Deca back pumps, cannot finish workout

So I'm probably running an equivalent blood value of 600mg of deca per week, as I just on Thursday increased to a gram and respectively
Lowered test to 250 from 500. This is all I'm running.

I came off a 4 week cycle of superdrol this last Tuesday, so I haven't taken a pill in 4 days. I did 20mg week one and 30 for 2-4wks.

Point and question for my thread is, my back pumps are so ridiculous, and I know I'm not the first one lol.

I cannot finish my workouts. Nor can I effectively hit the targeted muscles, I.e. Quads or hip extension exercises on Hamstrings to develop gluteal fold, aka RDL and back ext......the pump just dissipates all my focus to the lumbar spine.

I cannot focus because the pump just overwhelms my ability to focus on the other muscles.

I am considering just taking a good dose of taurine in my intra drink, which consists of dextrose, maltodextrin and essential and bcaa with 8g citrulline in 45-65oz of water.

Like I don't want to have to cut carbs out intra workout and sacrifice optimal recovery and training volume and energy because of this.

I'm sure some of you have found a cure,

Anyone got one?
I think it's in your head; nandrolone does not cause back pumps that are debilitating that I'm aware of. Especially not at a dose as low as 600MG. Maybe you have a liver issue, (from superdrol) you're interpreting as a back pump.
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So I'm probably running an equivalent blood value of 600mg of deca per week, as I just on Thursday increased to a gram and respectively
Lowered test to 250 from 500. This is all I'm running.

I came off a 4 week cycle of superdrol this last Tuesday, so I haven't taken a pill in 4 days. I did 20mg week one and 30 for 2-4wks.

Point and question for my thread is, my back pumps are so ridiculous, and I know I'm not the first one lol.

I cannot finish my workouts. Nor can I effectively hit the targeted muscles, I.e. Quads or hip extension exercises on Hamstrings to develop gluteal fold, aka RDL and back ext......the pump just dissipates all my focus to the lumbar spine.

I cannot focus because the pump just overwhelms my ability to focus on the other muscles.

I am considering just taking a good dose of taurine in my intra drink, which consists of dextrose, maltodextrin and essential and bcaa with 8g citrulline in 45-65oz of water.

Like I don't want to have to cut carbs out intra workout and sacrifice optimal recovery and training volume and energy because of this.

I'm sure some of you have found a cure,

Anyone got one?
You running any aromatase inhibitors?
Go back to your cave you troll. Clearly you've never actually engaged in use of steroids. And no dbol only cycle is not a good idea for your first one ya bish.

Now begone troll.

You are of no use to this community.

Firstly, when did I ever suggest dbol only as a cycle? You just pulled that out of your ass; Your throwing a fit, and it's clearly because your struggling dealing with these back pumps... So I forgive you.

Secondly, I again seriously doubt you are handicapped that severely from 600MG of nandrolone. Get a blood test, maybe something is wrong with your liver or kidneys from your superdrol cycle. Otherwise, this is in your head man. Push through.
I remember watching a bodybuilder steroid book back in the 90s from a steroid dealer and the max dose cycles was 500mg deca per week for an advanced cycle. Of course with other compounds in it like winny-test so on and so forth
How often are you getting adjusted at the chiropractor? How often are you having massage work done on your glutes and psoas? These would be the first things I would go after.

If I'm not getting massage work done on those at least bi weekly, my low back is a mess
It's the superdrol.
It's pretty common for methylated orals to produce sides like backpumps, heartburn and elevated BP even after you stop taking them.
I'd give it another week and re-evaluate
So I'm probably running an equivalent blood value of 600mg of deca per week, as I just on Thursday increased to a gram and respectively
Lowered test to 250 from 500. This is all I'm running.

I came off a 4 week cycle of superdrol this last Tuesday, so I haven't taken a pill in 4 days. I did 20mg week one and 30 for 2-4wks.

Point and question for my thread is, my back pumps are so ridiculous, and I know I'm not the first one lol.

I cannot finish my workouts. Nor can I effectively hit the targeted muscles, I.e. Quads or hip extension exercises on Hamstrings to develop gluteal fold, aka RDL and back ext......the pump just dissipates all my focus to the lumbar spine.

I cannot focus because the pump just overwhelms my ability to focus on the other muscles.

I am considering just taking a good dose of taurine in my intra drink, which consists of dextrose, maltodextrin and essential and bcaa with 8g citrulline in 45-65oz of water.

Like I don't want to have to cut carbs out intra workout and sacrifice optimal recovery and training volume and energy because of this.

I'm sure some of you have found a cure,

Anyone got one?
Do you use cialis by chance?
Firstly, when did I ever suggest dbol only as a cycle? You just pulled that out of your ass; Your throwing a fit, and it's clearly because your struggling dealing with these back pumps... So I forgive you.

Secondly, I again seriously doubt you are handicapped that severely from 600MG of nandrolone. Get a blood test, maybe something is wrong with your liver or kidneys from your superdrol cycle. Otherwise, this is in your head man. Push through.

How is it in my head if I literally cannot bend over.

How would you cleanse kidneys and liver did you ever run a protocol?

I know i have to be taking a toll on my body I ran Tren twice in a year and I am well aware of how unintelligent it is, but I chose to use it anyways knowing that there may be consequences.

Besides that at this point, if what you are telling me is that it may not just be, the drug itself
Causing pumps but it has to with organ function then I better damn well fix that shit yesterday.

You just gave me a kick in the ass. You know I
Thought it would just be the mineral retention from nandrolone. I thought that's how it builds tissue you know.
He may be running Anavar or Anadrol. Those are known for the painful pumps.

600mg/week deca is hardcore chit tho

Yeah brother and it's my first run, but I'm like six n a half feet and Finnnnna grow my
Frame the fuck out. My upper body has gained so much size this MONTH from the superdrol holy shit. I think I gained 15lbs of
Muscle in 5 days without even
Realizing till the next week when women
Started to look at me
Totally differently. Now it's like two weeks after that and
I'm totally okay with girls digging the new frame lol.

It could prove to be quite useful.
I remember watching a bodybuilder steroid book back in the 90s from a steroid dealer and the max dose cycles was 500mg deca per week for an advanced cycle. Of course with other compounds in it like winny-test so on and so forth

I hear you, but pros will run two grams a week to get Serious results. C'mon, were just a board. We have no idea. These guys are running bits man, full on gambits and arrays of drugs.
Esspecially countries where they're legal, like the U.K.

I'm gonna try And run gram of nandrolone till New Years. Then I wanna cruise for at least 6 weeks before I even try to consider blood work and a potential next cycle.

Cause I'll probably just try and lose some fat for a mini cut. But I'm not sure it's such a good idea to weigh 270 jacked up from 220 6 months before.
Shit I rebounded 25lbs since September started.
How often are you getting adjusted at the chiropractor? How often are you having massage work done on your glutes and psoas? These would be the first things I would go after.

If I'm not getting massage work done on those at least bi weekly, my low back is a mess

I would love that and ART. And seriously
Get some cute Thai girl to finish me off.

That'd be the quadrafecta of he gods.

But really I need ART anyways cause I just got myself into some slight ulnar nerve syndrome. Tingly but no numbness in my hand Thank god.

But I for sure need tissue work. I've sure as hell earned it.