Please have another mental/emotional breakdown, post your facebook, and leave. We get it, you have nothing to offer besides your food thread. Your knowledge on all aspects of this board are infantile, at best. You're too dense to learn, and always end up being put in your place. I largely ignore your stupid posts, as I don't want to pull out my Rosetta Stone - Retard Edition to decipher what you're attempting to say.
It's funny to me that you use the same hormones that I do (minus the ones like hGH that you simply cannot afford), yet use them as a tool to try and somehow attack me. What makes you think that you're any different? The difference with my is that I'm younger than you, clearly more mentally/emotionally stable and I have a personal friend who is an MD that looks over my bloods, does an annual stress test and EKG. Does your Obamacare offer you that?