doesn't make sense, and I can't recall any evidence supporting tren being MORE harmful than genetics, size or testosterone. Can you? Or, is it just an instinct?

"Thinking it can" puts the burden of proof on you, not me. You must provide evidence to claim something can "cause" a result. It's not my job to prove a negative.... This is a long standing issue with many of your claims, you oftentimes ask the refuter to prove a negative, in order to prove you wrong. Not understanding the way things work, it seems.

This is like me saying "prove Dallas' hair color didn't cause his death!" It just doesn't make sense, and I can't recall any evidence supporting tren being MORE harmful than genetics, size or testosterone. Can you? Or, is it just an instinct?

Slow down there @Wunderpus , you gonna trigger a heart attack !! :p
Im with you 100% tren is tren and not much of its GOOD for you
No doubt. As I said, I believe genetics, size and his athletic history are the likely MAJOR contributors to this. However, no one will argue the drugs "helped". hGH could've caused his heart to grow to this size, too. Nonetheless, the drugs are not healthy, and this should be a good warning to everyone to PLEASE get checked up periodically. We're all invincible, until we're not.... If he had an arrhythmia they could've put a defib. on his heart, which could've saved his life (assuming he had one)./
You're an idiot. I try, and try with you, but you just don't get it. You're uneducated in all relevant aspects, and claim "denial" or shift the burden of proof to your refuters. Truly, you're functionally illiterate and have trouble understanding even the most elementary of ideas, then throw out ad hominems and other fallacies, not understanding those who are intellectually superior to you, can see right through it all.

Call me "in denial" all you want, but my education and knowledge is far superior to your own... That's just a fact.
You're an idiot. I try, and try with you, but you just don't get it. You're uneducated in all relevant aspects, and claim "denial" or shift the burden of proof to your refuters. Truly, you're functionally illiterate and have trouble understanding even the most elementary of ideas, then throw out ad hominems and other fallacies, not understanding those who are intellectually superior to you, can see right through it all.

Call me "in denial" all you want, but my education and knowledge is far superior to your own... That's just a fact.

An IDIOT ? Ive seen your drug doseages.....now who's an IDIOT ? o_O
Slow down there @Wunderpus , you gonna trigger a heart attack !! :p
Please have another mental/emotional breakdown, post your facebook, and leave. We get it, you have nothing to offer besides your food thread. Your knowledge on all aspects of this board are infantile, at best. You're too dense to learn, and always end up being put in your place. I largely ignore your stupid posts, as I don't want to pull out my Rosetta Stone - Retard Edition to decipher what you're attempting to say.

It's funny to me that you use the same hormones that I do (minus the ones like hGH that you simply cannot afford), yet use them as a tool to try and somehow attack me. What makes you think that you're any different? The difference with my is that I'm younger than you, clearly more mentally/emotionally stable and I have a personal friend who is an MD that looks over my bloods, does an annual stress test and EKG. Does your Obamacare offer you that?
You both contribute a lot and no one is saying you guys don't know your shit or aren't educated. Please don't turn this into a dick waving competition. You're both respected members of the community here and we are all well aware of your contributions and knowledge.
Please have another mental/emotional breakdown, post your facebook, and leave. We get it, you have nothing to offer besides your food thread. Your knowledge on all aspects of this board are infantile, at best. You're too dense to learn, and always end up being put in your place. I largely ignore your stupid posts, as I don't want to pull out my Rosetta Stone - Retard Edition to decipher what you're attempting to say.

It's funny to me that you use the same hormones that I do (minus the ones like hGH that you simply cannot afford), yet use them as a tool to try and somehow attack me. What makes you think that you're any different? The difference with my is that I'm younger than you, clearly more mentally/emotionally stable and I have a personal friend who is an MD that looks over my bloods, does an annual stress test and EKG. Does your Obamacare offer you that?

Bad week @Wunderpus ? Thanksgiving didnt go right ? You need to CHILL...:cool:
An IDIOT ? Ive seen your drug doseages.....now who's an IDIOT ? o_O
Yeah, you have seen my full transparency, and you've commented many, many times on it. I have always stated it's an experiment, and never, ever condone usage at those levels.

Now, I have also learned a lot over the years, something you appear incapable of... I don't just "wing it" with wild doses like I used to. I've learned far more about training and diet, and applied that to a safer overall protocol. Nonetheless, my transparency and desire to experiment doesn't really make me an "idiot", at least in my mind. However, I do see how your limited understanding of even the most basic and fundamental things in this world are a challenge...

Dallas is a great example of why we should ALL be safer. I'm lucky in that I don't have any negative health effects (as far as I know) from my more "reckless" years of drug usage. Your blind and uninformed claims like "tren caused the heart attack" in no way help us learn or grow as a community. Until you have ANY legitimate research to back up your claims, besides your "theories" and ad hominens, just shut up.


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