Don’t call it a comeback

Speed bench (red minis)

105 + 76 bands: 6x3

-doubled red minis actually add more tension than my single greens (38 / 32). Moved the bar weight down to 30lbs on each side after watching some calculations by Matt Wenning.

Dead Press - all singles, full reset

135 x5

185 x5, 5, 5

-speed bench and these dead presses are the only movements I exerted myself on today...First time doing dead presses; I like them, but they’re humbling. 185 felt heavy as shit.

Seated DB press

60 x15, 12, 10,

Tricep rope pull down

90 x15, 10,

70 x15, 10,

V bar pushdown

70 x20, 20

Cable x over

40 x15, 12, 10

Wide grip Lat PD

130 x12, 10,

-Kept everything super light today and without much volume (2-4 sets). Just needed to get in and feel like I got a little work done while deloading.
Decent ME session... wanted 255x6, but got 5 so I’ll take it. That puts me around 295 1RM. Depending how I feel at the time, I’m gonna test 3 plates around Xmas, just as I anticipated.

Spoto press

135 x8

185 x6

195 x3

205 x3

215 x3

225 x3

235 x3

255 x5, 3

JM press

95 x12

115 x10, 10, 8

Bent over row

135 x10

185 x8

225 x8

255 x6

Inc DB flys

35 x12, 12, 12, 10

V bar pushdown

80 x30

120 x15, 12, 10

Chest press AMRAP

160 x12, 10, 5
I keep seeing you doing Spoto press and I always forget to do it. Looks like you’re almost as strong on that as regular bench.
I keep seeing you doing Spoto press and I always forget to do it. Looks like you’re almost as strong on that as regular bench.
I really like them. I’m probably a rep or 2 behind my TNG, due to the pause. To be fair, though, I don’t lock them out.
41937BE0-084A-4C5A-9C34-BAFC988E5414.jpeg I spent the first 45 mins in the gym waiting for 2 idiots to get away from the power rack. Between their DL and squats, they never went above 225, yet proceeded to rest (what felt like) 5 minutes between sets of 2-3. I don’t take pictures of people, because normally I don’t care... but this shit had to be shared. Yes, those are khakis and a bitch pad.

Anyhow, on to Dynamic Lower...

BW 2x15

-Warmup to get the glutes firing

Neutral grip Lat PD

160 x12, 12, 10

Machine curls

50 x15, 15, 15

-waiting for dickheads that don’t know how to DL or squat to get away from the only power rack.

Front Squat

135 x5

225 5x5

Conventional speed pulls

275 (+40 bands) 10 x2


45lb KB x10, 10, 12

Leg Press

577 x15, 15, 12,
Easy day. Just did some stuff I missed throughout the week / BB stuff. Still trying to build a decent body, even though I’m focusing on strength.

wife made me do 15 mins of cardio. I lost Gains, I swear.

Seated OHP on Smith

155 x15, 10

Cable curls

50 x20, 16, 14, 12

Lat raises

25 x15, 15,

30 x10

Reverse pec deck

110 x10, 10,

125 x10, 10

DB Shrugs

100 x20, 20,

80 x30, 20
The gym was only open until noon today, so needless to say I missed today’s session. I’ll make it up Saturday.

on another note: Does anyone have any experience with the Cerberus DL belt? Picked one up on sale today just to try it out.

Disappointing session, but we grinded it out.


135 x6

225 x3

315 x3

405 x3

495 x1, 1, 1

455 x3x3

-planned on going for 585 today, but 495 felt like a max effort single, rather than a warmup. Maybe fasting last night wasn’t a good idea. Maybe my leverages changed slightly as well... losing weight has made my stance weird, and I think my legs are too far apart now.

DL stance Leg Press

807 x8, 8, 8, 8


100lbs x8, 8, 8

Seated Row

190 x10

195 x10

200 x0
ME upper is supposed to be Monday, but we have a blizzard coming in so I went ahead and got it done today. Decent session—first time doing ISO presses.

Red Mini band Pull apart

3 x20

Dead Press - full reset each rep - 2-3 inches off chest

135 x5

185 x5

205 x3

225 x5

245 x3

4 second ISO press

4 sec x3

Inc DB press

90 x10, 8

95 x6

80 x10

DB row

120 x8

100 x10

90 x10

Lying floor flys

40 x10, 10, 8

-Saw James Strickland doing these and wanted to try them...I feel much more pec recruitment than with regular flys

V bar PD

100 x20

120 x15, 15

130 x12, 10

Face Pulls

110 x15, 12

120 x10, 8

KB shrugs 50lb each

50 x50 AMRAP

Can’t really complain today. The session went decent and BW is dropping, but strength continues to rise... As long as I can get to / maintain 300+ on bench, I’ll be ok with dropping as much BF as possible.
Just wanna throw this out there...Glute Ham Raises are the fucking devil.

DE Lower today

Speed pulls w red minis

135 x5

225 x5

275 10x2


365 x5, 5, 5

Leg Press

527 x20, 15, 15, 15


50 x16, 14,

Lat PD

130 x14, 10, 10

The session went alright, apart from creeping lower back pain I’ve been experiencing lately. I’m not sure if it’s pumps or actual injury. It’s not bad, just annoying—and if I sit for a minute it goes away.
Just wanna throw this out there...Glute Ham Raises are the fucking devil.

DE Lower today

Speed pulls w red minis

135 x5

225 x5

275 10x2


365 x5, 5, 5

Leg Press

527 x20, 15, 15, 15


50 x16, 14,

Lat PD

130 x14, 10, 10

The session went alright, apart from creeping lower back pain I’ve been experiencing lately. I’m not sure if it’s pumps or actual injury. It’s not bad, just annoying—and if I sit for a minute it goes away.

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