DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

As the other posters above mentioned, HCG usually comes in that combo, saline and freeze dried peptide. For it being an amp or vial however; I've seen both models. Sometimes the peptides come in a vial, sometimes they come in an ampule. I'll have that clarified by the pharmacy and put it in all our descriptions.
I just prefer to never mess with amps in the first place. BAC water straight into a HCG vial. Store vial in fridge.
I understand that. The hcg degrades every time you break the rubber though. And if you don't balance atmospheric pressure then the hcg will also degrade faster. Some food for thought
As the other posters above mentioned, HCG usually comes in that combo, saline and freeze dried peptide. For it being an amp or vial however; I've seen both models. Sometimes the peptides come in a vial, sometimes they come in an ampule. I'll have that clarified by the pharmacy and put it in all our descriptions.
Would be really nice if the shipper could lable the package as something other than medicine. Never had a package sent to a military post office before. Kinda sketch
When will you start carrying Deus products? I love their adex because it breaks in 1/2s and 1/4s perfectly since their those little squares.
Would be really nice if the shipper could lable the package as something other than medicine. Never had a package sent to a military post office before. Kinda sketch
Worse comes to worse you’ll get a nice hazing from your bros.
When will you start carrying Deus products? I love their adex because it breaks in 1/2s and 1/4s perfectly since their those little squares.
I'll have them listed soon, I haven't gotten around to that yet. I'll be listing Deus Pharma products from the baltic states, Latvia, and Estonia in particular.
Hi @DashPCT why don’t you guys do reshipping to Australia any more ?
Australia has always been an issue to ship with any product. Even though our success rates are still positive, Australia's seizure rate is sporadic where all at once in a week all packages will get seized.

I personally don't offer this reship policy - my pharmacy does, and in exchange they charge me a bit more on everything to give that guarantee. I'll probably end up providing Australian reships myself at some point in the future.
I agree about the ratting part but do we actually know this to be true? There’s always 2 sides to every story.
That's why I tagged dash. I believe he talked with dues and maybe another source about it. FYI, I used dash before and was happy with the service. Let's see what he says.