Do I need clomid or just hcg for pct?


New Member
I have read pages of literature and cannot wrap my head around the best pct treatment for a strong cycle.
If say someone was running

500mg test c once a week for twelve weeks
500mg eq once a week for twelve weeks
500mg masteron once a week for twelve weeks

couldn't they just use their hcg for pct? From the literature it seems the clomid, novadex, and hcg do the same thing. Is this true. Thanks guys!
Hcg suppresses natural production, so no .

It's used to brink shrunken balls back alive or prevent shrinking .
Also can be used to maintain fertility on Trt
thanks. I will have to read so more. I thought they all do the same thing. What is the difference between them?
thanks captain obvious! I have not found exactly what I need to know other than people saying just do this. I would like to know the reason why.
I like to use low dose hcg on cycle to maintain leydig cell function. 250iu's-2x/week works well for me. I stop my HCG 3 days pre pct.
My fav pct prtocol is clomid and nolvadex. I think the 2 together work best to restore hpta function. I do anywhere from a 4-6 week pct. If I run tren or deca i do 6 weeks. The last 2 weeks when I do 6 are just nolvadex at 20mg/day. I happen to use rc serms so my dosing is as follows:
Clomid 70/35/35/35
Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 (20/20 if 19 nor in cycle)

The hcg shouldnt be run in pct as it is suppressive as was mentioned. Also it should be run at a low dose on cycle as higher doses can cause leydig cell desensitization.
Hope that answers your questions.
I just gave you the link on everything you need to know about them, click and read homeslice. Dabble into the other sections too.
thanks captain obvious! I have not found exactly what I need to know other than people saying just do this. I would like to know the reason why.

He just gave you a link that explains both ai's and serms. The link would give you the answer you were looking for. Hcg is not in a standard pct protocol. But thats obvious right?
@Jimmyinkedup thank for explaining the functions in detail and how you incorporate them. I have read page after page on this forum and no how to use the search function @Whoremoans. I didn't quit understand what I was reading and have never used anything than the hcg that is why I was asking.
Those descriptions say nothing about their direct use in pct and unless you have some knowledge in that area you wouldnt necessarily be able to make that connection. I dont fault him for all.
This should do the trick.
So, running both will give you the best bang for your buck.
100mg of clomid for 21 days
20mg nolva for 30 days would be just fine, no need for more, it wont offer nothing else, but increas sides.

That's my pct setup for a 12 weeker,If going longer like I have been last few cycles. I incorporate HCG 2x a week at 250iu's for the last 4-6 weeks discontinuing with my last test shot.
One thing that is rarely mentioned, wait a minimum of 30 days ( I would go for 45 days), after the final day of pct to get your blood work. If all levels have returned to normal then you're g2g for when to start another cycle.

Too many times I have seen guys not wait and start another cycle thinking "it's been long enough. To stay in this game for the long haul, make sure you're g2g.
One thing that is rarely mentioned, wait a minimum of 30 days ( I would go for 45 days), after the final day of pct to get your blood work. If all levels have returned to normal then you're g2g for when to start another cycle.

Too many times I have seen guys not wait and start another cycle thinking "it's been long enough. To stay in this game for the long haul, make sure you're g2g.
Because of the long half life of both Clomid and nolva . I seen it 3 days ago . Buddy thinks he's good to go when he still had nolva in his system . Shit has a 14 day half life.
He just gave you a link that explains both ai's and serms. The link would give you the answer you were looking for. Hcg is not in a standard pct protocol. But thats obvious right?
The way my doctor explained the hcg to me is that it keeps
a lh signal going to your testes so I wanted to ask. You guys are fucking awesome. Thank you @Mailin!

Its a LH mimetic which means it functions as luteinizing hormone would and signals/stimulates the leydig cells in the testis to produce testosterone.
The way I see it the benefit is (aside from the psychological benefit of testis not shrinking) by maintaining leydig cell function the risk of that function not being fully restored post cycle is lessened. Also IMO it allows for faster, smoother recovery which leads to better gains retentions. There are also some possible benefits of these hormonal pathways being back filled when you are shutdown.