DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

India be wilding and its a controlled substance there. I've been planning to stock some from Turkey though from Dragon Ord.
Huh interesting, I had no idea. Considering all the other crap they push out to the world, t3 seems like a relatively innocuous drug to label as a controlled substance. Oh well, clearly not up to me

But yeah, keep us updated if you find another way of procuring some t3!
Hello, I would like to give my update on DashPCT and ask Dash a couple questions.

The total time from the start of my order to me receiving my order was 10 days. Delivered to the US east coast.

8x Ovidac HCG Vials
2x Fertigyn HCG Vials
Dostiheal Cabergoline Pills
A-Ret Gel Tretinoin Cream
10mg Vitalista Clialis Pills

First let me talk about the HCG, it's real. After I stopped paying my TRT clinic for HCG, I started buying HCG from AIPCTShop and I would say AIPCTShop HCG was most likely very under dosed or lost a lot of it's potency from heat during the trip to me. The potency for HCG from Dash is very clear to me. I have tested 5 different vials of HCG from DashPCT with a pregnancy test and all of the tests showed positive. There are moments where my balls actually get this full feeling.

(Side note) Every time I have ordered HCG, I always bought the Ovidac brand because I recognize that Zydus is a company owned by Bayer and Bayer is a company I know, so they must be the best quality right? Wrong. Buying Fertigyn HCG from DashPCT is the first time I ever bought a brand other than Ovidac and in my personal opinion the Fertigyn was much better (maybe because it said highly purified idk)

Second the Cabergoline, not much to say. Last time I got bloodwork done my testosterone was 1500+ (264-916), free test 32.9 (8.7-25.1), estrodiol sensitive was 67.2 (8.0-35.0), and my prolactin was 24.9 (4.0-15.2)..... I have no gyno, but I definitely take too long to cum. So I bought caber from Dash for the first time. A lot of people on reddit made it sound horrible like it could really fuck you up so I bought the .25mg strength and then I experimented with taking different amounts. I never felt fucked up when taking this cabergoline, but it also didn't seem to help me in any way. :shrug:

Third the Tretinoin cream, it works. My girl LOVES this stuff. This cream REALLY reduces small wrinkles on your forehead. We both use this every night.

Fourth the Cialis, it works VERY well. I already have a prescription for Cialis for 5mg per day, but even when I take 2 from my local pharmacy, it doesn't feel like a 10mg from DashPCT. Excellent product in my opinion.

TL;DR Very happy with DashPCT and I will continue to buy products until this place closes or the products and service change.

I am VERY VERY interested in enclomiphene, but it is incredibly hard to find any source that has REAL enclomiphene. I see that you point people towards enclomisign, but everyone is talking about this not being real enclomiphene.

Can anyone confirm that enclomisign is genuine real enclomiphene and not clomiphene?????????

Will you please look into adding a skin cream product called tazarotene? It's supposed to be like tretinoin but newer and better.

Thank you for any help you can provide, and thank you for selling good products that didn't poison me!
I am VERY VERY interested in enclomiphene, but it is incredibly hard to find any source that has REAL enclomiphene. I see that you point people towards enclomisign, but everyone is talking about this not being real enclomiphene.

Can anyone confirm that enclomisign is genuine real enclomiphene and not clomiphene?????????

Will you please look into adding a skin cream product called tazarotene? It's supposed to be like tretinoin but newer and better.

Thank you for any help you can provide, and thank you for selling good products that didn't poison me!
Honestly have to see someone get the enclomisign get tested. Waiting on a customer who has sent his.

Tazarotene - got it. Will look for it.

Thank you for the stellar review! Really appreciate it.

It’s a sad day when we have to thank our sources for not intentionally trying to kill us lol

Not that Dash would ever do something like that
Taking off a few items off the domestic stock as our stock numbers aren't matching up correctly. If you're affected, I'll email you, but there probably is no affected customers.
Few weeks on dash’s Telmisartan and my blood pressure went from 142/99 to 117/78. Feeling much better, No more headaches or bloody noses. Thanks dash
Any UK brothers had issues with parcelforce lately? Got a pack thats been ‘Arrived in the UK’ for a number of weeks

My last order turned up no problem, was quite quick actually.

I havent actually heard of parcelforce ever pulling an order, probably lost in the abyss.

I’m sure Dash will sort it out
2 orders from me so far and both have arrived in Australia without issues. Definitely the go to source for ancillaries imo. Everything has always been perfect.

Any eta for a restock of 10,000 iu vials of hcg for the international warehouse? I'm after either zyhcg or ovidac (been removed?).
I don't believe it's the same.
They are both from India I think. I see ExpressPCT used to sell the Clenbut; doesn’t mean it’s legit, but that might lend to its credibility? The SoPharma Clen is approximately 15% underdosed, so maybe I should assume at least the same for Clenbut?
They are both from India I think. I see ExpressPCT used to sell the Clenbut; doesn’t mean it’s legit, but that might lend to its credibility? The SoPharma Clen is approximately 15% underdosed, so maybe I should assume at least the same for Clenbut?
Ive used clenbut and it worked at 40mcg for me (tried 80mcg and felt shit). Now using sopharmas which also works at 40mcg. Ill never go above 40 again dont see any reason just feel like shit
Ive used clenbut and it worked at 40mcg for me (tried 80mcg and felt shit). Now using sopharmas which also works at 40mcg. Ill never go above 40 again dont see any reason just feel like shit

How do you know the Clenbut worked for you? Sides? Weight loss/calorie intake?
How do you know the Clenbut worked for you? Sides? Weight loss/calorie intake?
The basic Clen sides. Sure i lost weight/fat while on it but i was in a deficit of course. I do lower carbs when using clen/yohimbine/ephedrine (i dont recommend doing all 3 at the same time but i can handle them because im not using crazy dosages)