Deadlines: need to get lean fast


New Member
5'10.5, 204lbs, 16-18%bf, on current bulk. At the end of a 20wk cycle: 750 test/wk pinned ED, HGH 4iu/day (starting weight 185). Started this cycle later than expected. Currently 8 weeks out from a photo shoot. Big question is can I get below 10%bf, keeping all lean mass, by then with just TRT and GH? Cutting diet is extremely clean. For actual deficit I'm looking at roughly 2lbs/wk which would put me at roughly 11%. If I were to let go of a little harm reduction are there any compounds to add that would make this a guarantee or any easier?

Few things I'm considering:
tirzepatide- Is there any added benefit other than not being hungry
superdrol- Need to be in a good state of mind at photo shoot and wasn't sure if the gains are sustained a week or so after stopping
PSMF diet- worried this could effect sleep
M-Tren- same as with sdrol, will the sides clear a week after dropping