Do I need Scally's Power PCT?

Halfway through the 30 days, correct?

@alosh81 pay attention... This is the best advice you're going to get. I would follow Scally's protocol and pull bloods as he is has outlined.

Yeah, I do really appreciate your help. To find the correct protocol, where can I find the original Protocol? Thank you
To find the correct protocol, where can I find the original Protocol?

You can Google Dr. Scally's PCT protocol, it's also called Power PCT (Much to Scally's disdain I believe, lol)

IIRC, it's 100mg clomid for 30 days with 20mg Nolva for 30 days as well however, note what he says about the hCG and the overlap because I believe that's a bit of an update. Double check the dosages though.
You can Google Dr. Scally's PCT protocol, it's also called Power PCT (Much to Scally's disdain I believe, lol)

IIRC, it's 100mg clomid for 30 days with 20mg Nolva for 30 days as well however, note what he says about the hCG and the overlap because I believe that's a bit of an update. Double check the dosages though.

Im either blind or stupid. But I can not find the latest update of Dr Scally's protocol. Could you be a little more specifik?
A couple posts up in this thread, he mentions the hcg.

Okay, how do I decide if I need 1000 or 2000 hcg? Sorry for being so picky, but after my last cycle and the shutdown, I am reallycareful and I want to write a plan/schedule on the exact amount and time of the protocol!
Okay, how do I decide if I need 1000 or 2000 hcg? Sorry for being so picky, but after my last cycle and the shutdown, I am reallycareful and I want to write a plan/schedule on the exact amount and time of the protocol!

I would use 1000-1500iu, I would think this is sufficient, personally.
So, it is 30days total? Or 45? So:
Day 1-30: 100mg clomid split in two doses a day. Aswell as 20mg nolva a day. And also 1500iu HcG E3D for 30 days?
I would use 1000-1500iu, I would think this is sufficient, personally.

So I've been researching for quite a while now, and this is my current protocol, what do you think about it?

Day 1-20: 1500iu hCG E3D (10 000iu hCG total)
Day 1-30: 20mg Nolva twice ED (40mg total)
Day 1-30: 50mg Clomid twice ED (100mg total)
Day 31-45: 20mg nolva twice ED (40mg total)

And thats it? Did I plan this correct now?

Thank you
So I've been researching for quite a while now, and this is my current protocol, what do you think about it?

Day 1-20: 1500iu hCG E3D (10 000iu hCG total)
Day 1-30: 20mg Nolva twice ED (40mg total)
Day 1-30: 50mg Clomid twice ED (100mg total)
Day 31-45: 20mg nolva twice ED (40mg total)

And thats it? Did I plan this correct now?

Thank you


Thank you for the response Eman,

My english is weak, I do not completely understand what he is trying to say. So i start with the hcg for 15 days? And after that, I do a bloodtest; if it turn out good, i hop on clo and nolv to fix the sides from hcg? Did i get it right now?


Day 1-15: 1500iu hCG E3D
Day 16-45: 20mg Nolva twice ED (40mg total)
Day 16-45: 50mg Clomid twice ED

And thats it? Did I plan this correct now?

Is there a difference between "hcg" and "hCG"?

I do deeply appreciate the help!

Thank you for the response Eman,

My english is weak, I do not completely understand what he is trying to say. So i start with the hcg for 15 days? And after that, I do a bloodtest; if it turn out good, i hop on clo and nolv to fix the sides from hcg? Did i get it right now?


Day 1-15: 1500iu hCG E3D
Day 16-45: 20mg Nolva twice ED (40mg total)
Day 16-45: 50mg Clomid twice ED

And thats it? Did I plan this correct now?

Is there a difference between "hcg" and "hCG"?

I do deeply appreciate the help!


Yeah, but overlap the hCG and the SERMs. Meaning, take them at the same time for a week.

No difference between hCG and HCG. My phone just auto corrects to hCG.
Yeah, but overlap the hCG and the SERMs. Meaning, take them at the same time for a week.

No difference between hCG and HCG. My phone just auto corrects to hCG.

So if i put in the so called "overlap", it will look like this?

Day 1-15: 1500iu hCG E3D
Day 8-38: 20mg Nolva twice ED
Day 8-38: 50mg Clomid twice ED

Sorry for not understanding, im really stressed...

Allright, I will try to make this as short as I can.

I've done a lot of cycles with the same pct, same dealer and same brands. After my recent cycle that ended in August, I was heavily shutdown. This was my cycle:

Prop, Tren, Dbol, EQ

125mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 4-10

150mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 10-15

100mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 1-10
(150mg ed the first week)

75mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 10-15

50mg Dbol E/D - Week 2-7

500mg EQ E/W - Week 1-12

250iu HCG x2 weekly - Week 1-16 (start end of week 1

0,5mg Adex EoD

0.25mg Caber E3D

PCT - Weeks 16-20 (22 for nolva)

( 10 days after last pin)

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

I did bloods pre, intra and post cycle, during the cycle i found out that I had "Hypothyreos", (low production of the thyroid hormone). Everything else was okay.

So ive totally done 3 blood tests after my cycle, one in november, one in the start of januari and one on the 1st of february. In november, I got my test level results at 9.2nmol/L, under 10 is considered as low (trt needed). In januari i had my lvls at 10nmol/L and now in february i got my Testosterone at 11nmol/L. I feel okay, im still strong, i also have good libido, having sex about 3-4 times a day.

I've got recommended to do scallys PCT. Not really sure what to do. Would appreciate any input and also someone that has been through the same thing.

Thanks in advance :)
You should inject some HCG (about 500 IU/week) for several weeks or even months
until it gets your natural Testosterone at or above the upper range of normal
you may need some AI to control excess estrogen
only then your testis have fully recovered

Getting T at upper normal is crucial
since medium-dose HCG provides much more stimulation than natural LH and FSH ever can provide
so your natural T levels will drop a bit from that achieved with HCG.

Just injecting HCG as a test and call it a pass if T gets anywhere in the range, doesn't cut it.