MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I had this ha

I had this happen a while ago. I ordered primo from another source I found on sst and injected as soon as it arrived. My delt swelled up over the next few days and eventually the pain and pressure was unbearable. I went to hospital and they lanced it and gave me an ABX IV. I thought my prep was just bad so I tried it again and wouldn’t you know the fever and infection came right back. I emailed the source letting them know what happened. I’ll never order from them again.

I’ve never had a single issue with axles gear I’ve been using it for months now and feel amazing.

Who was the other source ?
yes please share this source with the forum, i honestly don't know why people don't include said info when they post, after all this is a harm reduction forum and leaving out this source with infectious gear is mind boggling to me
yes please share this source with the forum, i honestly don't know why people don't include said info when they post, after all this is a harm reduction forum and leaving out this source with infectious gear is mind boggling to me
I know lol. It's like someone walking into the room and saying "I just saw someone we know get hit by a car" then just leaving after that lol
yes please share this source with the forum, i honestly don't know why people don't include said info when they post, after all this is a harm reduction forum and leaving out this source with infectious gear is mind boggling to me
For me it was QSC, but there's no additional infection anywhere else after injecting the same stuff again.
I’m actually going to start giving Axle another shot. With QSC I only use about half of each vial because I eventually see pieces of the rubber stopper in the oil.
Axle Labs has the best quality vials I’ve ever seen in the industry. I was actually quite surprised by their vial quality. It’s top notch.

QSC’s vials and stoppers are just outright garbage. You need to buy 10 mL vials, 10 mL syringes, and just load everything into them and transfer to the better vials.

If my bloodwork comes out good, I’m happy to pay a premium for better vials, labeling and filtering so I don’t accidentally take Tren and have sex with Senior citizens… no matter how fine somebody’s grandma looks.

This isn’t an endorsement of Axle Labs or any swearing off of other sources like QSC whom I’ll still buy from sometimes. I just like to keep my options open and not put all my eggs in one basket. And at this time, Axle’s gear is exactly what I need.
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Axle Labs has the best quality vials I’ve ever seen in the industry. I was actually quite surprised by their vial quality. It’s top notch.

QSC’s vials and stoppers are just outright garbage. You need to buy 10 mL vials, 10 mL syringes, and just load everything into them and transfer to the better vials.

If my bloodwork comes out good, I’m happy to pay a premium for better vials, labeling and filtering so I don’t accidentally take Tren and have sex with Senior citizens… no matter how fine somebody’s grandma looks.

This isn’t an endorsement of Axle Labs or any swearing off of other sources like QSC whom I’ll still buy from sometimes. I just like to keep my options open and not put all my eggs in one basket. And at this time, Axle’s gear is exactly what

Axle Labs has the best quality vials I’ve ever seen in the industry. I was actually quite surprised by their vial quality. It’s top notch.

QSC’s vials and stoppers are just outright garbage. You need to buy 10 mL vials, 10 mL syringes, and just load everything into them and transfer to the better vials.

If my bloodwork comes out good, I’m happy to pay a premium for better vials, labeling and filtering so I don’t accidentally take Tren and have sex with Senior citizens… no matter how fine somebody’s grandma looks.

This isn’t an endorsement of Axle Labs or any swearing off of other sources like QSC whom I’ll still buy from sometimes. I just like to keep my options open and not put all my eggs in one basket. And at this time, Axle’s gear is exactly what I need.
Yessir I’d have to agree. I was pretty impressed with the vials from axle. Especially after getting leaky bullshit from muscle candy
For me it was QSC, but there's no additional infection anywhere else after injecting the same stuff again.
It's very easy to push bacteria on your skin into your muscle tissue when pinning, Especially MRSA/any staph, strep, pseudomonas, and Candida (fungus) which are all native to our skin.. it's why you want to make sure to alcohol swab everything, and not blow on the swabbed area to dry it, only ever let it slowly air dry. Make sure to get the vial top too.

I've given myself infections requiring an I&D surgery and inpatient IV antibiotics on a couple occasions with otherwise clean material because I was too rushed and didn't do everything I should have to be sterile.

Even if you're totally sterile, the room/environment you're in plays a big role too. You couldn't pay me to pin in a any unsanitary environment, and especially never a communal bathroom, locker room, or anywhere with a lot of animals in it.

I only pin in my master bathroom or my workshop/office where I have a halfway decent lab setup with flowhoods and such. Both rooms I keep immaculately clean and no one else is in them.

It might be overkill but I haven't given myself an infection now in 7 years and I pin a lot of stuff on a daily basis. Glutathione, carnitine, peptides, hrt, etc.
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Placed first order with Axle Labs. Their web site is basic, but it works well overall. I will keep everyone posted on the basics. An overall opinion on the gear will take some time.
It's very easy to push bacteria on your skin into your muscle tissue when pinning, Especially MRSA/any staph, strep, pseudomonas, and Candida (fungus) which are all native to our skin.. it's why you want to make sure to alcohol swab everything, and not blow on the swabbed area to dry it, only ever let it slowly air dry. Make sure to get the vial top too.

I've given myself infections requiring an I&D surgery and inpatient IV antibiotics on a couple occasions with otherwise clean material because I was too rushed and didn't do everything I should have to be sterile.

Even if you're totally sterile, the room/environment you're in plays a big role too. You couldn't pay me to pin in a any unsanitary environment, and especially never a communal bathroom, locker room, or anywhere with a lot of animals in it.

I only pin in my master bathroom or my workshop/office where I have a halfway decent lab setup with flowhoods and such. Both rooms I keep immaculately clean and no one else is in them.

It might be overkill but I haven't given myself an infection now in 7 years and I pin a lot of stuff on a daily basis. Glutathione, carnitine, peptides, hrt, etc.
I think part of the problem is my incredibly hairy legs. This may make it harder for me to properly clean, but I scrubbed 3 alcohol wipes on my quads for a while prior to injecting. My office is also clean.

No issues with glute injections so far. I really don’t like quad injections. This always happens to varying degrees, but this time it’s the worst.
It's very easy to push bacteria on your skin into your muscle tissue when pinning, Especially MRSA/any staph, strep, pseudomonas, and Candida (fungus) which are all native to our skin.. it's why you want to make sure to alcohol swab everything, and not blow on the swabbed area to dry it, only ever let it slowly air dry. Make sure to get the vial top too.

I've given myself infections requiring an I&D surgery and inpatient IV antibiotics on a couple occasions with otherwise clean material because I was too rushed and didn't do everything I should have to be sterile.

Even if you're totally sterile, the room/environment you're in plays a big role too. You couldn't pay me to pin in a any unsanitary environment, and especially never a communal bathroom, locker room, or anywhere with a lot of animals in it.

I only pin in my master bathroom or my workshop/office where I have a halfway decent lab setup with flowhoods and such. Both rooms I keep immaculately clean and no one else is in them.

It might be overkill but I haven't given myself an infection now in 7 years and I pin a lot of stuff on a daily basis. Glutathione, carnitine, peptides, hrt, etc.
You do realize the world health organization doesn't even recommend swabbing the skin prior to injecting right?

This idiot pinned 2ml with a 1/2 needle in his quad, then his knew swelled. It's called a sub q leak.

Shockingly like most of his claims. He has zero proof of any infection or even hospitalization