Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Hey I contacted about my order because I mistakenly ordered from us domestic instead of international, they answered me five days ago saying if my shipping information is correct in order to send me from international shipping and since then nothing happend I was wondering if they shipped it now?
welcome to the club. I got an email back last Thursday saying I'd get an update on my order "ASAP" since it should have arrived last week and I still have not gotten a response. also DM'd on here and radio silence as well. starting to think I might have lost my money one this order...
I have no idea why guys use this guy. He has customers complaining of poor communication a while, even recently on SST. Much better sources selling the same things. This guy needs to clean his act up.

Oh and his domestic guy Tejas is Mia and sucks!
I have no idea why guys use this guy. He has customers complaining of poor communication a while, even recently on SST. Much better sources selling the same things. This guy needs to clean his act up.

Oh and his domestic guy Tejas is Mia and sucks!
unfortunately I used Brewly and had a great experience so since they're partners (from what I understand) I figured it'd be the same... unfortunately I'm pretty sure I just got scammed out of like 800 USD. Lesson learned I guess. Hoping I do eventually get my order, but not holding my breath.
Just wanted to drop my experience with DO real quick. I made an order of raws right at the end of CNY, the biggest order I've ever made. Received it in 3 weeks ! Fastest delivery yet. Very happy, every thing came as it should. I was a little worried from some of the stuff I was reading on here but every thing worked out. Thanks again DO.
Just wanted to drop my experience with DO real quick. I made an order of raws right at the end of CNY, the biggest order I've ever made. Received it in 3 weeks ! Fastest delivery yet. Very happy, every thing came as it should. I was a little worried from some of the stuff I was reading on here but every thing worked out. Thanks again DO.
I believe their international stuff is still ok, although definitely slow to act. My mistake is that I ordered domestic, which I think is in the shitter right now. pretty sure I can kiss my 800 dollars goodbye, unless @DragonOrdnance ever decides to show up here again or respond to literally any of my numerous emails
update: after nearly two weeks of refusing to respond to communications, the tracking number provided to me by Dragon the day after I ordered, has been updated and is moving. Really annoying since at this point I already re-ordered this stuff with someone else, so now I will have a double supply of everything I ordered, assuming that when this pack arrives it really has everything I asked for in it. Not sure I should even trust the stuff that comes in it after this sketchy experience, I'm half expecting the DEA to show up to deliver the package at this point. Will never order from this source again.
the source itself is international, I would stick getting it rite from the source as they are G2g . I dont like domestic reshippers or sellers , I don’t want no others hands besides the source and mine touching it . Just my thoughts .
Final update- received my order at long last, it's all @Tejascardinal stuff, so I guess that guy isn't totally MIA... Zero communication whatsoever from the seller. I guess I should be thankful that they didn't steal my money, but either way, can't say I recommend the source. Definitely won't ever order from here again.
Don't know if these guys are still about. 2 weeks and no replies to any PMs on here or an email sent to their address. Waiting on a 3 month package now
Don't know if these guys are still about. 2 weeks and no replies to any PMs on here or an email sent to their address. Waiting on a 3 month package now
Somethings not right about them and about PPL, none of em are replying any emails or very very slow replying every 5 days to get a reply.
Not safe to order of em atm.
I think maybe there busy or China may have somthing going on with a lock down . I know I ordered and it went through super fast and got to me quick just Very super recent . Try his wicker