Deca and dbol only cycles?

If you aren’t HIGHLY sensitive/predisposed to MPB and extreme acne there’s literally no reason to run a deca base cycle.

This question comes up, we hear all about the positives, 1/100 people who try it do well and keep doing it.

But you are clearly asking only for a validating answer, so go do it and prove us wrong. Log it.
Thanks, deca isn't the same as npp
bro people lose their minds when you bring up deca only cycles. Try it out without asking for others validation. If you like it thats great, if you hate it then you learned your lesson. simple as that.
Nice, people are just a hivemind and instantly get defensive when going against the grain
Nice, people are just a hivemind and instantly get defensive when going against the grain
Because you aren't the first and won't be the last.

Spoken like a true camel cult member. You should register for his forums so you can help recreate the wheel.

Somehow this moron, despite his following and base knowledge talks about how he gained 50 lbs in 6 weeks, muscle memory etc. He looks like a bag of disgusting water.

It can work, by adding in some dht derivative like primo or anavar it would be better.

Since you're concerned about hair loss, I assume you're prone, why you think dbol is hair safe?

Also NPP instead of deca, less water bro science or for shorter cycle?

Incorrect, most do tolerate and handle testosterone very well, it is bioidentical hormone, proven clinical safety, very well known side effects and newbie friendly.

They're only bald if they're prone to MPB, what do you mean by terrible skin and more so don't even lift part I'm not sure...

At this point, I think you're either trolling or you need to gain a bit more knowledge before you do your proposed cycle.

Do whatever you want, it's just my opinion.

But for most of us test is best!
Nailed it. Well said.
Because you aren't the first and won't be the last.

Spoken like a true camel cult member. You should register for his forums so you can help recreate the wheel.

Somehow this moron, despite his following and base knowledge talks about how he gained 50 lbs in 6 weeks, muscle memory etc. He looks like a bag of disgusting water.


Videos are such bs push pufa fats they build muscle no fat gain cause one study showed some positive yet you’ll probably have so much inflammation crp high.
Nice, people are just a hivemind and instantly get defensive when going against the grain
You're the type of person to put their hand on the stove after someone tells you it's hot.

The norms for gear usage are largely driven by bodybuilders, a group competing in a sport with no rules and where every single minuscule edge and advantage is flushed out and utilized. If deca only were better for even a fair minority, we'd know about it.

The reality is exactly what I said in my first post. A very low percentage of people would benefit from deca based approaches. And defaulting to that before exploring the more standard paths without solid reason for doing so is for lack of better wording, silly. But nobody's stopping you.

Show us.
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You're the type of person to put their hand on the stove after someone tells you it's hot.
No im not that type of person otherwise i wouldnt be typing this.
The norms for gear usage are largely driven by bodybuilders, a group competing in a sport with no rules and where every single minuscule edge and advantage is flushed out and utilized. If deca only were better for even a fair minority, we'd know about it.
The roidheads say to start gear only after 25. Even though you can drive a 1 ton car at 16,and get your legs blown off at 18 in a war but "you are still developing until 25 bro".

If that is the case then the age of voting,driving and adulthood needs to raised to 25 because peoples brains are still developing bro!

Clearly following the masses isn't the right path.

The masses blindly took the mrna shot including pro bodybuilders such as doug brignole, needless to say what happened to him.

the top bodybuilders started in the mid-late teens e.g. Arnold and Lee priest at 15.

So why do meatheads say don't start until 25? Clearly that isn't the way the greats do it.

The reality is exactly what I said in my first post.

A very low percentage of people would benefit from deca based approaches.
Who would benefit from deca based approaches?
And defaulting to that before exploring the more standard paths without solid reason for doing so is for lack of better wording, silly. But nobody's stopping you.

Show us.

Standard paths get you nowhere in life.

No one gets rich or jacked following the "standard path". Those are the only 2 things that matter in life.
No im not that type of person otherwise i wouldnt be typing this.

The roidheads say to start gear only after 25. Even though you can drive a 1 ton car at 16,and get your legs blown off at 18 in a war but "you are still developing until 25 bro".

If that is the case then the age of voting,driving and adulthood needs to raised to 25 because peoples brains are still developing bro!

Clearly following the masses isn't the right path.

The masses blindly took the mrna shot including pro bodybuilders such as doug brignole, needless to say what happened to him.

the top bodybuilders started in the mid-late teens e.g. Arnold and Lee priest at 15.

So why do meatheads say don't start until 25? Clearly that isn't the way the greats do it.

Who would benefit from deca based approaches?

Standard paths get you nowhere in life.

No one gets rich or jacked following the "standard path". Those are the only 2 things that matter in life.
Yep these guys are the antithesis to innovation and exploration. Monkey 1 beats on monkey 2 so monkey 2 beats on monkey 3. Stupid sad dynamic of meso boomers
Nice, people are just a hivemind and instantly get defensive when going against the grain
1) You aren’t experienced enough here to even know who has the practical and educational experience.
2) It is obvious to vets that you have little to no practical experience. Go get it. Your perspective will change I assure you.
3) Stop parroting what guys did to get big. You and 99.9% of us don’t actually know for certain.
4) Mac is right. You don’t care what we tell you. That’s why we roll our eyes and tell you to move on.
5)You won’t last here unless you get just a bit humble.

