DHT benefits

I, for one, would really like to know why @ksm2 went to extraordinary lengths to remove these references and obfuscate its source.... But hey, probably just shits and giggles.

Actually i found it in some other steroid forum, just copied from there. I only found later the original area1255 source.
Actually i found it in some other steroid forum, just copied from there. I only found later the original area1255 source.
Telephone, then. I believe ya!

This comes from a certainly interesting, kinda weird, schizoid-looking blogspot source, "


Area-1255; a blog tackling the latest issues in the Internet 'Underground', we also write & publish guides on Computer Security topics, and we have a few different contributors who post some of their favorite achievements. Enjoy."

And it's got some strange shit... This article itself is totally disorganized and rife with conjecture rather than logic. It actually strongly reminds me of something from a guy who posts here regularly.

But I can do something with some of the references, e.g. this is interesting:

Foradori, C. D., Werner, S. B., Sandau, U. S., Clapp, T. R., & Handa, R. J. (2007). Activation of the androgen receptor alters the intracellular calcium response to glutamate in primary hippocampal neurons and modulates sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 transcription. Neuroscience, 149(1), 155–164. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2007.06.054

But not with respect to cognitive effects, but rather potentially to motoneurons (i.e., strength; cortical excitability, etc.)
But I can do something with some of the references, e.g. this is interesting:

Pretty sure no one would complain if you did a 2024 version of DHT benefits. :)

Especially things like prostate growth and hair loss not being fully DHT related would help to give DHT a better reputation.

I think another interesting topic would be why DHT esters never got popular in the bodybuilding scene.
Just listened a podcast with Dr Adam Hotchkiss and he was saying how important DHT is for males and specifically those who body build. He's opposed in using finasteride or dutasteride and he's not the only one, i've heard plenty of guys saying the same thing. The only one i know who's into using 5-AR inhibitors is Dr Todd Lee and here's the paradox..he's taking dutasteride while on 2,5gr masteron/week. Not a doctor (or a gear guru) i would trust lol
Stay tuned for the unique effects of AAS featuring good ollllll' testosterone, and how it supplants male sexual function via 5AR (to DHT) & aromatase (to E2).
Stay tuned for the unique effects of AAS featuring good ollllll' testosterone, and how it supplants male sexual function via 5AR (to DHT) & aromatase (to E2).

Can't wait for you to write black on white that DHT and e2 conversions happen majoritarily when testosterone is applied to the skin (the main reservoir for these enzymes).

If you need any experience feedback for your write up you can PM me ;)
Just listened a podcast with Dr Adam Hotchkiss and he was saying how important DHT is for males and specifically those who body build. He's opposed in using finasteride or dutasteride and he's not the only one, i've heard plenty of guys saying the same thing. The only one i know who's into using 5-AR inhibitors is Dr Todd Lee and here's the paradox..he's taking dutasteride while on 2,5gr masteron/week. Not a doctor (or a gear guru) i would trust lol

I wouldn't trust anyone who claims DHT is not the primary cause of male pattern balding or BPH. It's on the level of flat-Earther claims.

Yes, it's also crucial for other, positive effects. Crash DHT and depression follows.

None of this is groundbreaking news. Why someone would feel the need to remove the "stigma" of DHT by lying about its role in hair loss and prostate enlargement is weird.

I haven't seen advocating to eliminate DHT. Just like estrogen, it's bad for levels to be too low or high.
Problem is that finasteride also does much more than just inhibit 70%+ of DHT, it also inhibits many neurosteroids.

Best to stay away and find different paths to treat hairloss like transplants.
Problem is that finasteride also does much more than just inhibit 70%+ of DHT, it also inhibits many neurosteroids.

Yes, you are right

Best to stay away and find different paths to treat hairloss like transplants.

But this is not gonna work without finasteride. For me it's a waste of money if you do transplant without taking finasteride for the rest of your life because your previously "safe" hair is gonna start falling again and you'll left with the stronger hair you took from the back of your scalp.

So take a breath and consider the options. I'm doing some stuff to prevent further hair loss without finasteride or dutasteride and although Turkey is next to me i won't spend a dime on it since i'm not willing to start these medications. I have accepted though sooner or later i'll shave my head entirely and i'm ok with that.
Yes, you are right

But this is not gonna work without finasteride. For me it's a waste of money if you do transplant without taking finasteride for the rest of your life because your previously "safe" hair is gonna start falling again and you'll left with the stronger hair you took from the back of your scalp.

So take a breath and consider the options. I'm doing some stuff to prevent further hair loss without finasteride or dutasteride and although Turkey is next to me i won't spend a dime on it since i'm not willing to start these medications. I have accepted though sooner or later i'll shave my head entirely and i'm ok with that.

