Dexa Results: 50 Years Old: Feel like this can't be accurate?

First off Great work! Keep it up. I take 4000mg of Omega-3 a day and that lowers my lipids but if you really want to get it under control have the Doc give you Atorvastatin Calcium 10mg a day or Ezetimibe 10mg a day. I have experimented with them both and the Atorvastatin works the best. In fact only one dose before your blood test will lower your levels over a 100 points. Well,at least it did in my experiments. Also,

What is your rationale for doing OMAD? Do you think having all your daily calories in one sitting will make you healthier?
I have the same question.
. OMAD is easy for me so that was the thought process.

If you're on a sufficient dose of GLP-1 agonists, it should be difficult to get an adequate amount of protein in one meal. There's also the fact that a 25g bolus of protein early in the day triggers mTOR which will blunt catabolism.


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