Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Regardless of what tejas said, if I place an order with dragon and I don’t get shit because tejas is drop shipping with them. Whose fault is that? The responsibility lies on dragon. He also could have found another brewer by now who can do grade school math and ship a domestic pack with 3 weeks but he hasn’t.

I’m sure people would bend over backwards to be dragons brewer but dragon put zero effort into finding one and continues to not care.

You can keep ordering from him, you do you.
Lol I will do me. I’ll do me good.
I’ll also continue to not order from DO. Because I said I haven’t since colonial got busted lmao.
And you pretty much said it again what I said about a source bending over backwards to get DOs customers.
I hope no one orders domestic AAS from this guy. Because it comes from the biggest joke of a source, Tejas. In fact with DO and Dashs track record recently here and SST, I don't know why anyone would order at all.
Ordered late feb, got tracking a day or so later. Nothing in the mail yet. Reached out the other day and they responded that they’d look into it and just received a follow up that they were going to reship
Where are you getting these replies? He hasn't been on here since the 24th of Feb. I've been waiting over 3 weeks for an update
Regardless of what tejas said, if I place an order with dragon and I don’t get shit because tejas is drop shipping with them. Whose fault is that? The responsibility lies on dragon. He also could have found another brewer by now who can do grade school math and ship a domestic pack with 3 weeks but he hasn’t.

I’m sure people would bend over backwards to be dragons brewer but dragon put zero effort into finding one and continues to not care.

You can keep ordering from him, you do you.
I have faith in Tejas and his expanding operation. I've seen his work, I've seen the labs, and I liked what I saw. I don't lightly take anyone as my brewer without thoroughly going through what they got and how they operate.

The only downside of all this, is that operations lately, have had some slowing hiccups. With what I'm being told, I understand this is due to growing too quick and prioritizing security of you and the brewer over speed, so an expansion to get more shippers has been underway.

If this doesn't play out well in the long term, say, summer, we can reassess, but for now, I'm trusting everything will play out well.

OK cool. Order raws once a year. Did DO last year and everything was on point, so I hoped to double dip due to his prices
You can double dip me anytime
Through email. Didn’t get a response here and so I emailed
Everyone should be replied to on here by now. My DMs are always open as well.

We have had major comm issues ever since CNY. I don't know why, but we're getting 3-4x the business we did before this year. Not sure if some tiktoker or someshit has ass-blasted us, but its been hard to keep up in terms of communication. I'm lucky that my own operations internationally have been okay, as fellow china-men are easy to hire.

The new guy I got for my emails is obviously not working. Too lazy, doesn't reply quick enough, a dumbass over all. I'm training a new girl today.
I have faith in Tejas and his expanding operation. I've seen his work, I've seen the labs, and I liked what I saw. I don't lightly take anyone as my brewer without thoroughly going through what they got and how they operate.

The only downside of all this, is that operations lately, have had some slowing hiccups. With what I'm being told, I understand this is due to growing too quick and prioritizing security of you and the brewer over speed, so an expansion to get more shippers has been underway.

If this doesn't play out well in the long term, say, summer, we can reassess, but for now, I'm trusting everything will play out well.

You can double dip me anytime

Everyone should be replied to on here by now. My DMs are always open as well.

We have had major comm issues ever since CNY. I don't know why, but we're getting 3-4x the business we did before this year. Not sure if some tiktoker or someshit has ass-blasted us, but its been hard to keep up in terms of communication. I'm lucky that my own operations internationally have been okay, as fellow china-men are easy to hire.

The new guy I got for my emails is obviously not working. Too lazy, doesn't reply quick enough, a dumbass over all. I'm training a new girl today.
Oooo in that case I might get three scoops
I have faith in Tejas and his expanding operation. I've seen his work, I've seen the labs, and I liked what I saw. I don't lightly take anyone as my brewer without thoroughly going through what they got and how they operate.

The only downside of all this, is that operations lately, have had some slowing hiccups. With what I'm being told, I understand this is due to growing too quick and prioritizing security of you and the brewer over speed, so an expansion to get more shippers has been underway.

If this doesn't play out well in the long term, say, summer, we can reassess, but for now, I'm trusting everything will play out well.

You can double dip me anytime

Everyone should be replied to on here by now. My DMs are always open as well.

We have had major comm issues ever since CNY. I don't know why, but we're getting 3-4x the business we did before this year. Not sure if some tiktoker or someshit has ass-blasted us, but its been hard to keep up in terms of communication. I'm lucky that my own operations internationally have been okay, as fellow china-men are easy to hire.

The new guy I got for my emails is obviously not working. Too lazy, doesn't reply quick enough, a dumbass over all. I'm training a new girl today.
I haven't received a reply in regards to my package sent in December last year. Hoping you could get back to me pleasse
Ahh i give up. My advice steer clear of these guys. Ive been mucked around for 4 months and made 0 progress. Waste of time
On the int raws side, they’re still g2g as always, got two orders in about 3 weeks for turn around.
Ahh i give up. My advice steer clear of these guys. Ive been mucked around for 4 months and made 0 progress. Waste of time
Im sorry man, I haven't heard anything from the post yet. Your country is just very difficult in general to get things in, and the courier hasn't been of any help. Turkish pharmacy products are pretty good in terms of seizure rates, but we'll always get seizures no matter what.

I'm always down to offer you base cost + my profit on your order of the products to reship if needed.