5mg oral Minoxidil works in 99% of users to regrow hair without the need to use poisonous DHT blockers.

Yes there is a study about this
No I won't link it to you, Google it
5mg oral Minoxidil works in 99% of users to regrow hair without the need to use poisonous DHT blockers.

Yes there is a study about this
No I won't link it to you, Google it

Completely wrong. Minoxidil does not stop hair follicle stem cells, the source of hair growth, from being destroyed by DHT. It only makes existing follicles more productive. No competent hair transplant doctor will perform a transplant without the patient agreeing to use finasteride.
Yes, you are right

But this is not gonna work without finasteride. For me it's a waste of money if you do transplant without taking finasteride for the rest of your life because your previously "safe" hair is gonna start falling again and you'll left with the stronger hair you took from the back of your scalp.

So take a breath and consider the options. I'm doing some stuff to prevent further hair loss without finasteride or dutasteride and although Turkey is next to me i won't spend a dime on it since i'm not willing to start these medications. I have accepted though sooner or later i'll shave my head entirely and i'm ok with that.

First of all most people use finasteride without ANY side effects. The hysteria and nonsense about this topic is going to cost men their hair, unnecessarily.

Too much finasteride will cause sides, which will reverse after stopping, or lowering the dose. It won't "break" anything. That's unsubstantiated nonsense.

The best path is to simple try a microdose.

A hair transplant will be a DISASTER without finasteride, as the DHT sensitive hair will continue to miniaturize (that's the process of DHT hair destruction), and you'll be left with patches.

The bottom line is that the vast majority of men can use finasteride to protect their hair, without side effects. If they get sides. stopping. of lowering the dose reverses them. Leave finasteride out of the picture, and you'll lose your hair, sooner or later, and if you get a hair transplant, which generally don't look that great, you'll have to go in finasteride, which is quite ironic, since you. could've saved your hair to begin with.
Problem is that finasteride also does much more than just inhibit 70%+ of DHT, it also inhibits many neurosteroids.

Best to stay away and find different paths to treat hairloss like transplants.

The amount of disinformation here in this topic is unbelievable. Hair transplants rely on the optical illusion of a small number of hairs being used to hide the massive number lost to hair loss.

Without finasteride, the DHT sensitive hair follicles will continue to be destroyed, so continuing loss will be in patches, which looks awful. No competent hair transplant surgeon will offer surgery without the patient using finasteride.
The amount of disinformation here in this topic is unbelievable. Hair transplants rely on the optical illusion of a small number of hairs being used to hide the massive number lost to hair loss.

Without finasteride, the DHT sensitive hair follicles will continue to be destroyed, so continuing loss will be in patches, which looks awful. No competent hair transplant surgeon will offer surgery without the patient using finasteride.
That's simply not true. There are plenty of renowned doctors doing hair transplants without requiring Finasteride. If someone does not take Finasteride and their hair loss continues, getting multiple hair transplants is a viable option. You just have to plan ahead and not use too much donor hair.
That's simply not true. There are plenty of renowned doctors doing hair transplants without requiring Finasteride. If someone does not take Finasteride and their hair loss continues, getting multiple hair transplants is a viable option. You just have to plan ahead and not use too much donor hair.

No, you're wrong. I've spent years studying this and consulted with top hair replacement surgeons. You do not have enough donor hair to replace continuing loss, and again, DHT sensitive hair is now mixed in with donor hair, so the loss happens in patches, not natural male pattern balding, and looks far worse than the natural thinning process.

Guys if you care about your hair, dig into this or set up a video consultation with a transplant doc. Do not listen to this nonsense. You have to stabilize your loss by addressing the root cause, DHT sensitive follicles. It can be done without the risk of sides by keeping the dose very low.

This shit is like listening to someone insist a little baking soda in water will cure their cancer.
No, you're wrong. I've spent years studying this and consulted with top hair replacement surgeons. You do not have enough donor hair to replace continuing loss, and again, DHT sensitive hair is now mixed in with donor hair, so the loss happens in patches, not natural male pattern balding, and looks far worse than the natural thinning process.

Guys if you care about your hair, dig into this or set up a video consultation with a transplant doc. Do not listen to this nonsense. You have to stabilize your loss by addressing the root cause, DHT sensitive follicles. It can be done without the risk of sides by keeping the dose very low.

This shit is like listening to someone insist a little baking soda in water will cure their cancer.
I'd say having a hairline with thinning behind looks better than having no hairline in most cases, it depends on your hair loss pattern. Also, of course it's possible for some to have enough donor hair to replace continuing loss. Some people have way more donor hair than others. You talk like everyone will be a Norwood 7. Some people only have strong receding corners and for those, a hair transplant without Finasteride can work. You're thinking too black and white, there's nuance to this.