Re: Diagnosed with empty sella syndrome,Low T,high prolactin can I restart and stop t
I`m not really sure what your best course of action is right now. Have to think about it. How far are you willing to go in taking responsibility for your own treatment?
I can guarantee you that printing out these research articles and suggesting that he look at them isnt going to get you anywhere.
Thanks Zkt for your reply, I too am having difficulty knowing just which way to turn, needless to say until I address whatever is making me feel so unwell things will only get worse psychologically and physically. Just feel really let down by the caring profession at the moment.
I AM WILLING to do whatever it takes to get on top of this, So yes I would look at treating myself, just difficult for bloods and knowing whether I'm doing the right thing etc.. I would not want to make myself worse and have my Doc or Endo wash their hands of me and not support me because I acted under my own steam. Especially as it's most likely this PRL thing that is causing my problems..
I also believe that you are right when you say the Endo will most likely ignore any research I present him with.
Help me to understand...empty sella means that your pituitary is either gone, shrunk, or otherwise atrophied and not optimal. So, I dont think you can restart, seeing as your "engine" doesnt fire properly. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and I admit I havent read all the posts....but do you have low LH anf FSH? If so, the only thing other than TRT would be replacing those hormones...but its much more expensive than trt....
The pituitary may be damaged or compressed, BUT 3 years ago before this all started I lived 34 years of fantastic health without empty Sella. I know this not because of earlier MRI's (I have never had one before getting ill) But I know that on a flight during approach I suffered a severe pain in the centre of my head and I really thought I was having a stroke. Strange sensations/ noises inside my head..This lasted for the remainder of the day. Ever since then I have suffered these symptoms. It's got to have been a trauma on that day.. Maybe I had a weakness in my skull since birth? But I know I was fine before this event.. I have children and had my daughter 4 years ago.
/since this incident My LH and FSH were low but not missing. My TSH was highish but subclinical I have passed a short Synacthen test and I guess that growth hormone has been tested by the endo.
My Prolactin is high, so whether caused by a microprolactinoma or be being slightly Hypothyroid (Still disputed by my GP/Endo) This High PRL would most likely cause a Low LH and FSH. These hormones may well be ok? If I can get my PRL down. TRT for me is really a last resort. Despite being the first thing my Endo put me on!! Aargh. Now I need to get back to feeling normal and getting my prolactin down and getting off TRT.
@ Dr Scally ,
Please could you give your opinion on what I should ask of my Endo, How can I best get off TRT and recover my HPTA, lower prolactin and in which order should I approach this? Seems like too many factors at play for me to use common sense.
Can this be done by just stopping TRT and taking Cabergoline ? Will my body recover if it is PRL causing this? Because my body will have NO Testosterone not just low like it was before the TRT. How long is this likely to take me. I know this is not ideal but I don't know what approach my Endo will take and because I know this one consultation with him is absolutely critical. The 10 minutes I get decide what happens and I need him to start a plan of action now. It takes at least 4 months between appointments to see him and I don't want to be told blah blah come back in 6 months etc.
Would really appreciate a basic flow chart in the order of treatment and what I should be doing or looking at to get better as quickly and painlessly as possible.
What they don't understand is that this is only a 10 minute conversation for them. But for me it's starting to feel a life sentence. Not to mention a lack lustre sex life (twice in a year) because of the way I'm feeling, My poor wife and kids have the patience of a saint and I feel like I am becoming a burden to them.
Please guys I need as much of your good advice as I can get.
Thanks for all the effort and time taken to post so far. It means alot and I hope to pay it back some day for others in need.