Does this look like enough to distribute?


I'm no legal expert but since he was travelling in his car with that amount I say it could reasonably be assumed intent to distribute..sounds like in MA they qualify as low schedule so the penalty may be minimal.

He was driving around on a suspended license tho after a DUI the judge is gonna be real pissed about that.
I am thinking personal stash.

Stopped for broken windshield.

Driving on a suspended license.

View attachment 314355

I………… i ran more than that on my last cycle……
Cracked windshields are serious safety hazards. Depending on conditions, losing a windshield mid-drive can cause a person to lose control of their vehicle and collide into others. The policeman was wise to administer the appropriate harm reduction policy in this instance.

This is a good example of harm reduction practices coming back to bite those who fail to embrace them.
Probably got "distribution" because we are only seeing 1/3 the gear. I bet if we follow up in a year with Acton Police we see the fucking K9s jacked.

Back in the 90s a guy I knew got pulled over and searched. They took his gear, threw his weed in the gutter and let him go. lol
At least they didn’t laugh at him. Apparently cops who searched him didn’t find any drugs but a cycle worth of deca and test, bozos just laughed and told him the ugl he is using is thrash and underdosing their products lol.

Yes, they looked jacked.
damn plate readers.... you cant get away with driving on a suspended very long.

Doesn't take much, then a warrant, going through your house. If your the Plug, be paranoid about it. Hide your stash.

My lil brother is a Leo, he said most of his buddies are jacked. They run Chinese gear. Lol, dont we all?
damn plate readers.... you cant get away with driving on a suspended very long.

Doesn't take much, then a warrant, going through your house. If your the Plug, be paranoid about it. Hide your stash.

My lil brother is a Leo, he said most of his buddies are jacked. They run Chinese gear. Lol, dont we all?
We have a plate reader setup at one of the two exits to our neighborhood. A crew comes through at 3 or 4AM once every 3-4 months and tries stealing things out of unlocked cars so the HOA convinced LE to place one at a main exit. Who knows how many of those things are placed around the city.
We have a plate reader setup at one of the two exits to our neighborhood. A crew comes through at 3 or 4AM once every 3-4 months and tries stealing things out of unlocked cars so the HOA convinced LE to place one at a main exit. Who knows how many of those things are placed around the city.

They're all over the country. Watch "Louisiana State Boys" clips on youtube. Amazingly, trafficker after trafficker just happens to get pulled over for "following too closely".

Turns out there's a nationwide federal program that tracks vehicles using the data from readers and puts plates on a "suspicious travel pattern list". They sit on the side of the road, their in car reader makes a signal noise, then they ride the ass of the "suspicious traveller" until they make some tiny mistake giving them an excuse for pulling them over.

"You touched the white line for a split second so I thought you might be tired, I won't write you a ticket, just come on back to my patrol car while I check your license (and ask questions that make you appear "nervous", giving me reasonable suspicion so I can run my dog around your car, who'll "signal" when I make a special little noise, and then I'll be able to search it without a warrant.).

Gotta be nuts to try to be a drug dealer these days. We are under mass surveillance. There's no avoiding it.