Digestive enzymes


New Member
I'm going to bulk soon and I was wondering about taking some digestive enzymes to support high calories.
Last time I aimed to 4000kal against my regular 3000kal diet but after 2 weeks at 3800kal I felt heavy and couldn't eat more.
Any experiences about enzymes and digestion? Thanks
You ramped up to those calories and didn't just add 33% more food to your diet as it takes the body time to upregulate. But for my bulks when i was eating 6000+ calories a day i took enzymes with every meal.
You ramped up to those calories and didn't just add 33% more food to your diet as it takes the body time to upregulate. But for my bulks when i was eating 6000+ calories a day i took enzymes with every meal.
is there anything you take to increase the appetite? (except for hormones)
is there anything you take to increase the appetite? (except for hormones)
I am old school. I just chewed and swallowed never worried about how i felt. Force feeding is not fun i just dealt with it. Dieting feel better. But that time comes around too.