Do I need Scally's Power PCT?

16 weeks of gear and 6 more of PCT drugs. Time on = time off + PCT

You already ran a PCT and you're not shut down... I don't know what you think another PCT is going to do for you. Post some bloods if you want help, test levels aren't the only thing... LH? FSH? @G2Ready is right, you just want someone to tell you that you can start another cycle, you haven't even been off that long from the sound of it. Not that I really know for sure, you won't tell me what date you last pinned.

I'm out, good luck.

I think 26th of June, that was the last pin of tren and test. Hcg went on for a week after, my cycle was total 15wks of anabolics. So i did rest for 15wks + 10days + pct time and even more. Abt 2 months after pct, i did a complete blood test. I have posted my bloods on here, check my profile!

To clear things up, my total cycle was 22 weeks, so ive been off for 22 weeks at 15 januari. Last time i did pct, i was fully recovered until this time!
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This is really advanced, would need help from someone with this experience! I've heard many different "ways". Could someone who has gone through this, help out?

LOL really advanced...

Do Nothing.... wait.... get bloods ....TIME

I feel ya tho bro—- good luck — I’m out
Whoa... Okay, now I see your concern.

I don't see your bloods from your most recent draw.

Good need is that you're making progress with recovery. Are you getting blood drawn in the morning?

Blood has been drawn at 8am every single time on a 10h fasted stomach!
Whoa... Okay, now I see your concern.

I don't see your bloods from your most recent draw.

Good need is that you're making progress with recovery. Are you getting blood drawn in the morning?

Here you go. It is in swedish, so if u need translate, let me know or use google translate!

My bad bro — didn’t pick up on the 7 months since last pin.....

I’m not good at conversion of e2
Is that equivalent of 9 pg/ml?
What did you think about the bloods?

I was trying to compare precycle and post cycle LH but you only had it measured one time from what I can see. Your first post, it appears to be a bit on the low side... Look into this, that's a possible area of concern. I'm having a little trouble with the conversion and translation there.
@Michael Scally MD if you would, I am having trouble here and would like your insight. I am unsure what the best course of action would be in a situation like this, repeat PCT?

I have not read the thread in detail. I did note a baseline TT 22 and current TT ~9. I did not review the PCT. If that is correct and there are no underlying causes for hypogonadism, a hCG stimulation test would be informative. I no longer administer hCG as cited most often. I use hCG 1,000-2,000 IU E3D [or longer depending on cycle/timing]. Check the TT ~half way to see response. If good, start SERM(s) with one week overlap with hCG. Continue for ~30 days. Recheck.

[Vit. D deficiency while not causal appears to contribute to a low T state.]