Dirts Brew log

Terminal heat sterilization is used in pharmaceutical production facilities as a way to sterilize AMPULES and as an extra step of safety (there already sterile procedures in place in a air controlled environment). We, as homebrewers, don't have the means OR requirement to follow those procedures and after of decades of anecdotal experience a .22micron filter and a presterilized vial is enough for personal needs.

Will an additional step do anynharm? No. Is it needed? No. Should you do it? Your choice.
I’ve been trying to find where I saw the info on dry heat sterilization for glassware without much luck showing lower time for higher temp. I may have seen this from Wikipedia “and in the case of High Velocity Hot Air sterilisers, 190°C (375°F) for 6 to 12 minutes.” and overlooked the very important part about “High Velocity Air systems“, which my convection oven is not.

I guess I’ll be refiltering my last couple brews this weekend.
I’ve been trying to find where I saw the info on dry heat sterilization for glassware without much luck showing lower time for higher temp. I may have seen this from Wikipedia “and in the case of High Velocity Hot Air sterilisers, 190°C (375°F) for 6 to 12 minutes.” and overlooked the very important part about “High Velocity Air systems“, which my convection oven is not.

I guess I’ll be refiltering my last couple brews this weekend.
Dang! That sux brother.. My mother cans alot and has a huge pressure cooker.. I'm going to botmrrow it and use a propane burning turkey fryer and use it as a homemade autoclave. Should do the trick!
Dang! That sux brother.. My mother cans alot and has a huge pressure cooker.. I'm going to botmrrow it and use a propane burning turkey fryer and use it as a homemade autoclave. Should do the trick!
Brother that sounds very dangerous I'm gonna be real with you here. A pressure cooker is a bomb, I definitely wouldn't put it on a turkey fryer that greatly varies in temperature.

Slow down a little.

You can buy a autoclave for $600-$800 for a 18L. Just use the gear you have and save for a safer way to sterilize your future brews.
I’ve been trying to find where I saw the info on dry heat sterilization for glassware without much luck showing lower time for higher temp. I may have seen this from Wikipedia “and in the case of High Velocity Hot Air sterilisers, 190°C (375°F) for 6 to 12 minutes.” and overlooked the very important part about “High Velocity Air systems“, which my convection oven is not.

I guess I’ll be refiltering my last couple brews this weekend.
I have been using dry heat sterilization exclusively for a couple years. 450F 1 hour. Yeah it seems long compared to some people claiming 15 minutes, But it's almost a guarantee it'll be sterile at that temp/time. And what is 45min to someone? Go set up your brew equipment and by then your glass will be sterile.
Brother that sounds very dangerous I'm gonna be real with you here. A pressure cooker is a bomb, I definitely wouldn't put it on a turkey fryer that greatly varies in temperature.

Slow down a little.

You can buy a autoclave for $600-$800 for a 18L. Just use the gear you have and save for a safer way to sterilize your future brews.
It's gonna be OK brother I got my big boy britches on. Please so not insult my intelligence to where you don't think I can regulate a pressure cooker. It's a 5 gallon industrial built pressure cooker.i realize you are just trying to look out.
I’ve been trying to find where I saw the info on dry heat sterilization for glassware without much luck showing lower time for higher temp. I may have seen this from Wikipedia “and in the case of High Velocity Hot Air sterilisers, 190°C (375°F) for 6 to 12 minutes.” and overlooked the very important part about “High Velocity Air systems“, which my convection oven is not.

I guess I’ll be refiltering my last couple brews this weekend.
This seems easier than the pressure cooker though.Screenshot_20240723_071856_Chrome.jpg
I do want to give an update onThe Rock Solid Cyp 300mg/ml. .85ml quad injection yesterday early morning.. so far so good.
Moving on to mast e 300mg/ml 23/2

