Dirts Brew log

Im gonna tell you what I have finally found the absolute best way to make TNE 100.. @kain was the one who found it and shared it with me.. Thanks big dawg.. I tweak it just a little but i mean virtually pipless everytime.. made a big batch this time!!! The recipe calls for 10%BA you would think it would hurt like hell but not at all....
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Im gonna tell you what I have finally found the absolute best way to make TNE 100.. @kain was the one who found it and shared it with me.. Thanks big dawg.. I tweak it just a little but i mean virtually pipless everytime.. made a big batch this time!!! The recipe calls for 10%BA you would think it would hurt like hell but not at all....
Only 10%BA...? ....made with GSO I guess...

I thought you mean 10%BB...

What's the rest of the recipe I'm also planning on doing the same.
Hey Guys, I have decided to start brewing my own gear from here on out. I like the idea of being able to store raw powder for 10 years, or longer some say. I wanted to start this thread so maybe i can get some input as i go along and maybe help someone that reads it in the future. Over the next few weeks I will be brewing a small stock of things. I will be starting with 100ml of Test C 300mg/ml.
Test-C 300mg/ml
MCT 60/40 C-8,C-10
BB 26%, BA 2%
I have not tested my raw powder, but will send off finished sample. I plan on calculating a 6-8% overdose. If it comes out a little over or under it will be ok. I am using sealed sterile vials and the caulking gun method with the IV hose. What i have figured so far is that i want to mix the mct, BB and powder for about an hour at just below but not at the melting point. Slowly reduce the heat while adding the BA to mix for about 15 minutes. let cool to about 100 and filter.( in a nut shell)
Brew #2 will be Mast E at either 300 or 400 mg/ml
Dirt, from this first post and first brew, what would you say you've changed in your brewing? Like less heat more heat? Different methods of sterilization?
Im gonna tell you what I have finally found the absolute best way to make TNE 100.. @kain was the one who found it and shared it with me.. Thanks big dawg.. I tweak it just a little but i mean virtually pipless everytime.. made a big batch this time!!! The recipe calls for 10%BA you would think it would hurt like hell but not at all....
Dirt, how much do you have to manage your E2 with TNE? On the one hand its a shit ton of test. On the other hand it clears super quick. Who wins the pharmacokinetic race in your experience?
Dirt, from this first post and first brew, what would you say you've changed in your brewing? Like less heat more heat? Different methods of sterilization?
I use less heat on some things now. I use to dou le filter everything.. bottletop and then syringe filter into vials. I think that was very unnecessary. The only time I use bottle top filters now is if I make a big batch say 500ml and vial up 259 directly I to small vials with syringe filter, then filter the other 250 into media bottle for storage. Earn I fo decide to vial up the media bottle I will filter it when I vial it up. The biggest change is confidence level..
I use less heat on some things now. I use to dou le filter everything.. bottletop and then syringe filter into vials. I think that was very unnecessary. The only time I use bottle top filters now is if I make a big batch say 500ml and vial up 259 directly I to small vials with syringe filter, then filter the other 250 into media bottle for storage. Earn I fo decide to vial up the media bottle I will filter it when I vial it up. The biggest change is confidence level..
I just went through all the pages again lol. I kinda do the same. I filter once through a .45 then finish with a .22. Im taking the brews to 170f with just oil and raw and hold it there for like 20-30mins I find it keeps it from crashing, then ill add in bb hold for 5mins then drop temp to 130 and add BA.

What temps are you using now and how long? What temp do you filter at? Im using PTFE, I dont want to melt it. 130f has been so far safe but if it can go higher it would be better and faster.

Dirt, how much do you have to manage your E2 with TNE? On the one hand its a shit ton of test. On the other hand it clears super quick. Who wins the pharmacokinetic race in your experience?
me personally I do not struggle with high e2.. quite the opposite. I think type11x wrote an article on tne and e2 conversion that is science based though. I have done labs probly 10 times in the last year , there may be a little evidence that high amounts of tne may temporary spike my e2 but not anything alarming. I have had to deal with low e2 more in the last year than high..
I mean I couldn't tell you the science based facts on the matter, but if all people respond differently what good are they anyway.. Your personal experince tailored to you and the facts of your body are where it's at.. IMO
I just went through all the pages again lol. I kinda do the same. I filter once through a .45 then finish with a .22. Im taking the brews to 170f with just oil and raw and hold it there for like 20-30mins I find it keeps it from crashing, then ill add in bb hold for 5mins then drop temp to 130 and add BA.

What temps are you using now and how long? What temp do you filter at? Im using PTFE, I dont want to melt it. 130f has been so far safe but if it can go higher it would be better and faster.

Im adding to the above so it may look like a double post.

I just went through all the pages again lol. I kinda do the same. I filter once through a .45 then finish with a .22. Im taking the brews to 170f with just oil and raw and hold it there for like 20-30mins I find it keeps it from crashing, then ill add in bb hold for 5mins then drop temp to 130 and add BA.

What temps are you using now and how long? What temp do you filter at? Im using PTFE, I dont want to melt it. 130f has been so far safe but if it can go higher it would be better and faster.

Whats the highest BB you’ll use that you can safely use weekly? I want to try a blend in castor/mct but still make it thin so I was thinking using 30-35BB. Is that ok to use?

Im adding to the above so it may look like a double post.

I just went through all the pages again lol. I kinda do the same. I filter once through a .45 then finish with a .22. Im taking the brews to 170f with just oil and raw and hold it there for like 20-30mins I find it keeps it from crashing, then ill add in bb hold for 5mins then drop temp to 130 and add BA.

What temps are you using now and how long? What temp do you filter at? Im using PTFE, I dont want to melt it. 130f has been so far safe but if it can go higher it would be better and faster.

Whats the highest BB you’ll use that you can safely use weekly? I want to try a blend in castor/mct but still make it thin so I was thinking using 30-35BB. Is that ok to use?

Yes you can use 30/35BB but if you do 50/50 castor MCT I would decrease the BB. 35% BB is easily used for 100% castor, so if you make 50/50 maybe stay at 30%? Even 25% probably will be fine if it's not high concentration.
Depends on what you are brewing.

Bayer rimobolan it's 35% BB
Nebido it's 50% BB
Testoviron it's 35% BB

So no big deal using high BB.
Yes you can use 30/35BB but if you do 50/50 castor MCT I would decrease the BB. 35% BB is easily used for 100% castor, so if you make 50/50 maybe stay at 30%? Even 25% probably will be fine if it's not high concentration.
Depends on what you are brewing.

Bayer rimobolan it's 35% BB
Nebido it's 50% BB
Testoviron it's 35% BB

So no big deal using high BB.
Thanks brother! You always got me LOL. I did try it at 30bb but wanted to push it to 35bb just to see how much more thinner it may get.
Yes you can use 30/35BB but if you do 50/50 castor MCT I would decrease the BB. 35% BB is easily used for 100% castor, so if you make 50/50 maybe stay at 30%? Even 25% probably will be fine if it's not high concentration.
Depends on what you are brewing.

Bayer rimobolan it's 35% BB
Nebido it's 50% BB
Testoviron it's 35% BB

So no big deal using high BB.
How about breewing test base in castor only?

More BB and BA ?