Ultimate Nootropic Stack?

Adderall. Sharp as a tack! At night Xanax.... sleep like a baby!
Is it healthy.... I don't care. I don't slaughter dosages 30 mg Adderall AM, 2 MG XANAX PM.
I don't drink anymore so that makes me much more clear.
I made a thread asking about why RX amphetamines are so hard to find in the EU. Thread got deleted so I guess you can’t talk about them things ‍♀️
I would just add to this that; no evidence doesn't mean this isn't a potential outcome, rather, that it hasn't been either studied or proven yet (also, "no evidence" is a rather blunt statement, and might be false). However, I haven't looked up the literature (thoroughly) on this and thus can't say if proficiently executed studies were done to try and prove this. Just don't confuse "no evidence" for "not possible" or "not true".

There is also the question of what exactly do you mean by neurotoxic @6tren. If by that you mean increasing the possibility of excitotoxicity, then yes, I'd say is possible; aas do contribute to an increase in excitatory neurotransmission and can directly increase excitotoxicity:

Testosterone increases neurotoxicity of glutamate in vitro and ischemia-reperfusion injury in an animal model

Androgens have both neuroprotective and neurotoxic effects in adults and developing animals.
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Adderall. Sharp as a tack! At night Xanax.... sleep like a baby!
Is it healthy.... I don't care. I don't slaughter dosages 30 mg Adderall AM, 2 MG XANAX PM.
I don't drink anymore so that makes me much more clear.
I actually made a thread on here about why it’s so hard to find amphetamines in the EU but it got taken down. I completely understand why the post got removed it’s grey area topic. Adderall is amazing and if I had access to it I’d probably use it everyday at 10mg.
Amphetamines. Speed, adderall even meth it’s all the same.

Anything that is similar too or is a substitute for amphetamine will work.

It blows all these other “nootropics” out of the water because this actually does something.

Ritalin is crap, Modafinil is absolute garbage. Racetams and I’ve no idea why anyone on earth takes them.

Selegeline patches are meant to be great because it re uptakes dopamine the same way amphetamine does just at a smaller degree. Tranylcypramine does this too but a lot stronger and is the only substituted amphetamine still in use today as an antidepressant. These are maois though.

Anyways that being said I’d just take adderall or something. It’s literally the only “nootropic” you’ll ever need.

The only risk is tolerance and addiction but it’s only addictive because it works so well.

Ephedra is great too but tolerance builds stupidly fast and guess what…. It’s actually a precursor to both amphetamine and methamphetamine.

I actually asked a question on this forum asking why RX amphetamines were so hard to find in the EU but for some reason my thread got taken down.

Apparently it’s a touchy subject to talk about, who knew right?

You can literally get a script from a GP in the US in 15 minutes but as soon as you mention Europe it’s a taboo.

Really disappointed because I wanted more information on the topic. I’m sick of getting laced speed on the dark net and was wondering if there are ways to get RX amphetamines in Europe. If the US can have them why can’t we?
Why are my messages getting flagged.

Free speech is absolutely dead.

I’ve written 3 full posts and a whole thread and it’s still getting flagged.
Personally I have found that Modafinil, as great for my mental clarity.

- LP
I’ve tried it but again it’s very mild. It more than likely does something to keep you awake and would be really good for boring repetitive tasks like lorry driving.

Other than that it doesn’t do anything for me sadly. Overhyped and found it kinda crap.

Ephedrine does the exact thing if not better for like 1/5th the price.

I’ve said this before in my last comment on another thread about how I felt when I took tren that all other anabolics feel like they don’t do shit.

The same is true for Modafinil in this case because once you take any form of amphetamine all other stimulants just can keep up.

The stronger the drug you use the more your expectations climb.

In other words you start comparing Modafinil to Adderall/Ritalin and at this stage it isn’t even a conparison because Adderall is just way way better in every way.

I’m not promoting stimulants or anything but it’s the truth being told.
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I’ve tried it but again it’s very mild. It more than likely does something to keep you awake and would be really good for boring repetitive tasks like lorry driving.

Other than that it doesn’t do anything for me sadly. Overhyped and found it kinda crap.

Ephedrine does the exact thing if not better for like 1/5th the price.
You are correct, I take while driving long distances. Yes, Ephedrine is great I find I just too wired from it.

- LP
You are correct, I take while driving long distances. Yes, Ephedrine is great I find I just too wired from it.

- LP
The wired feeling wears off after 3 consecutive days of taking it. You eventually build tolerance to it and can run up to like 100mg a day without feeling the jitteriness.

Even when you build tolerance and without the amped up feeling it still makes you quite focused and motivated.

I accidentally discovered this while running an eca stack. Now I take ephedrine everyday as I have leftover tablets lying about because I ordered too much.

There’s no “crash” either I’ve no idea wtf people are on about when they say it causes a crash when you stop.
Started taking 2mg nicotine pouches to help with stress from school and to help with very intense studying. It really helps as a stimulant and with memory recall.

Thought about taking a nicotine patch from nicoderm cq brand and cutting it up to lower the dose, as their lowest dose nicotine patch is 7 mg.
Anyone cut their nicotine patches, if so what brand do you use?
Similar in the fact that it's also a DRI, yes. But, that doesn't mean it's similar in it's effects, not at all. It's a common misconception in layman's logic, that if two drugs have a similar mechanism, that they'll produce similar results. This notion fails to recognize the fact that the drugs don't act the same in all parts of the brain. Inhibiting dopamine reuptake in one part of the brain does this and something different in another part of the brain. Drugs also have a lot of other mechanisms distinguishing them from each other. In the case of bupropion, it also acts on the nicotinic muscarinic system and the NRI aspect is much more pronounced. There is also the aspect of in what way a drug acts upon a receptor. Is it a full agonist, a partial agonist, an inverse agonist, a positive allosteric modulator, a full antagonist, a competitive antogonist, etc

This drug produce very different results. I wouldn't really compare them. Wellbutrin feels a lot more adrenergic.
Is this a good choice? Trying to find if its worth taking, does it effect muscle anabolism?
Started taking 2mg nicotine pouches to help with stress from school and to help with very intense studying. It really helps as a stimulant and with memory recall.

Thought about taking a nicotine patch from nicoderm cq brand and cutting it up to lower the dose, as their lowest dose nicotine patch is 7 mg.
Anyone cut their nicotine patches, if so what brand do you use?
I find a can of snuff per day is the best way to get your nicotine in. Just make sure you have a good electric toothbrush and practice proper dental hygiene while using it.
Not a good habit at all, but I’ll admit when I was dipping grizzly wintergreen I got more shredded than I’ve ever been, when something curbs the appetite and you find a replacement for wanting to eat too much you’ll get shredded. Unfortunately it’s addictive and after seeing people’s fucked up grills from dipping over the years I quit it