
Well-known Member
Has anyone else experienced what feels like constant indigestion with Deca? Eat, indigestion. Drink, indigestion. Scratch my ass, indigestion. It's beginning to get really annoying.

Using a relatively low dose. Less than 500 mg/week. The last week and a half has been the most noticeable. If i did the math correctly, i'm in week 15.
I get it real bad. I dummy tums but Tums can only help so much. Haven’t really been able to find away around it, it fuckin blows
Yep. NPP does it to me too. So does Tren. Might be 19 nor thing...who knows...

That was what led me to think it was the Deca. After reading so much about Tren and indigestion i figured they're both 19-nors. Makes sense. Just glad i don't have acid reflux to accompany it.
I mix up 5g of L-Glutamine in a glass of water and sipped it while i was on tren. I also had to switch to a bunch of small meals instead of 5 or 6 big meals so I basically had to munch constantly but had to be careful not to get too full or indigestion hit.
No experience with the indigestion, but if you have to take tums for the rest of your cycle get the chewy tums, I like very cherry.
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Famotadine every 12 hours would be a good option as well. very little drug interaction compared to the PPIs(Prilosec, prevacid, etc)
That was what led me to think it was the Deca. After reading so much about Tren and indigestion i figured they're both 19-nors. Makes sense. Just glad i don't have acid reflux to accompany it.
Tren makes me shit 3 to 4 times a day. It's a literal pain in the ass! I rub my asshole raw on a cycle of Tren.
Another one for glutamine.
Npp and deca give me good heartburn that I normally don't get. Glutamine is a life saver.
When you say indigestion do you have stomach pain, heart burn, or what?

Tren gives me that sometimes(heartburn) I always walk around with tums or Zantac.
When you say indigestion do you have stomach pain, heart burn, or what?

Tren gives me that sometimes(heartburn) I always walk around with tums or Zantac.

Gas. Insane amounts of gas that will sometimes cause heart palpitations if it gets stuck in the wrong spot until i can burp and/or fart it out.