Deca/NPP vs High Test for lean tissue gains?


New Member
Assuming that someone is only interested in retained lean tissue gain, after a 20 week cycle, what is the rough equivalent of a 200 Test, 300 Deca Cycle; but running Test only. 800mg Test?

I understand that Deca/NPP comes with lots of other benefits/sides compared to a large cycle of test only. My question only concerns retained lean tissue gains after a 20 week cycle.

Test is great but nandrolone is awesome. With high test you introduce having to also balance your estrogen, or deal with high estrogen symptoms. I don’t really get any side effects from nandrolone, but YMMV and all that.
Yeah id say thats a pretty accurate guess. Deca is the best mass builder out there in my opinion but test is great for mass as well but needs to be ran high. The only issue youd run into is controlling e2 like dude said so lets say youre on an AI running 800mg of test for 20 weeks would give similar gains to 200 test and 300 deca.
Test is easier to use than Nandrolone, but Nandrolone is definitely better if you're experienced w/ estrogen management and have the ability to tune your hormones well. Its very individual, but test just doesn't seem to jive as a main anabolic for me personally (too much fluff / bloating vs quality fullness & mass).

If e2 is in check, Nandrolone can feel just fine, but if its off, the side effects mentally can be more punishing / depressing than if you were to have high e2 w/ only test. Generally I bump up nandrolone as my main anabolic, and then eventually as I need more AI my body ends up wanting more test to support the AI use and get everything optimized;

Its a tricky compound but well worth the investment, not for beginners. If you try it out, start w/ NPP, do not do DECA until youve had a good run w/ NPP.
Assuming that someone is only interested in retained lean tissue gain, after a 20 week cycle, what is the rough equivalent of a 200 Test, 300 Deca Cycle; but running Test only. 800mg Test?

I understand that Deca/NPP comes with lots of other benefits/sides compared to a large cycle of test only. My question only concerns retained lean tissue gains after a 20 week cycle.

Nothing beats High test with HGH. NOTHING.