Dipping my toes in the home brew pool. Couple of newb questions.

I'm by no mean a vet or very experienced

Use Syringe filters with luer lock attachment
I do not do large batches since it's always for personal use and my cycles are moderate

In MCT oil, 0,22um/33mm syringe filters easily pass 60ml, which is as much as I have ever filtered/brewed in one sitting.
Have done all in GSO or MCT with 18/1,5-2% and brew at 200-300mg/ml. Also have EO on hand, but have not seen the need to do anything more advanced in carrier oils since all brews easily holds even in at fridge temps

For vials, I bought 30ml vials of saline water at the farmacy, drew out the content, injected/flushed them with a few ml's of BA, withdrew the BA again and was left with sterile vials

Later I have purchased vials, stoppers crimpers and a crimper tool, and get a friend to autoclave and vacuum pack them for me