Digestion, stomach and gut health


For the last months i m blasting high Trest, Primo and HGH and i m getting some stomach issues.
Digestion of the food is slow and i m not hungry most of the time.
Every time i eat something my gut gets abnormally big, which stays like this during the day. But when i wake up in the morning its in normal size.
During night time im getting heartburn and sometimes i wake up puking some kind of fluid.

Any ideas on how to improve gut and stomach health and deal with those issues?
Acid reflux is always caused by an acid deficiency.

Acid deficiency -> food bolus doesn't get properly dissolved -> gastric flap valve doesn't close -> acid comes back up
Sorry I’ll rephrase. Used acid reflux as a blanket statement for gastric issues. Heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, etc. In my case was caused by gastric flap not closing (not due to lack of acid but due to a weakened flap), as well as stomach ulcers. After taking betaine and acv, I further damaged my lining and made the ulcers much worse
Sorry I’ll rephrase. Used acid reflux as a blanket statement for gastric issues. Heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, etc. In my case was caused by gastric flap not closing (not due to lack of acid but due to a weakened flap), as well as stomach ulcers. After taking betaine and acv, I further damaged my lining and made the ulcers much worse

And what solved your issues ?
Since adding a glass of kefir, and a glass of yoghurt + 15g psyllium husk i can literally digest everything i previously had problems with. Lactose and gluten no problem at all now, and i never get bloated or gassy.

Probiotics + prebiotics combo is amazing. And from real food, not pills.

I stay away from Betaine HCL, it fucked my stomach pH up.
Since adding a glass of kefir, and a glass of yoghurt + 15g psyllium husk i can literally digest everything i previously had problems with. Lactose and gluten no problem at all now, and i never get bloated or gassy.

Probiotics + prebiotics combo is amazing. And from real food, not pills.

I stay away from Betaine HCL, it fucked my stomach pH up.


The yoghurt and psyllium have to be taken together ?
Not very reliable, but your gastroenterologist wouldn't know as doctors don't question much of what they learn.
This board is really blessed to have such a knowledgable medical doctor such as yourself here able to diagnose members without viewing their endoscopies, results of antibiotic treatments, stool samples, or bloodwork and discount other medical doctors with tens of years of experience. Thank you for your service

(In case your brain isn’t processing this as well, that was sarcasm)

The yoghurt and psyllium have to be taken together ?
Psyllium itself had huge benefits for me in terms of digestion. But the yoghurt and kefir add-on was a game changer. I can eat anything now. By the way i started out using 15g psyllium in my morning shake and 15g in my night shake, some say it's excessive, but it completely fixed my bowel movement. I am already eating a lot of fiber from whole foods before that.
Tren will mess with digestion the most for me Nothing like being in the gym locker and everyone scramble out like ants after you let a silent one rip..... And you try your hardest not to laugh but people are gagging with shirts covering their mouth and nose
Psyllium itself had huge benefits for me in terms of digestion. But the yoghurt and kefir add-on was a game changer. I can eat anything now. By the way i started out using 15g psyllium in my morning shake and 15g in my night shake, some say it's excessive, but it completely fixed my bowel movement. I am already eating a lot of fiber from whole foods before that.

Do you take the psyllium at the same time as the yoghurt ? In the yoghurt ?