Dirts Brew log

Terminal heat sterilization is used in pharmaceutical production facilities as a way to sterilize AMPULES and as an extra step of safety (there already sterile procedures in place in a air controlled environment). We, as homebrewers, don't have the means OR requirement to follow those procedures and after of decades of anecdotal experience a .22micron filter and a presterilized vial is enough for personal needs.

Will an additional step do anynharm? No. Is it needed? No. Should you do it? Your choice.
I’ve been trying to find where I saw the info on dry heat sterilization for glassware without much luck showing lower time for higher temp. I may have seen this from Wikipedia “and in the case of High Velocity Hot Air sterilisers, 190°C (375°F) for 6 to 12 minutes.” and overlooked the very important part about “High Velocity Air systems“, which my convection oven is not.

I guess I’ll be refiltering my last couple brews this weekend.
I’ve been trying to find where I saw the info on dry heat sterilization for glassware without much luck showing lower time for higher temp. I may have seen this from Wikipedia “and in the case of High Velocity Hot Air sterilisers, 190°C (375°F) for 6 to 12 minutes.” and overlooked the very important part about “High Velocity Air systems“, which my convection oven is not.

I guess I’ll be refiltering my last couple brews this weekend.
Dang! That sux brother.. My mother cans alot and has a huge pressure cooker.. I'm going to botmrrow it and use a propane burning turkey fryer and use it as a homemade autoclave. Should do the trick!