I'm doing alot better this time around. It's weird, I started at 600mg day (used this same batch 6-7 weeks ago), and I was feeling the heat HOURS after my first dose. The sweating is profuse at Day 3 but I feel 10x better than I did the last run where I didn't use ephedra which is a big factor in how you feel in my opinion. I've been doing short low-intensity workouts now just because I want to. As to what H said, I started this one at a low bodyfat and I'm not even seeing much in terms of water gain, the mirror is showing results only 3 days in and I'm loving it. Besides waking up in pools of sweat, my spirits are good and I've arranged my schedule to have 8 days of no responsibilities besides DNP. This allows me to not have to deal with normal issues and base my everyday schedule around the substance as it truly needs to be respected.