desire to have children

Guys I need your help - I'm currently on TRT and we're trying to have a baby, I'm currently taking hmg 3x a week and 3x hcg + clomid, after 8 weeks I did a spermiogram and the total sperm count is 0.3 million - Should I rather go completely out of trt and just continue with mot hmg and hcg? Thanks
If you haven't already, just go see a fertility specialist. Tackle the problem head on. No guessing, no DIY, let the experts take care of it.
My wife and I went through this as well. With my experience, spermatogenisis eventually starts happening again with the use of HCG only. I didn’t need HMG or any other compound. My little swimmers average around 7-8 million with normal shaped sperm and they are all swimming in the right direction. I take 50 units of HCG every other day. I have gotten my wife pregnant 4 times in the past 3 years, but, unfortunately, we lost the babies each time at around 14-15 weeks. It has been a sad time for us. 3 out of 4 times the child had an extra chromosome, so it was probably for the best that God took them home early. He probably saved us a lot of hard times and stress.

So, don’t get discouraged with not producing the needed amount of sperm yet and don’t stop trying. Who knows, maybe even one of your 0.3 million will make it up to where it needs to go. I’ve heard people on TRT that didn’t use HCG get their lady pregnant. You just don’t ever know. I wish you good luck with it, brother. Just keep at it. We aren’t going to stop trying. Keep tapping that ass, bro!
Hello everyone, I have decided to take everything out, trt, hcg and hmg, I will now only stay on enclomiphene - why? I think if I continue to only take HCG and HMG my levels will rise but my LH and FSH will never recover, so I think the best way is to go out with everything and not waste any time
Never used TRT before this. Doctor started me on clomid for low sperm count and the second pill gave me permanent eye floaters. I wouldn't touch clomid with a ten foot pole.

Went to rHCG 1000 IU 3x/wk rFSH 75IU/3x wk. My sperm numbers got much better but the problem was on my wifes side. She had an operation for endometriosis then six months later she went on HCG/Letrozole and got pregnant immediately.

Our kid is 90 days away. I went on test soon after we found out. I hope I can conceive again with test, low dose HCG and rFSH. Living on high dose HCG alone kind of sucks.