The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

Dude, you can see how there’s so much fat lost resulting to loose skin.

Great job, keep going man, as it’s normal for things to slow down; be careful not to resort to risky protocols again. Just keep plugging at it at a steady pace so you don’t risk stopping due to health issues.

Again, great job brother.
Thank you!! Not seeing as much movement on the scale plays with my mind, even with pictures, so someone else noticing the progress helps a lot!

The Gulag: Day 1​


It’s simple, really: lose as much weight as humanly possible before Halloween. I will look like a different human being in 40 days.


This time around, we’re going to leverage a nuked appetite, redlined metabolism, and brutal activity level to create an ungodly deficit, while fighting to preserve muscle with the help of hard training, PSMF, and of course PEDs

This will be the final push to conclude this one year transformation, I have saved the most grueling & aggressive cycle for this moment. I’ve been shuffling compounds around in my head all year to create this protocol. Here’s what I came up with.

Semaglutide2mg/week + 0.25 mg/dayComplete and total appetite destruction.
Clen40mcg starting, ramping up to 120+Increased BMR & endurance. Muscle preservation.
T350 mcg/dayRedlined metabolism
T4200 mcg/dayRedlined metabolism
Adderall XR30 mg/dayPrescribed for ADD. Increased energy, BMR, & appetite suppression
Adderall IR20 mg/daySame
Testosterone200 mg/weekTRT, muscle preservation
Anavar20 mg/dayMuscle preservation & endurance, collagen synthesis, increased fat burning.
GHK-Cu2 mg/daySkin
CaffeineYesDecreased violent thoughts
NicotineObviouslySee above
Cardarine (upcoming)TBDEndurance

This protocol is honestly more dangerous than my DNP cycles. If I lose control, this will go sideways real quick. I’m of the mind that I can get away with it though, as long as I keep my blood pressure and my resting heart rate under control.


80 mg/day telmisartan, I’ll push it to 120 if I need to, 15 mg/day cialis, and I’ll push that higher too if need be, whatever it takes to keep the blood pressure down. I have a list of 17 other ancillaries I’m taking to hopefully get away with this one last time. I’ll probably give myself another phlebotomy in a couple weeks too.


As few calories as I can possibly manage, anything over 800 would be a little crazy. Protein is the only priority, so this will naturally resemble a PSMF with a tiny bit of whatever else to enjoy the taste of good food. 150-180g protein is the goal.


I’m sticking with my usual PPL split, but I’m prepared to take more rest days than usual. I’ve passed out doing barbell squats on a cut before, so any standing movement with something over my head has been replaced. No more failure training either, not in this deep of a deficit. I’ll do as much cardio as I can manage. I’m gonna feel like absolute death on this cut, so I’m going to set the bar low on this one and give myself an easy 10,000 step/day minimum.

Why are you doing this?

I am completely done with living like this. 10 months ago, I was rotting away in bed, hating every waking moment. I’m now 110 pounds lighter, benching 225 for 3. We’re getting close to my start date (November 8), I want to have ended the year with a transformation that truly looks impossible! I have the opportunity to do that. This is the cut that will truly show off my hard work. I just want to look good. Many of my reasons are very hard to explain, but I’ll describe my deeper motivations to do something this reckless more in the upcoming days.

Aren’t you afraid of dying?

I think about it, but not really. My life isn’t worth living to me. You can only go through so many decades living like this before not really giving a fuck. These last months are the final time for me to go hard with this shit, I might as well end it with a bang. I can pull back if things get wild.

Are you retarded?


Starting weight 259, it’s time to make this a truly special transformation. Let me know what you all think about this. I will be updating this log daily about my current health, weight, and any surprises that come along the way. Let’s see where this ride takes us.
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if your gonna go full retard why not drop the clen and use low dose dnp? You’ve used it before so you know what to expect. Even 250 mg of dnp will be far superior than clen for fat loss with less heart palpitations. At that dose you won’t even feel too uncomfortable.

I’m a huge fan of cardarine. But if your gonna be using it make sure you take advantage of it and do some hard cardio. 20 mg daily Cardarine has me walking the stairs for an hour no problem. Only thing that holds me back is knee pain lmao.
if your gonna go full retard why not drop the clen and use low dose dnp? You’ve used it before so you know what to expect. Even 250 mg of dnp will be far superior than clen for fat loss with less heart palpitations. At that dose you won’t even feel too uncomfortable.

