Do you plan to blast in old age (40+)?

Yes i do, if health markers are fine. I started gear at 35 so the exposure won't be too much for me. For guys started blasting gear at their 20's, they obviously need to pay more attention with dosages and compound selection.

There's medication for this, ezetimibe and a statin is one way to fix it. Hdl by itself doesn't mean that much, even if it's 20 by having your ldl at 40 you're probably fine.
Serious question. Is it really that easy? You just take the statin blasting gear and your cholesterol is fine? I can never get my LDL in range ever. But my doc has never prescribed a static and I go yearly and am in my 40s. When on gear my HDL gets crushed with a small increase in LDL.
I'm already in my 30s and feeling the age. I'll start GH in my 40s and just keep mini blasting, nothing over 500mg test.
Why is that? If anything you get a good discount deal when in comes to health in your 20's (from my own experience). Obviously you need to slow down after you get in to each decade or even 5 years later on as you age, but it doesn't take away much if you think about it. Banking a number of successful cycle in your 20's and 30's is an advantage. Later on in your 40's and 50's you won't need as much. It's gonna be about maturing that muscle and preserving it as you get in to your 60's, I believe.

Hypothetically speaking, if someone wants to blast and cruise for 15-20 years and then go to legit TRT then obviously the one who starts at an earlier age is more resilient to health implications. That's one thing.

I believe OP asks if someone is willing to continue blasting beyond 40's, so comparing you who started at your 20's and you already dealing with issues (although BP i don't believe it's something you can't manage while on gear) with me which i'm enhanced for 10 months, i believe if we both continue blast and cruise until we past 40's then your health will be more deteriorated than mine since you're doing this for a way longer time than me.

I agree if you blast when you're young you can maintain a good physique with less when you got older, but here we have guys who blast 2gr of gear at 50+, like 4drago for example and many many others. I believe it's not sustainable to blast and cruise for 30 years straight, even if you start at your 20's.

Serious question. Is it really that easy? You just take the statin blasting gear and your cholesterol is fine? I can never get my LDL in range ever. But my doc has never prescribed a static and I go yearly and am in my 40s. When on gear my HDL gets crushed with a small increase in LDL.

For majority of ppl yes. I managed to lower my LDL with just ezetimibe and after starting primo and anavar, which is crazy to me. I thought it would just halt it but it actually lowered it.
"Old age" "40+" well fuck me...if 40+ is old age and I'm supposed to stop in 4 years then screw it, I guess I'm blasting my way to Heaven.

Nah for real tho I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I never thought about putting an age limit on it, but more so about my blood and health markers. I haven't been doing this very long so hopefully I won't need to stop at 40.