
What is the room temperature approximately? for knowing the type of weather you use in the test

PS: Interesting test
As ever, test is best.

It would be nice if we could get a decent controlled long term study of common compounds in different oils, esters, solvents, etc. raws in refrigeration vs room temps, light exposure vs dark, etc.

I'd be willing to throw money toward a project like this, but it's a lot of trust and patience to place in someone for a shady business like this, unfortunately.

Jano is a considerable 'de-shading' of this business, imo.
Fuck knows what the degradation of my 4 year old test e i've been injecting is at....

Probably fucked.

Yolo. For any curious it's alpha pharma test e, they have since been wacked by law enforcement so they are gone. I kept it in a cool dark place all those years and had it over so decided to use it.

Been on it 10 weeks so far and all seems fine, did smell test to see if oil had gone rancid, no problems. No PIP or anything.
Various testosterone esters in methanol tested on verge of margin of error, both room temperature, on light, ~ 5 months and fridge, ~ 16 months.

Could you please translate this for a simpleton like me? Does it mean that you couldn't tell if there was actual degradation because the concentration you measured was within the margin of error? If yes, how wide is that margin of error?
Could you please translate this for a simpleton like me? Does it mean that you couldn't tell if there was actual degradation because the concentration you measured was within the margin of error? If yes, how wide is that margin of error?
yes, about 2%
What happens to gear that is not exposed to light at room temperature? Lets say I bought my gear one year ago and the source manufactured it 6+ before that. I'm guessing light is the main factor.
What happens to gear that is not exposed to light at room temperature? Lets say I bought my gear one year ago and the source manufactured it 6+ before that. I'm guessing light is the main factor.
The available scientific literature and my own wild guess based on the UV absorbances of anabolic steroids agrees with you in statement that light seems to be the main factor.
All medicines give the same advice when it comes to storage. Somewhere cool, dark and moisture free.

Follow those rules and your gear is probably good to go for a long time. There was a study done on expiry dates of medications and most were found to still be just as potent as they were the day of manufacture pretty much, some maybe a little potency lost.

But all ok to still use basically.

The test e i've been using said it expired 2018 and manufacatured in 2014. So I'm just gonna assume maybe 5% loss? something like that.

Not worried about it tbh as I kept it in the proper conditions.
it's a bit more complicated with oils :( ba and bb degrade by themselves, oils go rancid etc

most medications that are known to be stable well past their expiry are pills etc
it's a bit more complicated with oils :( ba and bb degrade by themselves, oils go rancid etc

most medications that are known to be stable well past their expiry are pills etc
True oils are definitely gonna be a bit different. Lets just say injecting 10 year old test isn't a great idea.

Then shit like primo seems to degrade more easily, depends heavily on the compound too I guess.

I wish a study would be done with oils. Be a great reference. Even if it was just with test.
@janoshik any idea on degradation if higher than room temp?

Specifically wondering about Test, stored at say 25-30 Celsius, for say 3 months without light. Any idea/hypothesis on the degradation there?

(I think I saw a study a while ago on little degradation after months up to 50 Celsius but I can't find it)