I’m a huge fan of cardarine. But if your gonna be using it make sure you take advantage of it and do some hard cardio. 20 mg daily Cardarine has me walking the stairs for an hour no problem. Only thing that holds me back is knee pain lmao.
Yeah, I’m gonna go crazy with the cardio once Cardarine gets added. DNP did something weird to my metabolism, it made it nearly impossible for me to lose more weight once the cycles ended, even with T3. really interesting side effect, it might have something to do with elevated cortisol, it might just be too much for the body to handle at the deficits I was running it on. I’m barely noticing 40 mcg clen, maybe I’m too used to Adderall for it to really affect how I feel at this dose.
The main thing you are fast tracking with this plan is destroying your body and mental health. What will looking good be worth if your organs aren't functioning correctly or you drug yourself into psychosis?

Retarded and insane protocol. Drawn out pharmaceutical and starvation suicide disguised as a fitness goal.
The main thing you are fast tracking with this plan is destroying your body and mental health. What will looking good be worth if your organs aren't functioning correctly or you drug yourself into psychosis?

Retarded and insane protocol. Drawn out pharmaceutical and starvation suicide disguised as a fitness goal.
What would you change about the protocol to make it safer? The clen is giving me awful headaches, nothing seems to take it away. I may have to pull it if it gets much worse.
I guess I'm a little surprised to see that you never once incorporated ECA into your compound regimen. Believe it or not ECA has amazing fat burning and I would reach for it before reaching for t3 any day. it's muscle sparing effects make it perfect to stack alongside dnp too, you goal is to shed fat not muscle so I would be paying attention to your bf% rather than the scale. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess your around 28-30% bf at the moment. you have made amazing gains or should I say losses, I would hate to see t3 take from you more of your hard earned muscle. I understand the need for t4. but take taurine and selenium to help speed up conversion. stay away from the t3. in certain situations it serves its purpose like use with tren, or extreme prep work, but it doesn't make sense in yours.
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What would you change about the protocol to make it safer? The clen is giving me awful headaches, nothing seems to take it away. I may have to pull it if it gets much worse.
Is just read this, and as I type this my mouth is still open. If I could type with one hand the other would be scratching my head. This is a slow suicide mission that you have chosen to venture into, I can't sit by and not say anything any longer. This has turned into a obsessed drug debacle. Your body can't sustain this amount of torture. At some point it will go into starvation mode, if it hasn't already and just eat muscle. No matter what compounds you have in u. The deficit and the extreme use of different compounds, I'm surprised your brain still functions. Drop it all except the test, do keto for 6 Months to get down to the weight u want. I'm still shocked you are doing all this to get to a certain number on a scale and goal is not bf% also, what is your plans for all the loose skin????
I guess I'm a little surprised to see that you never once incorporated ECA into your compound regimen. Believe it or not ECA has amazing fat burning and I would reach for it before reaching for t3 any day. it's muscle sparing effects make it perfect to stack alongside dnp too, you goal is to shed fat not muscle so I would be paying attention to your bf% rather than the scale. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess your around 28-30% bf at the moment. you have made amazing gains or should I say losses, I would hate to see t3 take from you more of your hard earned muscle. I understand the need for t4. but take taurine and selenium to help speed up conversion. stay away from the t3. in certain situations it serves its purpose like use with tren, or extreme prep work, but it doesn't make sense in yours.
It’s always been on my radar, but I figured it would be redundant since I take Adderall. I also thought it would be too taxing on my heart, but here I am running clen. This is the T3/T4 dose I used to run. This amount never used to burn muscle, I don’t know if that will still be true though now that I’m at a lower bodyfat with more muscle.
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Surgery. I might not go below around 18% bodyweight until I get it. I’d rather be a little fluffy but fill out a lot of my loose skin than be shredded with enough extra skin to hand glide off a building.
Right on bro, yeah the loose skin look can be much gnarlier than the overweight look. I recently lost 50lbs but did it with diet, a ton and f hardwork and some ped's none of the weight loss peds. I am super grateful to have done it the way I did. I have zero loose skin, for being 43 yrs old I consider myself blessed.
What would you change about the protocol to make it safer? The clen is giving me awful headaches, nothing seems to take it away. I may have to pull it if it gets much worse.
Drop everything except test and semaglutide. I don't know anything about ghk-cu so no opinion there. Calories at 5 - 800 below calculated burn. Maybe some GH if you'd like. That's it.

