I see many guys claiming that Nolvadex does nothing for reducing water retention from testosterone because it does not block the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen like AI's.
Nolvadex is a SERM that blocks the undesirable effects of estrogen in certain tissue. How is it that increased serum estrogen creates bloat if the estrogen is unable to bind at estrogen receptors from Nolvadex?
Dan Duchaine said Nolvadex is effective for male steroid users to prevent or control gynecomastia. It is effective in both men and women as a dieting aid. Fat loss is faster when using 20mg of Nolvadex a day. Nolvadex also gives the lean physique a denser look for both sexes.
Nolvadex is a SERM that blocks the undesirable effects of estrogen in certain tissue. How is it that increased serum estrogen creates bloat if the estrogen is unable to bind at estrogen receptors from Nolvadex?
Dan Duchaine said Nolvadex is effective for male steroid users to prevent or control gynecomastia. It is effective in both men and women as a dieting aid. Fat loss is faster when using 20mg of Nolvadex a day. Nolvadex also gives the lean physique a denser look for both sexes.