Ultimate Nootropic Stack?

Thank You for the insight, and i too would like to be able to have a positive and productive life, and eventually will be tapering off the need for everything, once i learn better how to cope properly in a fashion that allows for proper prgrogession moving forward.
If you've been off since Jan 3rd you're actually almost at 10 months not 9. You have a plan and you recognize that your medication is only a stopgap for now. Recovery is a process, afterall. Congrats on your progress.
Found this thread and I have to give some input on HGH. I've definitely found it infinitely helpful esp with my ADHD and past stimulant abuse.

Initially it was through experimentation with Cerebrolysin which has a concoction of peptides and nerve growth factors. To which I was curious to find myself in an almost euphoric state of flow from time to time.

After that I did try ceretropic's p21 to try to replicate that feeling but to no avail. rHGH though did replicate that feeling abeit without the lethargy/fogginess that Cerebrolysin had.

So yeah if you've had past issues with stimulant abuse or ADHD, I highly recommend cycling some HGH.

Per your Adhd, you experience euphoria on growth? You're sure it wasn't something else? What about the focus / inattentiveness issues inherent in the diagnosis?
It is common for opiate & opioid addicts to fall into the snare of switching their addictions to worse ones (e.g., benzodiazepines, neurontin, pregabalin) or even suffering cardiovascular events from megadosing loperamide. You'd be better off going to a bona fide treatment professional and considering maintenance therapy oriented towards cessation, or an inpatient detox with continuing psychotherapy.

100% serious question here can you please explain why and how these other medications you mentioned are worse than opiates/opioids, especially pregabalin, because I’m prescribed it for nerve issues and would like to know? I personally had good success with it for my nerve issues early on but now I feel like it doesn’t really do anything for me. I’ve even stopped it for a few days to see if I got worse again or not and didn’t but I started taking it again and I couldn’t really tell a noticeable difference with or without it honestly. Probably going to stop it completely next week when I go back for a follow up visit with my doc if there’s no reason to keep taking it if it isn’t helping.
100% serious question here can you please explain why and how these other medications you mentioned are worse than opiates/opioids, especially pregabalin, because I’m prescribed it for nerve issues and would like to know? I personally had good success with it for my nerve issues early on but now I feel like it doesn’t really do anything for me. I’ve even stopped it for a few days to see if I got worse again or not and didn’t but I started taking it again and I couldn’t really tell a noticeable difference with or without it honestly. Probably going to stop it completely next week when I go back for a follow up visit with my doc if there’s no reason to keep taking it if it isn’t helping.
Just get a new script anyway, in case you need to taper…. Dont tell them you dont need it incase you do, youll screw yourself…

I am unsure too i just am lethargic and anxious when i stop, but no more then i would have been otherwise, hence why i started…

How long you on it?

Edit- If you were on opiatee youd have full blown withdrawal, physical and mental. I dont get it either…not sure if they have experience first hand..

Phenibut withdrawal was tourture….
100% serious question here can you please explain why and how these other medications you mentioned are worse than opiates/opioids, especially pregabalin, because I’m prescribed it for nerve issues and would like to know? I personally had good success with it for my nerve issues early on but now I feel like it doesn’t really do anything for me. I’ve even stopped it for a few days to see if I got worse again or not and didn’t but I started taking it again and I couldn’t really tell a noticeable difference with or without it honestly. Probably going to stop it completely next week when I go back for a follow up visit with my doc if there’s no reason to keep taking it if it isn’t helping.
TBH, I have never experienced it but it's widely regarded as giving a hell of a ride to those that have to come off of it after long-term use.

You might just be resilient against the effects, like some rare people with opiates/opioids at high MMEs.

I cannot estimate the prevalence, but reading the internet certainly supports painful experiences for many that can't be discounted.
Could it also be that pregabalin withdrawals don't become painful within a couple days? That would depend on metabolic factors, some people metabolize drugs slower than others, and if it has a long half-life, that could be at play. Don't know.
Could it also be that pregabalin withdrawals don't become painful within a couple days? That would depend on metabolic factors, some people metabolize drugs slower than others, and if it has a long half-life, that could be at play. Don't know.
I feel like utter shit immediately for about 2 days. Don't want to get out of bed and really bitchy/grumpy, flu like symptoms. Only very bad for about 48 hours but it does suck
Per your Adhd, you experience euphoria on growth? You're sure it wasn't something else? What about the focus / inattentiveness issues inherent in the diagnosis?

Yea I am pretty sure it was HGH, I don't take any ADHD meds or concurrent things like antidepressants etc, maybe some vitamin d, fish oil and creatine.

It didn't really last for long though, I felt that I got most out of it through cycling rather than long term. Maybe a feeling of repair of sorts.

The state of flow was helpful in focusing. Things just came easily. Idk how to explain it further than that.
Yea I am pretty sure it was HGH, I don't take any ADHD meds or concurrent things like antidepressants etc, maybe some vitamin d, fish oil and creatine.

It didn't really last for long though, I felt that I got most out of it through cycling rather than long term. Maybe a feeling of repair of sorts.

The state of flow was helpful in focusing. Things just came easily. Idk how to explain it further than that.
If I don't titrate my hgh up I get very lethargic and brain fog. Lasts about a week, but I do disagree short vs long term hgh. I suppose this could be age dependent though
Just get a new script anyway, in case you need to taper…. Dont tell them you dont need it incase you do, youll screw yourself…

I am unsure too i just am lethargic and anxious when i stop, but no more then i would have been otherwise, hence why i started…

How long you on it?

Edit- If you were on opiatee youd have full blown withdrawal, physical and mental. I dont get it either…not sure if they have experience first hand..

Phenibut withdrawal was tourture….
I’ve got mail order 90 day supply’s of all my meds with my insurance so no worries there.
TBH, I have never experienced it but it's widely regarded as giving a hell of a ride to those that have to come off of it after long-term use.

You might just be resilient against the effects, like some rare people with opiates/opioids at high MMEs.

I cannot estimate the prevalence, but reading the internet certainly supports painful experiences for many that can't be discounted.
I’m starting to wonder if some of these simply don’t affect me like they do most? I took gabapentin for a while and it did absolutely nothing to help and I got no withdrawal from it either. I can take
Benzo’s for a long time and not get any withdrawals from them either like most people get.
Could it also be that pregabalin withdrawals don't become painful within a couple days? That would depend on metabolic factors, some people metabolize drugs slower than others, and if it has a long half-life, that could be at play. Don't know.
Idk it’s only got a 6 hr half life so it should be completely out of your system within about a day and a half. I wasn’t sure so I looked after your comment to find out. Thanks for the insight.
If I don't titrate my hgh up I get very lethargic and brain fog. Lasts about a week, but I do disagree short vs long term hgh. I suppose this could be age dependent though

Might depend on age + other factors too. I'm sub 30yo and found it hard to titrate hgh above 3ius without sides like carpal tunnel.

I find when I come off hgh my sleep is terrible for like a few days then it gets back to normal.

I always cycle compounds to get a baseline every now and then.