Difference between 500mg and 750mg Test E


New Member
Other than the amount of oil used, what are some differences in running 500mg vs. 750mg test e pw? Namely sides, gains, mood, etc?

Help an inexperienced guy out :)
I find that 750 test is my sweet spot. I haven't noticed any worse sides than on 500. Mood is about the same, really.

The gains are substantially better, though. I'm going to run 1000mg not next cycle but the one after to see how that works out since I liked 750 so much.
Depends on the person. For me I get more gains and more sides lol. It becomes a pain to control the sides and I get prostate issues above 500mg without being strict with an ai so I prefer to add a anabolic rather than increasing test. That being said though, higher test does a lot for body fat loss & muscle gain, it's just the prostate and bloating (which one can control) that bothers me, otherwise I'd run a gram most times.
For me atleast there is a difference between 500-750 and its bloat and acne .. no difference in strength .. FOR ME if I was going to run 750 instead I would run over a gram because the acne and bloat come either way at 750 or over 1g .. and the strength difference from 750 - 1g + Is retarded
If you can handle tren you run low dose test and tren.. if u can't handle tren you run 1g+ test and throw in mild orals .. that's my opinion based on my exp
There is a difference. Some like @Test_Subject find 750 to be a sweet spot, some will have noticeable strength increases, and some will have sides acne gyno flare ups if estrogen isn't in check. Like @SauceBoss said a gram or more of test you will notice for sure.
How is it any tougher of a PCT? Shutdown is shutdown.

Higher doses are more suppressive.

MENT is more suppressive than Testosterone. Etc

Don't need as heavy as PCT coming off lower dose less supressive cycles. I disagree with universal dosages and lengths for PCT with SERMs
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Higher doses are more suppressive.

MENT is more suppressive than Testosterone. Etc

Don't need as heavy as PCT coming off lower dose less supressive cycles. I disagree with universal dosages and lengths for PCT with SERMs
Interesting topic. If my lh and fsh are both practically zero on A) 500mg, and B) 750mg, how would the two scenarios be any different? In other words, how would there be a difference in the degree to which I am shut down?
Interesting topic. If my lh and fsh are both practically zero on A) 500mg, and B) 750mg, how would the two scenarios be any different? In other words, how would there be a difference in the degree to which I am shut down?

I don't think there'd be much difference if both those doses
shut you down completely. The difference in recovery time due to the extra quarter gram would be neglible. The nominal extra time it would take would be based on how long quarter gram more of gear takes to clear out.

He's right when he says shutdown is shutdown at those doses, but it's not a universal notion. I'm going on a tangent saying you need less PCT for example, a 6 week Anavar only cycle (which I've done, with good results, but is a supremely stupid thing to do if you believe what you read online) vs. 500mg Test for 8+ weeks. but that's not really what you're talking about. I think people run way too high SERM doses and they should keep it in mind when deciding on length and strength of PCT.

I've run 125mg Test cyp a week and my FSH and LH must not get as slammed as when I'm on 350mg because on the former my balls stay near normal for up to 8-10 weeks while on latter they shrink noticeably after a few weeks. Of course I don't have blood work to backup my claims.
How is it any tougher of a PCT? Shutdown is shutdown.
I disagree. Yes, shutdown is shutdown but think about it this way. If you run 1500mg of testosterone on one cycle and only run 500mg on the next cycle, you won't see nearly the same results. When you take a high dose of steroids your body adapts to that. The body becomes homeostatic with that massive load of hormones. The high levels of hormones become the new normal, the new standard. So once your body adapts and adjusts to that 1500mg of testosterone being the new normal, once you go back down to regular human levels of testosterone the body feels like it has low T. Personally I believe once our body's become use to massive doses of steroids for extended periods of time, even if you're able to return to the upper range of endogenous test levels, you will still experience symptoms of low T. If you walk around for 6 months with 8500ng/dl test levels and then go back to 850ng/dl you're not going to feel like a high test male anymore. Your body wants superhuman levels of test now and at that point 850ng/dl (which is high for natural levels) is low T to your body.