Dirts Brew log


Hey Guys, I have decided to start brewing my own gear from here on out. I like the idea of being able to store raw powder for 10 years, or longer some say. I wanted to start this thread so maybe i can get some input as i go along and maybe help someone that reads it in the future. Over the next few weeks I will be brewing a small stock of things. I will be starting with 100ml of Test C 300mg/ml.
Test-C 300mg/ml
MCT 60/40 C-8,C-10
BB 26%, BA 2%
I have not tested my raw powder, but will send off finished sample. I plan on calculating a 6-8% overdose. If it comes out a little over or under it will be ok. I am using sealed sterile vials and the caulking gun method with the IV hose. What i have figured so far is that i want to mix the mct, BB and powder for about an hour at just below but not at the melting point. Slowly reduce the heat while adding the BA to mix for about 15 minutes. let cool to about 100 and filter.( in a nut shell)
Brew #2 will be Mast E at either 300 or 400 mg/ml
I think 1h is overkill. I heat it until it dissolves into the oil then add bb and keep it on heat for 5min. Same recipe
I think 1h is overkill. I heat it until it dissolves into the oil then add bb and keep it on heat for 5min. Same recipe
Thanks for the input.. the thing I am concerned about the most is making sure the gear is safe and sterile to use!! I have sterile what'sman .22 filters and sterile iv hose to go Into sealed sterile vials so it seems like a closed system.
Thanks for the input.. the thing I am concerned about the most is making sure the gear is safe and sterile to use!! I have sterile what'sman .22 filters and sterile iv hose to go Into sealed sterile vials so it seems like a closed system.
indeed. Make sure that the end product is not in contact with anything not sterile. No need to use heat to sterilise it.
@dirthand i am also thinking about brewing the basics myself(test&mast) if you don't mind would you inform me on the method and source for the mct oil , ba, bb etc and equipment for basically the same setup? I know it would benefit other people concerned , but i would greatly appreciate it, Also "I got my big spoon out today" lol thanks again Dirthand
@dirthand i am also thinking about brewing the basics myself(test&mast) if you don't mind would you inform me on the method and source for the mct oil , ba, bb etc and equipment for basically the same setup? I know it would benefit other people concerned , but i would greatly appreciate it, Also "I got my big spoon out today" lol thanks again Dirthand
Got oils, vials, filters from medlab supply. Beakers, cylinders, syringes, iv line, mixer at Amazon.. I probly will not use the graduated cylinders and beakers for measurements.. I will probly just use 60 and 100ml sterile syringes for all measurements. Less stuff to clean and sterilize.
Someone told me to hold off on putting in the BA till at the last cause they thought if exposed for to long will mixing the some of the ba could evaporate.. made a little sense.
Yeah I’ll always add it last when I’m reducing the heat (if needed) it does make sense, I think the evaporation temp of BA is quite low, and we use such small amounts of it aswell, especially for tren base, had to heat that to f0ck to get that to hold
Looking forward to keeping up with your molecular cuisine experiments, D.
Have you actually read through other members' posts, in the homebrew forum, or are you going on instructions given to you by people you know?
There is so much info, here.
I have been checking this section out and it is really enjoyable.
Someone told me to hold off on putting in the BA till at the last cause they thought if exposed for to long will mixing the some of the ba could evaporate.. made a little sense.
Just had a look out of interest, flash point isn’t until 194oC actually so probably not an issue unless it’s something like tren base really


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Got oils, vials, filters from medlab supply. Beakers, cylinders, syringes, iv line, mixer at Amazon.. I probly will not use the graduated cylinders and beakers for measurements.. I will probly just use 60 and 100ml sterile syringes for all measurements. Less stuff to clean and sterilize.
I get my oils from Medlab also and love that they are in 100 mL vials so drawing out with a syringe is simple and accurate and keeps from having to clean glassware used for measuring
Good technique
Carrier oil is strong enough to dissolve it at higher temp. BB is used to keep it in solution at normal temp
Surely we don’t want to be heating the hormone more than necessary ? Certainly if it’s something the BB could do with less heat, since we’re adding it anyway doesn’t it make sense to allow the BB to do its job ?

Also please don’t think I’m challenging you, or disregarding what you’re saying, I’m geniunely interested in other peoples ways and methods of brewing
Thanks for the input.. the thing I am concerned about the most is making sure the gear is safe and sterile to use!! I have sterile what'sman .22 filters and sterile iv hose to go Into sealed sterile vials so it seems like a closed system.
As mentioned by @mochul heat is not used to sterilize.
Some people do think that heat is used to sterilize. Those people are wrong lol
Be careful with your process and filtration is what sterilizes.
Heat degrades your raws so using too much heat is not a good thing. Use the heat to speed up the process of dissolving the raws in your BB and carrier oil and a warm solution will be much easier to filter, as you know. That’s the purpose of the heat. So don’t overdo with the heat it trying to sterilize. Some brews I only use the heat so I can filter easily, so very little, because it isn’t needed at all to dissolve the raws.


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