Taking a bunch of amphetamine and high dose thyroid hormone and high dose clen with a starvation diet is a terrible idea. You don't need the Anavar.
Drop everything except test and semaglutide. I don't know anything about ghk-cu so no opinion there. Calories at 5 - 800 below calculated burn. Maybe some GH if you'd like. That's it.

Taking a bunch of amphetamine and high dose thyroid hormone and high dose clen with a starvation diet is a terrible idea. You don't need the Anavar.
2nd that
Right on bro, yeah the loose skin look can be much gnarlier than the overweight look. I recently lost 50lbs but did it with diet, a ton and f hardwork and some ped's none of the weight loss peds. I am super grateful to have done it the way I did. I have zero loose skin, for being 43 yrs old I consider myself blessed.
Exactly!! You can still look good in a shirt with a little fluff, I’d take that over all that skin any day. The only thing I wonder is if I’ll have to cut down all the way before surgery for them to take it all off. That’s great that you were able to lose that much without any extra skin! I started at 170+ pounds overweight, so I figured I was doomed either way. Surgery gonna be expensive as hell, maybe I’ll get it done in Mexico and make a fun vacation out of it.
Drop everything except test and semaglutide. I don't know anything about ghk-cu so no opinion there. Calories at 5 - 800 below calculated burn. Maybe some GH if you'd like. That's it.

Taking a bunch of amphetamine and high dose thyroid hormone and high dose clen with a starvation diet is a terrible idea. You don't need the Anavar.
I want to love GH, but I can’t. The water is just too much. I gained 12 lbs in 6 days last time. It got so bad that my mom was pissed when I saw her, she thought I fucked off on my diet lmao, was about to have a whole ass intervention before I told her. I had so much inflammation that it made something press up against a nerve and gave me sciatica bad enough to put me on painkillers 24/7. I dropped it right away, not one chance my organs can handle ibuprofen and Tylenol on top of what I’m doing.

If I did what you’re saying, I’d go down to 1.5 Semaglutide, maybe even 1. I wouldn’t need much for a deficit that low. I’d still take my first adderall dose, I’d drop the second one, and I’d half my T3 dose.
I want to love GH, but I can’t. The water is just too much. I gained 12 lbs in 6 days last time. It got so bad that my mom was pissed when I saw her, she thought I fucked off on my diet lmao, was about to have a whole ass intervention before I told her. I had so much inflammation that it made something press up against a nerve and gave me sciatica bad enough to put me on painkillers 24/7. I dropped it right away, not one chance my organs can handle ibuprofen and Tylenol on top of what I’m doing.

If I did what you’re saying, I’d go down to 1.5 Semaglutide, maybe even 1. I wouldn’t need much for a deficit that low. I’d still take my first adderall dose, I’d drop the second one, and I’d half my T3 dose.
I'm curious with all the harsh substances you continue to ingest, what type of liver protectants, antioxidants are you lacing yourself up with???
I want to love GH, but I can’t. The water is just too much. I gained 12 lbs in 6 days last time. It got so bad that my mom was pissed when I saw her, she thought I fucked off on my diet lmao, was about to have a whole ass intervention before I told her. I had so much inflammation that it made something press up against a nerve and gave me sciatica bad enough to put me on painkillers 24/7. I dropped it right away, not one chance my organs can handle ibuprofen and Tylenol on top of what I’m doing.

If I did what you’re saying, I’d go down to 1.5 Semaglutide, maybe even 1. I wouldn’t need much for a deficit that low. I’d still take my first adderall dose, I’d drop the second one, and I’d half my T3 dose.
TRT, hgh, tirz would blow away whatever crap cycle you have above and not kill yourself.

Both Tirz and HGH actually have fat loss properties