Your Top 5 Fav Steroids

Let's just end this discussion, because it is not productive at all. Accept our differences and move on. You have your opinion and I have mine.

The discussion could have ended at my message "500mg/week is a lot more desirable than being deficient in testosterone if you were to choose." had you applied your own principle of "accept our differences and move on. You have your opinion and I have mine."

The discussion could have ended at my message "500mg/week is a lot more desirable than being deficient in testosterone if you were to choose." had you applied your own principle of "accept our differences and move on. You have your opinion and I have mine."

I think you misinterpreted his response. What he really meant was "You are right 1+1 is 3. Let's move on because I got better things to do".

Maybe what @Ghoul said about testosterone induced learning impairment is true after all. Try some modafinil. ;) ;) ;) ;)
I think you misinterpreted his response. What he really meant was "You are right 1+1 is 3. Let's move on because I got better things to do".

Maybe what @Ghoul said about testosterone induced learning impairment is true after all. Try some modafinil. ;) ;) ;) ;)

He most likely has cognitive dissonance for not realizing he was recommanding me to live by the very principles he doesn't apply to himself.

Your failing to recognize this probably means you do to ;)

Off to the pharmacy you go !
Where have you seen direspect ? I am mostly giving advice to people who never saw transdermals as a viable alternative, and I am getting lots of thanks for that.

I was exactly mentioning the opposite : testosterone gives me that death stare that makes anyone stare down and not look for problems with me.

Your eyes are the biggest deterrant.

I am not muscular at all and still people fear me. People know very well muscles don't mean much in a fight, they know, however, that determination is key and that you will fight until death when your eyes say so.
When did you stop lifting? Your old posts indicate you were regularly. Did you become a lazy fat ass as you got older?
He most likely has cognitive dissonance for not realizing he was recommanding me to live by the very principles he doesn't apply to himself.

Your failing to recognize this probably means you do to ;)

Off to the pharmacy you go !
You sound like 18 year old on oral only cycle. Thinking he's in the God mode or some shit. That's the funny part. The sad part is you're in your 30's and act like a total dickhead. I guess your cream doesn't work as it supposed to if you can't handle shit like a man.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Act like a man already, not a bitch on pms.
You sound like 18 year old on oral only cycle. Thinking he's in the God mode or some shit. That's the funny part. The sad part is you're in your 30's and act like a total dickhead. I guess your cream doesn't work as it supposed to if you can't handle shit like a man.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Act like a man already, not a bitch on pms.

I knew I had cornered you, typical dead end response when you can't resort to logic anymore ;)

My transdermals do seem to make me cognitively superior after all
I’m confused because it’s self-contradictory. In one sentence, we should cruise at 500 mg and all we need is astralagus; in the next, if lipids are fucked (which they inevitably are at 500 mg long-term) we should go to TRT.
Good catch, would you say that for most men (not taking in to consideration some possible outliers) that the only sustainable testosterone dosage is actual TRT 150mg/week or less?

I used to think it was 300mg. I'm reconsidering that and lean more in to less is more approach. As always interested to hear your opinion.
Good catch, would you say that for most men (not taking in to consideration some possible outliers) that the only sustainable testosterone dosage is actual TRT 150mg/week or less?

I used to think it was 300mg. I'm reconsidering that and lean more in to less is more approach. As always interested to hear your opinion.

Hard to have a cookie-cutter approach seeing as X amount of testosterone doesn't always lead to Y amount of e2 or BP for everyone, and seeing as we don't all have the same receptor density or sensitivity.

You may be locked at 150mg/week but I can handle 350mg/week ;)
You may be locked at 150mg/week but I can handle 350mg/week ;)
So if I currently cruise on Test U 500mg every 10 days = 350 per week. I get around 2000ng/dl on trough. Does that put me on your level or do you have any other tricks up your sleeve?

P.S. just please don't tell me where you rub that cream.