Steroid Profile Deca Durabolin

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Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) or just "Deca" is probably the best known and most popular anabolic steroid after testosterone. What makes it so special? Why is it so widely revered? While most love it, why do some people disfavor it?

@Bill Roberts discusses in this popular steroid profile written for MESO-Rx. Please share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences regarding Deca.

Hey so who has any exponent experience with Deca as it relates to rebuilding rejuvenating joints I’ve been through orthopedic hell and was attracted to HGH for this I know Anabar can help with tendons and stuff sometimes budeca seems the best,
I’m gonna run a TRT dose of test E (200-250) with 4ius EOD of optitropin. I was looking for a kick starter bulker but deca is interesting Because of the joint help
What are you guys think 10200 mg data on top of the HEH and test?
Hey so who has any exponent experience with Deca as it relates to rebuilding rejuvenating joints I’ve been through orthopedic hell and was attracted to HGH for this I know Anabar can help with tendons and stuff sometimes budeca seems the best,
I’m gonna run a TRT dose of test E (200-250) with 4ius EOD of optitropin. I was looking for a kick starter bulker but deca is interesting Because of the joint help
What are you guys think 10200 mg data on top of the HEH and test?
bumping because I too am adding deca for joint relief. im currently on 3iu daily of generic gh for 45 days so far and although its working for my skin/nails/sleep it hasn't done shit for my aching body yet and even caused me to re-injure by pushing myself too hard because it gives a boost to me mentally. can anyone chime in with how long it takes for deca to start working on the joints once its in my system?
I never got joint relief from Deca. Only dbol.
well thats strange. all the literature suggests nandrolone is good for the joints, and a quick search turned up tons of anecdotes about dbol causing joint pain. we all truly respond differently huh? I'll have my hands on a 300/ml vial of deca on Monday, and figured id start with 75mg a week along with my 175 trt. Praying for instant relief but these things take time.
Deca better left alone cuz bicycle riders once you crash your bike (come off/pct time) you are gonna make it hard for yourself. Unfortunately it's one of the most available and popular steroids, so guys just naturally think deca as big gains and don't care about the consequences much. Younger ones especially.
Deca better left alone cuz bicycle riders once you crash your bike (come off/pct time) you are gonna make it hard for yourself. Unfortunately it's one of the most available and popular steroids, so guys just naturally think deca as big gains and don't care about the consequences much. Younger ones especially.
What you mean. I don't get what your saying here
What you mean. I don't get what your saying here
Basically the guys that cycle and then pct and I think they shouldn't do deca.

Here's why: deca is a long decanoate ester (~14-15 days half life), now say someone took deca at 600mg for 12 weeks with frontload like it's popular in forums.

Long half life means long clearance of the drug, so 14-15 days later in this case we still have 300mg and a month later we still have 150mg and after month and a half still 75mg and on...

See deca is suppressive even at small dosages, so your planned pct therefore must be 8-10 weeks after stopping this drug, which makes it inconvenient and hard to recover for cycle & pct guys, especially newbies.
Basically the guys that cycle and then pct and I think they shouldn't do deca.

Here's why: deca is a long decanoate ester (~14-15 days half life), now say someone took deca at 600mg for 12 weeks with frontload like it's popular in forums.

Long half life means long clearance of the drug, so 14-15 days later in this case we still have 300mg and a month later we still have 150mg and after month and a half still 75mg and on...

See deca is suppressive even at small dosages, so your planned pct therefore must be 8-10 weeks after stopping this drug, which makes it inconvenient and hard to recover for cycle & pct guys, especially newbies.
There's always NPP for a shorter ester nandrolone.

Still doesn't change potential larger issues getting HPTA back on line after 19-nor usage compared to other AAS from what I understand.

I believe all the 19-nors would make it much more challenging to restore endogenous T production, regardless of the PCT protocol used.

Agree with you that deca (and other 19-nors) are probably best avoided for anyone cycling gear.
well thats strange. all the literature suggests nandrolone is good for the joints, and a quick search turned up tons of anecdotes about dbol causing joint pain. we all truly respond differently huh? I'll have my hands on a 300/ml vial of deca on Monday, and figured id start with 75mg a week along with my 175 trt. Praying for instant relief but these things take time.

It helps my joints a lot, nandrolone is by far my fav PED. It takes a while tho, deca is a long ester, takes longer to kick in then other PEDs
It helps my joints a lot, nandrolone is by far my fav PED. It takes a while tho, deca is a long ester, takes longer to kick in then other PEDs
thanks for the info. I was hoping there would be some quick relief with deca so I dont have to take it easy. Perhaps I should have gone with NPP. Either way, just going to have to tough it out for a few weeks and hope the hgh and deca provide some synergistic relief in the long run. Sometimes I feel like the HGH made things worse with the joints but could be my imagination.
Clinic talked me into deca over anavar. Beside learning to not waste my money at a clinic for any reason than legally being on tons of test, I learned I have the worst fucking reactions to deca and the hell that is coming off of it. This shit rocked me mentally.

I hated myself and everyone, I wanted to fuck everyone, I wanted to cry, if my girl wasn't getting dicked daily she wouldn't have dealt with my ass, I thought she was cheating on me with this bone skinny queer dude at work who cant even maintain eye contact. Not to mention the headaches. I only took it for 7 weeks because of the sides, I have no idea how guys with sides put up with this shit for a whole cycle.

