Ultimate Nootropic Stack?

How long? How does your cbc look like, how is your iron metabolism? PM if you want to talk about it ...
Why does balcofen work so dam well for anxiety? Would you feel this is an option that doesnt have horrible consequences if utilized?

I took balcofen 1x and went from being a adrenaline filled panic to feeling able to sit comfortably in that same room as it started to take effect. But read so many horror stories like anything else
Why does balcofen work so dam well for anxiety? Would you feel this is an option that doesnt have horrible consequences if utilized?

I took balcofen 1x and went from being a adrenaline filled panic to feeling able to sit comfortably in that same room as it started to take effect. But read so many horror stories like anything else

Nothing magical there. It's a gaba b agonist (same as phenibut) and it blocks voltage gated calcium channels which leads to a decrease in catecholamines. Same as pregabalin or gabapentine does. Not a drug you'd want to take regularly.
I discovered it while trying to heal my knee! It was amazing because the bpc157 restored about 15 years worth of eroded gums. Took me several days to figure out what was happening.

I don’t even bother with the Tb500 anymore. I found it was the bpc157 that was making the magic happen. I’m running it now and planning to quit my 25 year snuff/dip habit. But yeah man, try it and see. Get the gums of an adolescent again lol

How do you apply the BPC? Do you inject it bucally?
Nothing magical there. It's a gaba b agonist (same as phenibut) and it blocks voltage gated calcium channels which leads to a decrease in catecholamines. Same as pregabalin or gabapentine does. Not a drug you'd want to take regularly.
This is interesting. Phenibut works hard for me but the others don’t do much of anything. I would like to understand this more like you do. Why are low catecholamines bad and how does one raise them up?
Nothing magical there. It's a gaba b agonist (same as phenibut) and it blocks voltage gated calcium channels which leads to a decrease in catecholamines. Same as pregabalin or gabapentine does. Not a drug you'd want to take regularly.
Which makes sense why it works because my anxiety seems based on being uncomfortable around a group making it adrenaline produced. Do you know others that do this that are usually prescribed?
This is interesting. Phenibut works hard for me but the others don’t do much of anything. I would like to understand this more like you do. Why are low catecholamines bad and how does one raise them up?

I'm sorry mate, that question is way to broad. If you'll have anything more specific, hit me up ...
Which makes sense why it works because my anxiety seems based on being uncomfortable around a group making it adrenaline produced. Do you know others that do this that are usually prescribed?

Bro, you are basically crippled by your anxiety and you are still taking aas, right? Aas are causing a large part of your anxiety, including the perceived increase in "adrenaline". Can't you just say fuck off to steroids, go to TRT (600 - 700 ngdl) levels and get yourself together?
Bro, you are basically crippled by your anxiety and you are still taking aas, right? Aas are causing a large part of your anxiety, including the perceived increase in "adrenaline". Can't you just say fuck off to steroids, go to TRT (600 - 700 ngdl) levels and get yourself together?
But there not, because i am way more confident and collective on them, as when off. When i was not able to exercise and workout from my injury i was 100x worse. And now that i am growing and getting back to the shape i am in i feel very good about progress.

I have been dealing with anxiety since 6th grade. And most of it has to do with other aspects of things i was born with that i am uncomfortable about because of how it was percieced growing up. And alot of it has to do with that. Which i am working on everyday, and there is nothing i can do but accept it.

But it still is carrying over even when older because it was kind of tramatic.

But exercise and bodybuilding is one of the things that relieves that feeling alot.

I know 100% where this stems from.
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@Jin23 or anyone with experience with Lion's Mane.

I took 600 mg dose of lion's mane this morning for the first time 7:30 am. I'm having a bad experience so far. It's very head heavy, I feel like how I would feel if my estrogen was crashed, my senses are heightened, music sounds different, reality is a bit different. I'm still oriented to time person and place but idk, kind of feels like depersonalization.

