DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

That's why I tagged dash. I believe he talked with dues and maybe another source about it. FYI, I used dash before and was happy with the service. Let's see what he says.

Yeah Dash does seem legit, I was only also considering AIPCTSHOP because:

1. Prices are similar
2. Products are similar
3. Seems to have been in the game for a long time. Dash seems to be newer to it?
Yeah Dash does seem legit, I was only also considering AIPCTSHOP because:

1. Prices are similar
2. Products are similar
3. Seems to have been in the game for a long time. Dash seems to be newer to it?
This product line per se is newer, but this is the same guy I believe as Dragon Ordnance. So old time source, just different business.
I just placed an order and it has not let me put the discount coupon
Works for me. Can you retry it? its dash

Upload a dick pic to imgur and post the link in the coupon field, Worked for me.
secret 99% off coupon

@DashPCT isn't aipctshop the one reporting a few competitors?

If so, I'd go with Dash and his 15 offf coupon. Screw a company ratting on others.
I really don't know the full story until aipctshop presents their side to the allegations. For all we know, this could just be 5 head chess these two sources. I did see Deus's post about the reports, but its not inclusive evidence for me to begin pointing fingers. I'd also like to know AI's side of the story, perhaps theres a reason or some report war going on.

To me it makes little sense they'd be in any kind of "war" since aipctshop sells more similar products to me rather than deus, and has nothing to with SARMs anyway. It's all very weird.

Gotta place an order, honestly a toss up between Dash and AIPCTSHOP at this point. Both have similar prices.
We can price match any price you find g - and we have an always active 15% off coupon.

Right after I got an order in haha guess I’ll be putting another in soon.
If it aint shipped yet I could possibly help!
This product line per se is newer, but this is the same guy I believe as Dragon Ordnance. So old time source, just different business.
Correct - I am Dragon's IRL partner, and it operates under Dragon Ordnance anyway. I just didn't want to have both Turkish and Indian generics at the same time on DO - it seems a bit clustered already.
Adding Deus pharma products today - stay tuned. These should come from [EDIT/]
Do you think this will increase seizure rate for USA packs? I thought I read an increase in dues products being seized recently in other threads.
I’m seeing some folks mentioning in the express thread their concerns about degraded Ovidac hcg. I was planning on pinning 250iu three times a week, obviously there isn’t much way to know for sure outside of sending a sample off to get tested. Should I just say fuck it and pin 500iu instead?
I’m seeing some folks mentioning in the express thread their concerns about degraded Ovidac hcg. I was planning on pinning 250iu three times a week, obviously there isn’t much way to know for sure outside of sending a sample off to get tested. Should I just say fuck it and pin 500iu instead?
I’m taking 500iu 3x a week on my Trt dose of 160mg and my balls have grown dramatically. Also I can tell it’s working by the slight throbbing pain.
500 of the ovidac? Grown compared what they were normally or back to a normal size?
I was on Trt with no hcg for 5 years they were the size of raisins.
After 3 months of ovidac they are 3/4 of Their original size. It was enough of a change for my girl to notice without me telling her
Anyone had any experience with current UK Shipments?

@DashPCT have you ever had any seizures?
UK seems to the best country to ship to. It takes the least amount of time (2-3 weeks) I've seen this with the raws business as well - DO raws usually arrive to the UK first before any shipment.
I tried to order yesterday and having problems with coin payments service provider. My transaction got timed out twice, then they refunded me less about 20$ each time.
I’d like to try again but with a new qr for the bitcoin address.
Is it ok to place another identical order or should I wait for existing order to get canceled for not receiving payment?
I’m seeing some folks mentioning in the express thread their concerns about degraded Ovidac hcg. I was planning on pinning 250iu three times a week, obviously there isn’t much way to know for sure outside of sending a sample off to get tested. Should I just say fuck it and pin 500iu instead?
My hcg was degraded. I got the 2000iu in an attempt to preserve it as much as possible.
I tried to order yesterday and having problems with coin payments service provider. My transaction got timed out twice, then they refunded me less about 20$ each time.
I’d like to try again but with a new qr for the bitcoin address.
Is it ok to place another identical order or should I wait for existing order to get canceled for not receiving payment?
What error are you getting? Is it like non complete payments? they use a certain exchange rate, so they ask for a certain amount of bitcoin. better to send them the exact btc amounts.

You can PM me here or wickr me at skullwarden if you want to do the order that way. or email.

My hcg was degraded. I got the 2000iu in an attempt to preserve it as much as possible.
was yours degraded fom us or from expressPCT? wording leaves it to the imagination and dont want folks getting the wrong idea