Do you guys take Testosterone and Primobolan on the same day, or Primo the day after as it has some AI qualities?


As the title says, I currently have been taking my primo after my test injections
(Mon & Thurs test)
(Wed & Saturday primo)

As I've heard Primo has AI properties I figured letting the test peak and aromatize then taking the primo two days later would then level it back out, am I doing this wrong?

Should I just take both the test & primo on the same day (mon & Thurs) or would it be better to take the primo the next day after (Tues & Friday) instead of waiting two full days?

Thanks in advance
As the title says, I currently have been taking my primo after my test injections
(Mon & Thurs test)
(Wed & Saturday primo)

As I've heard Primo has AI properties I figured letting the test peak and aromatize then taking the primo two days later would then level it back out, am I doing this wrong?

Should I just take both the test & primo on the same day (mon & Thurs) or would it be better to take the primo the next day after (Tues & Friday) instead of waiting two full days?

Thanks in advance
You’re over thinking it
yes overthinking it :)
if you take Primo E and Test E then it really doesnt matter, just do it in the same day/shot
This isn’t how esters work. If anything need to be worrying about the correct ratio of primo to test to achieve optimal e2 (this is individual) not worrying about what time to administer them.
I was taking 450mg test/420mg primo a week, and no AI. Shot it 3 times a week in the same syringe (.6T/1.4P), and the primo halved my E2 (100 pre joocing to 50 joocing) no idea how high my test was doc wouldn't test it. I'm fine knowing the primo was working lol
As the title says, I currently have been taking my primo after my test injections
(Mon & Thurs test)
(Wed & Saturday primo)

As I've heard Primo has AI properties I figured letting the test peak and aromatize then taking the primo two days later would then level it back out, am I doing this wrong?

Should I just take both the test & primo on the same day (mon & Thurs) or would it be better to take the primo the next day after (Tues & Friday) instead of waiting two full days?

Thanks in advance
Where did you come up with this idea? Like I have never thought anyone would ever do that. Primo doesn't reduce or crash 100% of people's estrogen.

Have you ever gotten bloodwork while on it to even see how it will affect you?