Dirts Brew log

Been thinking about moving to test D after I get through all the cyp I have. I'm getting away with 300mg/mL cyp but having 500mg/mL D would be nice. I'm anxious to here how that batch does for you and your test results.
Been thinking about moving to test D after I get through all the cyp I have. I'm getting away with 300mg/mL cyp but having 500mg/mL D would be nice. I'm anxious to here how that batch does for you and your test results.
I think it will be great.. so for a cruise I plan 1 shot e5d will see how it goes I start that on the 23rd of this month. The only difference is for a blast it will take longer to get to peak levels but if a person does longer cycles I don't see how that would be a problem. I was told that if made in castor oil due to the viscosity of the oil you could get by with a shot e10d for trt.. I'm far from versed on all that but will start with the e5d and see how it goes.. I do labs every 5-6 weeks for the past 9 months so I gather a lot of data and information on how I respond to things. Some of you guys on here have been doing this for so long you already know how you respond to things. I will get to that point someday..or not.. it is very interesting to see how a small change in what you take can make such a big difference on certain areas of you health markers. And I reckon everyone responds differently to different things..