I wish I was exagerating this but I never plan to touch this shit again. the gains were so minimal for the amount of bullshit my head went through.
Clinic talked me into deca over anavar. Beside learning to not waste my money at a clinic for any reason than legally being on tons of test, I learned I have the worst fucking reactions to deca and the hell that is coming off of it. This shit rocked me mentally.

I hated myself and everyone, I wanted to fuck everyone, I wanted to cry, if my girl wasn't getting dicked daily she wouldn't have dealt with my ass, I thought she was cheating on me with this bone skinny queer dude at work who cant even maintain eye contact. Not to mention the headaches. I only took it for 7 weeks because of the sides, I have no idea how guys with sides put up with this shit for a whole cycle.

I wish I was exagerating this but I never plan to touch this shit again. the gains were so minimal for the amount of bullshit my head went through.
It's crazy how it effects people different. I had simular experience. It'd been a year I was gonna try it again and see if any different lol
It's crazy how it effects people different. I had simular experience. It'd been a year I was gonna try it again and see if any different lol
Don't, if you got bad reaction chances are your body is gonna hate you for doing this again. If you really wish to "try it again" do npp, but in my experience if you don't get along with 19nors first time then you never will. Take it as you want, I dislike 19nors and so does my body I never enjoyed any of them no matter how low dose I did and how different I approached it. After years of playing around, I know I do good on testosterone and it's closest derivatives and only some dhts.
Please mention or make note of the safety profile for Deca.

The joint "lubricating" effects are attributed to the LARGE increase in collagen production this compound promotes.


You should be EXPECTING this to be quite harsh on the development of plaque, especially at middle ages and older.

Please keep this in mind. If you come from a family with a history of blood clots, heart attacks, or other cardiovascular disease, this drug WILL push you closer to the development of these issues QUICKER than most any other steroid at the typicall "bodybuilding" doses. I would keep STRONGLY reccomend keeping this compound in the 200-450mg range and treat is as an accessory compound and not the compound you are relying on heavily for mass should you be prone to cardiovascular diseases.

No steroid comes for FREE and this is one of Deca's BIGGEST downsides second to the proported neuro-toxicity of 19-NOR compounds.
Please mention or make note of the safety profile for Deca.

The joint "lubricating" effects are attributed to the LARGE increase in collagen production this compound promotes.


You should be EXPECTING this to be quite harsh on the development of plaque, especially at middle ages and older.

Please keep this in mind. If you come from a family with a history of blood clots, heart attacks, or other cardiovascular disease, this drug WILL push you closer to the development of these issues QUICKER than most any other steroid at the typicall "bodybuilding" doses. I would keep STRONGLY reccomend keeping this compound in the 200-450mg range and treat is as an accessory compound and not the compound you are relying on heavily for mass should you be prone to cardiovascular diseases.

No steroid comes for FREE and this is one of Deca's BIGGEST downsides second to the proported neuro-toxicity of 19-NOR compounds.
Hmm, last spring I suffered a knee injury and added Deca and Hgh to my Trt dose to help heal.

After a month or so, my calf swelled even more. Woke up one morning, ran out breath trying to tie shoes. At ER, found out I had a blood clot from ankle to groin and a piece had traveled to my lungs.

I'm only 50, no family history, great labs to this point.
Please mention or make note of the safety profile for Deca.

The joint "lubricating" effects are attributed to the LARGE increase in collagen production this compound promotes.


You should be EXPECTING this to be quite harsh on the development of plaque, especially at middle ages and older.

Please keep this in mind. If you come from a family with a history of blood clots, heart attacks, or other cardiovascular disease, this drug WILL push you closer to the development of these issues QUICKER than most any other steroid at the typicall "bodybuilding" doses. I would keep STRONGLY reccomend keeping this compound in the 200-450mg range and treat is as an accessory compound and not the compound you are relying on heavily for mass should you be prone to cardiovascular diseases.

No steroid comes for FREE and this is one of Deca's BIGGEST downsides second to the proported neuro-toxicity of 19-NOR compounds.
That’s scary!

I used to use a lot of nandrolone cause I was always worried about my hair. But the more I read it seems to be harsh on vascular endothelial cells and the heart.
@Type-IIx any thoughts on this toxic aspect of nandrolone? There’s that infamous study that showed the compound to be 11x more damaging on the vascular endothelial cells than testosterone (study was on rats though)…
Deca is a must have in each bulking cycle. Strength gains are serious, also makes you look full. But when on a bulk, eating much carbs and water retention makes you fluffy after few weeks. It can be done safely and reduce water retention by lowering sodium, but I know plenty of guys who did not have this issue. Also joint relief was not my case, still had my shoulders in pain o_O
That’s scary!

I used to use a lot of nandrolone cause I was always worried about my hair. But the more I read it seems to be harsh on vascular endothelial cells and the heart.
@Type-IIx any thoughts on this toxic aspect of nandrolone? There’s that infamous study that showed the compound to be 11x more damaging on the vascular endothelial cells than testosterone (study was on rats though)…
You and I (and Peter Bond) already went over this. 200mg of deca x 8 weeks yielded 5lbs (study) & thread.