Dead libido - labs in norm?


New Member
Hi everyone, I am new here, and of course come with my problem:
Dead libido after a - formally - good recovery.

I'm 37. I took for 9 weeks
Turinabol 50mg/day,
Test Propionate 33mg EOD, dropped it after week 5 due to poor dissolvency and irritation [did it subcutaneously]

PCT: 1 month
tamoxifen 40/40/20/20
clomiphene 25/25/12.5/12.5
Daa 3000mg/day

Libido was very low during and after PCT.
1.5 months after the PCT, my blood results were:

Testosterone 5.65 Ref: (2.41-8.27)
Estradiol 73.87 Ref: (0-39.8)
Prolactine 3.66 Ref: (2,1 - 17.7)
LH 2.31 Ref: (1.5 - 9.3)
FSH 2.42 Ref: (2.41-8.27)
TSH 0.72 Ref: (0.30-4.50)

Did nothing for 3 months, then for the high estradiol took anastrozole for 3 weeks:
first two 0.25 mg EOD, last 0.25 mg twice in the week.

Waited for 10 days and did new tests, this was 2 weeks ago:

Testosterone 4.3 Ref: (2.20-10.5)
Free testosterone 0.325 Ref: (0.236-0.68)
Estradiol 30.44 Ref: (0-87)
Prolactine 111 Ref: (54 - 340)
LH 2.31 Ref: (1.1 - 2,5)
FSH 2.28 Ref: (1.5-11.8)
TSH 0.72 Ref: (0.30-4.50)

Still no libido, ED, semen volume is about 1/2 of what was before the course, and water-like (sorry :). The endocrinologist I went to shrunk shoulders - he thinks my endocrine system is in norm, so the problem he thinks might be psychological or something else...

And this is about 8 months after the lightest possible course. Do you have any ideas what might caused my problem? And what to do?
Sounds like a mild cycle. Sorry, for your issues.

I'm following this to see what be pros have to say. I'm younger then you, good sized but debating a equally mild cycle.

This is my only fear holding me back as I'm only looking to cycle once or twice.

Dude on your 1st cycle you did tbol orals for 9 weeks.. Did you take any T3 or T4 during this cycle? Because your TSH is still suppress. You can always take Cialis until you've recover or libido comes back (sometime it is a mental game!)

As for @TheDozer There's not such thing as once or twice for a cycle.. once you begin to feel and look like superman-why go back to clark kent! :)
Flaming Dragon, actually I tested T3 and T4 also, and they have very good levels. I skipped not to overwhelm the reader :) According to the doctor, since low levels of TSH are needed to produce good T3 and T4, the system is in norm.

I just wonder what else to recover...
Dude on your 1st cycle you did tbol orals for 9 weeks.. Did you take any T3 or T4 during this cycle? Because your TSH is still suppress. You can always take Cialis until you've recover or libido comes back (sometime it is a mental game!)

As for @TheDozer There's not such thing as once or twice for a cycle.. once you begin to feel and look like superman-why go back to clark kent! :)

Cialis doesn't fix libido problems and his TSH is not suppressed.
So here are also my thyroid hormones:
First lab, 1.5m after PCT
fT4 14.7 (8.9-17.2)
MAT 555.45 (0-30)
TAT <6.4 ((0-18)

On the basis of MAT the docs thought I have early Hashimoto. However on the 2nd lab it's back to normal:
fT3 3,22 pg/ml (1,21-4,18)
fT4 14,24 pg/ml (8.9-17.2)
antiTg /TAT/ 10,57 IU/ml (< 30)
antiTPO /MAT/ 11,94 IU/ml (<30)

So lowish TSH produces mid T4 and mid-high T3, which is actually good, according to doctors.
It's a FUNCTIONAL issue and the OP is not new to that sort of a problem GUARANTEED, and LAB testing to locate an organic cause is a waste of time, money and effort.

But wait let's do some imaging. Shall we begin with an MRI of the head .......... of the penis!
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@TheDozer once you begin to feel and look like superman-why go back to clark kent! :)

Yep and that's exactly why many with underlying functional disorders look to AAS for a superman remedy, but end up screwing themselves even further as one problem morphs into two, a primary psychological ailment complicated with iatrogenic physiologic sequelea!

It's unfortunate bc Meso has been inundated with posts of this nature recently!

Be careful what you wish for, bc you just might get it, and for those of this ilk the results can be disastrous, IME.
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Yep and that's exactly why many with underlying functional disorders look to AAS for a superman remedy, but end up screwing themselves even further as one problem morphs into two, a primary psychological ailment complicated with iatrogenic physiologic sequelea!

It's unfortunate bc Meso has been inundated with posts of this nature recently!

Be careful what you wish for, bc you just might get it, and for those of this ilk the results can be disastrous, IME.

Whoops I didn't see he did TBol for 9 weeks. That's a no-no. Any of the vets think n2Guard has to be taken while on orals or that just some shit I see on the EVO board???

I'm 6" 210 right now prob around 10-15% BF. I think I have high T naturally just by my body features. I asked my doc to test it but he wouldn't and I live in a state where you can't use myprivatemdlabs.

I used Clen once last year alone and got great results. I'll def do that again but I don't feel the need to keep doing it. I think I'll be the same once I dive into AAS. At this point I don't really feel the need to do any traditional bulking compounds. Mast, EQ, primo and orals at this point only interest me.

I have experimented with a lot of different things in my life. Traditionally, I can walk away when I want too. Hopefully, AAS would be the same.
Dr Jim, I never had any sexual problem in my life prior to this cycle. Simply none of the problems described in the 1st post existed before that.
After we cleared that, do you guys have an idea how to approach the problem? What else could got wrong?
Dr Jim, I never had any sexual problem in my life prior to this cycle. Simply none of the problems described in the 1st post existed before that.

Right and I've NEVER heard that before either, good luck!
Could it be the case that steroids increased the level of PDE, and it still stays high?
Just a guess...
FSH doesn't look too good to me
You may still be quite HPTA suppressed despite the not so bad test levels.
I'd say some 12.5mg Clomid or 5 mg Nolva may help almost without side effects.
You can try half a 0.5mg caber tab twice a week.
Yes, I already started yesterday with 12.5 mg clomid + 10 mg nolva daily, for a lack of better idea. Will think how to get caber, as it is with recipe here.
Should I add horny goat weed or tongkat ali, or wait until I see the effect of clomid + nolva?
Dr Jim, I never had any sexual problem in my life prior to this cycle. Simply none of the problems described in the 1st post existed before that.

Will think how to get caber, as it is with recipe here.
Should I add horny goat weed or tongkat ali, or wait until I see the effect of clomid + nolva?

Oh hell yea, you are Fed and that's NOTHING NEW.

But at least now you have a scapegoat and can cry "steroids did IT to me" LMAO!
Yes, I already started yesterday with 12.5 mg clomid + 10 mg nolva daily, for a lack of better idea. Will think how to get caber, as it is with recipe here.
Should I add horny goat weed or tongkat ali, or wait until I see the effect of clomid + nolva?
Unless your estrogen levels get much higher and you were developing gyno then Clomid+Nolva may be overkill and in fact they can trigger estrogenic effects at higher doses.
So choose one either 12.5mg Clomid OR 5 mg Nolva but not both at the same time.
I'd prefer Nolva as Clomid (although at high doses) made me fell feminine. Not kidding.

If you get into the more-ain't-necessarily-better wagon I'd start caber just 1/4 of a 0.5 mg tab twice a week.
I swear this made my balls and penis grow (at least when flaccid) and got my killer libido back.