Dosage Help for Sustained Ipam & Mod for Anti-Aging


New Member
Hi everyone, so I've been deep diving for a few days and still have questions on how to dose properly for what I'm looking for.

As the title says, I'm looking for some anti-aging help and get some naturally pulsed GH in my old ass :)

I'm 52, 6'2" and about 220 lbs atm. I've put on some bodyfat lately so I'm gonna work hard to address through diet & training.
I'm interested, mostly, in adding a little GH for some help with that, and some hair and skin benefits would be great too.

The 2 compounds I'm looking at is Ipamorelin and ModGRF1-29.
I don't know how long I can stay on them, if I should cycle them, or have some days on/off shooting schedule...ned help.
Also dosages can vary a bit from what article or thread I happen to read [shrug]

I've done 2iu/day HGH in the past, but since I'm getting older I'm hoping pepetides is safer alternative...not sure.
I've also been on TRT for the past 6 years about 175mg of TestC/week. I plan on doing a 12 week blast of maybe 500mg TestC/week

Also, I eat IF on 18/6 for a few years now. I eat mostly at night, and I know shooting pre-sleep is a good thing to do, so how I should I navigate that?
I have no issues/restrictions as to how many times/day I can shoot either.

I've read that that I should start at 100mcg x 3/daily (1mcg per kg(220lbs = 99kg) but I'm not even sure what compound that's for.

I hope that's enough to get this thread rolling.
Thanks in advance for any and all replies.
I've read that that I should start at 100mcg x 3/daily (1mcg per kg(220lbs = 99kg) but I'm not even sure what compound that's for.
That's a good dose to aim for with both Ipamorelin and Mod Grf 1-29.

I've done 2iu/day HGH in the past, but since I'm getting older I'm hoping pepetides is safer alternative...not sure.
Peptides dont mess around with insulin sensitivity as much. That's for sure a good thing.

Also there is no need to cycle Ipamorelin on and off. Studies showed no tolerance to be build up.
If you dont like pinning you can just go with once daily injection instead of 3 and just do a big load of 300mcg pre bed. Ipamorelin improves deep sleep wave pattern so you will feel a big improvement there as well as improvement of well being during the day.
That's a good dose to aim for with both Ipamorelin and Mod Grf 1-29.

Peptides dont mess around with insulin sensitivity as much. That's for sure a good thing.

Also there is no need to cycle Ipamorelin on and off. Studies showed no tolerance to be build up.
If you dont like pinning you can just go with once daily injection instead of 3 and just do a big load of 300mcg pre bed. Ipamorelin improves deep sleep wave pattern so you will feel a big improvement there as well as improvement of well being during the day.
much appreciated buddy!

Are you saying I can just pin 300mcg/of both pre bed or just the Ipam?

Do people just cruise on these without issues?

Is there something that I should watch for that may prompt me to adjust dosages?

thanks again man! very helpful
Are you saying I can just pin 300mcg/of both pre bed or just the Ipam?
Just 300mcg ipam and 100mcg mod grf 1-29. There is no maximum dose to ipamorelin but with mod grf a dose of 100mcg is pretty much the upper end.

Is there something that I should watch for that may prompt me to adjust dosages?
No, no that that I know of.
Do people just cruise on these without issues?
What do you mean by cruise? You can take it year a round, 365 days. Unlike other ghrps like Ghrp-2 or Hexarelin Ipamorelin does not build up tolerance.
Damn man! You answered everything I needed to know in 2 posts! lol
thanks very much!

I've seen the QSC thread, noticed some "well-known members" in other threads giving props to them. Would you recommend them? If I may even ask that [shrug]

much appreciated!
I will not tell you where to order or which source is good to go because you have to find our for yourself. But I can tell you that I ordered plenty of stuff from QSC and I was always satisfied and actually still am. But I ordered a lot of stuff from other vendors too and they were pretty much all great. Just invest some time and look around that's the best way to find out what suits you best and see where you have the best feeling of placing an order.