Do people use too much gear than necessary?

It's rough to come off, but it's not impossible. You have age advantage that most don't. You settled on TRT for life because you're afraid to lose everything you have and that you worked for. You can choose the game but you cannot change the rules. There are always choices and their consequences. At this point you can still hit the restart button, later on chances will get lower and lower. So make your choice.

I thought you were on holiday...
Been missing the Meso crew?
Good to see you
What are you talking about

I tried coming off like 5 times it’s not the muscle damage or anything it’s the lack of libido and feeling like death that killed me. I was off for like 12 weeks and things still weren’t happening.
Not an expert on it or anything but have definitely heard people say it can take up to a year for your test to fully rebound. 12 weeks isn't enough time to say it won't ever come back. Also are you using pct drugs?
I started when I was 18 due to insecurities and now I’m on TRT for life due to all the abuse I gave my balls. I’m 24 now and tried to come off like 5 times.

What are you talking about

I tried coming off like 5 times it’s not the muscle damage or anything it’s the lack of libido and feeling like death that killed me. I was off for like 12 weeks and things still weren’t happening.

You have to wait a whole lot longer than 12 weeks.

You are 24 and impatient.

The problem is that you are sitting out there at 12 weeks "feeling like death" and that is when you body is finally figuring out things are off and trying to recover, but it never gets the chance because you keep taking stuff to either change what your body would normally do on its own or injecting testosterone which suppresses what your body would normally do on its own.

Recovery takes time.

Workout. Eat a good diet. Testosterone will come back into the normal range.
Did you have IBS or just decided to try it?
On my latest blast I was having trouble getting in enough calories to add any weight, constantly on the toilet several times per day and my appetite was going south, lots of indigestion problems - I had figured maybe I was just getting too old for this stuff. Someone here in this thread mentioned seeing a dietician for some assistance. I was advised to try out omitting "high FODMAP" foods and suddenly I am able to digest stuff again. Not sure what changed, never had to do this before. But, its working so far so I'm happy. Able to get calories in, keep them in and gain weight now.