The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

I'm curious with all the harsh substances you continue to ingest, what type of liver protectants, antioxidants are you lacing yourself up with???
TUDCA, milk thistle, astragalus, C0Q10, asprin, nattokinase, fish oil, magnesium, potassium, multi, 10,000 iu+ vitamin D, dandelion root. Raw honey & real salt when needed, unsweetened cranberry juice with flax seeds occasionally & raw oatmeal.
TRT, hgh, tirz would blow away whatever crap cycle you have above and not kill yourself.

Both Tirz and HGH actually have fat loss properties
My body & heart can’t afford that much water retention, all that inflammation can’t be good for circulation. Agreed on the Tirz though, I like it more than Sema & Reta.
My body & heart can’t afford that much water retention, all that inflammation can’t be good for circulation. Agreed on the Tirz though, I like it more than Sema & Reta.
Run HGH correctly, with the right brand and the water retention is minimal, I dont know a single person getting 12lbs water weight from HGH.

Guarantee running HGH is safer than running clen.
Theres better than QSCs without going pharma, I havent tried pharma but alot of people do say ugl vs pharma there is a difference

What protocol did you run with your HGH?
Most recent was my recomp cycle:
350 test
350 primo
40-60 anavar
25 mcg T3
100 mcg T4
2mg semaglutide every 10-20 days or so

Then I added 4iu GH after a few weeks and put on 12 lbs in 6 days. Removed it and lost it in 5 days.
Most recent was my recomp cycle:
350 test
350 primo
40-60 anavar
25 mcg T3
100 mcg T4
2mg semaglutide every 10-20 days or so

Then I added 4iu GH after a few weeks and put on 12 lbs in 6 days. Removed it and lost it in 5 days.
Im asking about specifically just your HGH protocol, so you started right at 4iu? If so, that would be your problem, to get less or sides free you have to slowly ramp up over weeks
Im asking about specifically just your HGH protocol, so you started right at 4iu? If so, that would be your problem, to get less or sides free you have to slowly ramp up over weeks
Yeah that’s what I heard but I don’t get the point of taking something for weeks on end that’s probably less than what my body would have naturally produced if I didn’t shut it down.
Yeah that’s what I heard but I don’t get the point of taking something for weeks on end that’s probably less than what my body would have naturally produced if I didn’t shut it down.
Well, your thinking in too short of a time, HGH is a long term thing.
And honestly its not like your stuck at 1iu for “weeks” its literally one, 3-4 weeks you could be at 4iu with no water weight and increased fat burning.
I take 14iu daily on a cut (along with test tirz tren) Im down 35lbs 55 days not a lick of cardio
Yeah that’s what I heard but I don’t get the point of taking something for weeks on end that’s probably less than what my body would have naturally produced if I didn’t shut it down.
The saying is always run as much hgh as your pockets allow.. so nothing is saying you have to stop at 4iu btw.

The Gulag: day 3​

I feel like clen stims me out while making me more tired at the same time. Very strange. I am sleeping just fine, took two naps the first day on this stuff. This is my first day of the full protocol, I couldn’t start everything at once. I’m back from a 2-3 week break from Semaglutide. I’ve probably taken 5-8 breaks like this over the last few months, because thinking about it makes me nauseous.
I want to love GH, but I can’t. The water is just too much. I gained 12 lbs in 6 days last time. It got so bad that my mom was pissed when I saw her, she thought I fucked off on my diet lmao, was about to have a whole ass intervention before I told her. I had so much inflammation that it made something press up against a nerve and gave me sciatica bad enough to put me on painkillers 24/7. I dropped it right away, not one chance my organs can handle ibuprofen and Tylenol on top of what I’m doing.

If I did what you’re saying, I’d go down to 1.5 Semaglutide, maybe even 1. I wouldn’t need much for a deficit that low. I’d still take my first adderall dose, I’d drop the second one, and I’d half my T3 dose.

TUDCA, milk thistle, astragalus, C0Q10, asprin, nattokinase, fish oil, magnesium, potassium, multi, 10,000 iu+ vitamin D, dandelion root. Raw honey & real salt when needed, unsweetened cranberry juice with flax seeds occasionally & raw oatmeal.
Bro when u run DNP, it is very important to make sure you take at least 3g of vitC daily. The fact that you are overweight also means that you will be aromatising a much higher levels than others. I suggest you look into dim and calcium d-glutarate the two go hand in hand. Because if you use nolva you will still have all that estrogen circulating in your system that you don't want there that can bit you in the ass when you least expect it. Vitamin E too. The hgh is going to boost PRL, which is also part of the reason for the puffiness. The more I read the more I want to shake you. I commend you on your progress. However, I feel that you have just been experimenting on yourself like you are some crash test dummy. You know that you may not have any serious consequences as of yet, but sometimes
Most recent was my recomp cycle:
350 test
350 primo
40-60 anavar
25 mcg T3
100 mcg T4
2mg semaglutide every 10-20 days or so

Then I added 4iu GH after a few weeks and put on 12 lbs in 6 days. Removed it and lost it in 5 days.
Im curious why are you so concerned, at least you know it's only fluids, unless the GH is giving you other issues. Why cut it all the way out just drop it to 2iu b4 bed. I've never personally gained that much water on anything, but I'm guessing that your body probably needed the fluids.