Dirts Brew log

Here’s what I saw, maybe reading it wrong? Check out my protocol on SteroidPlotter.com

If you adjust decanoate to 250mg e7d, the plots are more similar.

And chat gpt response (not saying it’s right):

Testosterone decanoate and testosterone cypionate are both forms of testosterone, but they have different half-lives and pharmacokinetics, which means they are metabolized and cleared from the body at different rates.

- **Testosterone cypionate** has a half-life of approximately 8 days.
- **Testosterone decanoate** has a longer half-life, around 15 days.

To determine an equivalent weekly dose, we need to consider the total amount of testosterone delivered over a given period.

### Example Calculation:

Assume a common weekly dose for testosterone cypionate is 200 mg per week.

#### For Testosterone Cypionate:
- Weekly dose: 200 mg

#### For Testosterone Decanoate:
Given its longer half-life, you would typically administer it less frequently, but for comparison on a weekly basis:

1. **Determine the total dose over a period equivalent to the half-life**:
- Since testosterone decanoate has a half-life of about 15 days, you might typically dose every 2 weeks (14 days).

2. **Equivalent weekly dose**:
- To find the equivalent weekly dose, you need to account for the half-life difference. If you administer 200 mg of testosterone cypionate weekly, you should maintain the same average testosterone level with testosterone decanoate.

3. **Adjust for the half-life**:
- The total dose over 14 days would be 400 mg for testosterone cypionate.

Considering the longer half-life of testosterone decanoate, a similar weekly dose might be slightly adjusted to account for its extended release. Therefore, you might use a dose close to or slightly less than 400 mg every two weeks for testosterone decanoate, translating to an equivalent weekly dose of around 200 mg, though in practical terms, it might be closer to 180-200 mg per week.

### Summary:
For practical purposes, if you're using 200 mg of testosterone cypionate weekly, you might use approximately 180-200 mg of testosterone decanoate per week to achieve a similar level of testosterone in the body.

However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to medication regimens, as individual needs can vary based on specific health conditions and responses to treatment.
im gonna come back to this when im fresh
Well manufactured the first batch tonight. Yes of coarse i screwed up a few things. First batch the stupid hot plate went from 50 degrees to 80 quick. i went ahead and mixed the hell outta it for a while but then went to thinking that it got to hot so i throught it out and started over. This time i managed the hot plate very slow. climbed it to 60 degrees and held it there for a while. inched it up to 65 and solution still didnt dissolve completely. at this point i added in the bb solvent and ill be dammed if the temperature didn't try to shoot up real quick. It never got over 70 so i figured it was a win. solution cleared added the BA drew up 50ml and started filtering. something happened and my filter came apart on the inside... maybe i had to much pressure. drew up the other 50ml and filter it just fine. so outta 200 ml and 36 grams of dope came out with 50ml of testc 300mg/ml! Really overall pretty simple process. maybe the first batch i through out would have been fine. i didnt want to chance it. @Heavy Iron i totally get what you are saying about going by sight and feel. I mean i see that the solution disolves and get clear very quickly at that just right point and no sense in going hotter past that point! Maybe a batch of test e tomorrow and then on to mast e next weekend. Thanks to all you guys for your input.
So basically you would dose 5% higher on test d then test c? If you are running 500mg weekly testc and switched to test d you'd run 525mg really not much difference. Appreciate it!
The only difference, as already mentioned, is slightly longer to saturate and higher saturation levels due to half life difference