Do you feel generic hgh has contributed to your fat loss?

Absolutely it has helped. Cutting was never as easy or as fast as when I added 5iu gh before bed. It has been a complete game changer for me.

It also seemed to pull fat off the areas I've always had trouble with (low chest, armpits, and low back)

It has ruined my sleep though
Ah, another bad-sleep sufferer! There are a few of us on Meso, I believe. I'm only on 2IU/day currently, and it still turns my sleep to shit.
Ah, another bad-sleep sufferer! There are a few of us on Meso, I believe. I'm only on 2IU/day currently, and it still turns my sleep to shit.

Damn. Is GH really worth it if it turns your sleep to shit?

Could be making better gains without GH if sleep quality was better.

A lot of people undervalue the importance of sleep in making progress with body composition.

I could see how suffering poor sleep might be worth it if the gains were great, but they're not that great with 2 IU GH. I'd rather sleep well (fortunately GH doesn't impact my sleep quality).
Damn. Is GH really worth it if it turns your sleep to shit?

Could be making better gains without GH if sleep quality was better.

A lot of people undervalue the importance of sleep in making progress with body composition.

I could see how suffering poor sleep might be worth it if the gains were great, but they're not that great with 2 IU GH. I'd rather sleep well (fortunately GH doesn't impact my sleep quality).
Do you have a watch that tracks your overnight HRV?
GH wrecks mine. I've tried am before fasted cardio, both im and subq. Midday, an hour before sleep, right before bed... HRV drops significantly no matter the protocol. 2,3,4iu...
I'm trying 2iu an hour before bed tonight, followed by 2iu in the am before cardio. I'll stick with this for a month or so and see if I can get used to it. Hopefully my HRV will go back up some, over time.
Waking up every couple hours sucks, as well. Not sure gh is right for me.
I do get a good igf-1 response though. Near 500ng/ml on 3iu/day. Baseline of 233.
Damn. Is GH really worth it if it turns your sleep to shit?

IMO no, it’s absolutely not, unless you can find a protocol that allows you to get optimal sleep. Op should try pinning am to see if it helps. After around 6 months of use I can now take it at night and sleep fine.

A lot of people undervalue the importance of sleep in making progress with body composition.

It is wild how under appreciated this is. You’re essentially just spinning wheels if you can’t get in 8 hours sleep with as much slow wave as possible. I made this mistake in my youth and it really held me back,
Do you have a watch that tracks your overnight HRV?
Gh destroys my HRV. I go from 150 average to 40s average. It freaked me out at first but when I discontinue gh my HRV rebounds to an even higher average than previously. My RHR goes up about 10bpm as well. Dose doesn’t seem to impact it, it’s the same for me 3-8iu.

Great response to gh I’m jealous. I would try different protocols like am injections or when you wake up to pee at night. Sleeplessness on hgh resolved itself with time for me.
Damn. Is GH really worth it if it turns your sleep to shit?

Could be making better gains without GH if sleep quality was better.

A lot of people undervalue the importance of sleep in making progress with body composition.

I could see how suffering poor sleep might be worth it if the gains were great, but they're not that great with 2 IU GH. I'd rather sleep well (fortunately GH doesn't impact my sleep quality).
I have low BMD and HGH, along with other AAS, have started to turn it around (+14% increase in the first year which is far above what most would expect even from the bone anabolics like Forteo, etc). HGH has some of the most literature supporting it's efficiency at increasing bone density, so in my case, it's a worthy sacrifice.

I definitely won't be in a rush to use it if and when my BMD normalizes, though.