Anyone have bad experience with Lions mane and could shed some light on what the fuck im experiencing because it feels like im on a drug.
Well the modafinil may help with memory a little but the feeling it give is gross. Really not a fan at all, i feel fatigued and i can fall asleep after taking it, does not keep my up really, it just makes me zone in so hard on one thing, i will do that, but its not like i have an exam or something but not worth it.

I tried a half, a whole, a quarter.

I tried with l-theanine and with gabapentin. But it totally over powers both tremendously. Even my workouts suck because i just want to hurry to the next weight.

So i guess its not for me.

Doesnt seem to give energy, just gives focus, and i dont have an issue with focus. Was looking for more of a boost,

Now if i had to do something for 20 hours striaght thus would be good, but i find it extremely difficult to actually move on to the next task, where i just want to stay on the one i am on.
Well the modafinil may help with memory a little but the feeling it give is gross. Really not a fan at all, i feel fatigued and i can fall asleep after taking it, does not keep my up really, it just makes me zone in so hard on one thing, i will do that, but its not like i have an exam or something but not worth it.

I tried a half, a whole, a quarter.

I tried with l-theanine and with gabapentin. But it totally over powers both tremendously. Even my workouts suck because i just want to hurry to the next weight.

So i guess its not for me.

Doesnt seem to give energy, just gives focus, and i dont have an issue with focus. Was looking for more of a boost,

Now if i had to do something for 20 hours striaght thus would be good, but i find it extremely difficult to actually move on to the next task, where i just want to stay on the one i am on.
Armodafinil may be worth trying for those that aren’t keen on Modafinil. I personally find regular Mod to induce anxiety and headaches.

These wakefulness drugs are super hit or miss and I find them to be very individual so your results may vary.
Nothing magical there. It's a gaba b agonist (same as phenibut) and it blocks voltage gated calcium channels which leads to a decrease in catecholamines. Same as pregabalin or gabapentine does. Not a drug you'd want to take regularly.
Do you think gabapentin or balcofen is better to take for anxiety? And can you cycle these two like 1 month on gaba and one month of balcofen, or cycle them to avoid tolerance? Or 2 weeks of one and 2 weeks of another?

I take gabapentin for anxiety now but dont want my tolerance to keep going up
As only on 300 mg 2x a day.
Do you think gabapentin or balcofen is better to take for anxiety? And can you cycle these two like 1 month on gaba and one month of balcofen, or cycle them to avoid tolerance? Or 2 weeks of one and 2 weeks of another?

I take gabapentin for anxiety now but dont want my tolerance to keep going up
As only on 300 mg 2x a day.

As they both share same/similar pathways I'd imagine there to be some cross talk tolerance buildup.

You dont want to take these drugs. Neither is better. You're treating anxiety at it's symptomatic end and not at it's causal beging with all these drugs.
Ketogenic dieting is by far the greatest cognitive enhancement. No nootropic stack will even come close. 80/20 rule there.
Ketogenic dieting is by far the greatest cognitive enhancement. No nootropic stack will even come close. 80/20 rule there.

I wholeheartedly agree. It is however a hard thing to tolerate for most. BHB is a good option but a bit hard on the Gi.
There's not great human evidence for this effect. There is some evidence in rats that androgens, and nandrolone in particular, are harmful to visuo-spatial learning & memory. There is evidence that rhGH can reverse some of the deficits in cognitive function by AAS abuse (by beneficial effects of GH & IGF-I), as well as by stimulant, opioid, and alcohol abuse, stress & pain.

Found this thread and I have to give some input on HGH. I've definitely found it infinitely helpful esp with my ADHD and past stimulant abuse.

Initially it was through experimentation with Cerebrolysin which has a concoction of peptides and nerve growth factors. To which I was curious to find myself in an almost euphoric state of flow from time to time.

After that I did try ceretropic's p21 to try to replicate that feeling but to no avail. rHGH though did replicate that feeling abeit without the lethargy/fogginess that Cerebrolysin had.

So yeah if you've had past issues with stimulant abuse or ADHD, I highly recommend cycling some HGH.