Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Skullwarden is to be avoided for now. Many instances of taking the money and then not shipping with many members, including myself. See dashpct thread for more info.
dam i really wish i read the thread before placing an order......
made a pretty big order.
just assumed it would be gtg because I've made 2 orders in the past that haven't had an issue
God damn it. I just made a pretty big order because I've had a good experience with these guys in the past. Really wish I would have done my do diligence and lurked on here before I places an order. Its still CNY I guess so let's pray shit isnt tottaly fucked.
So CNY ends tonight right? Feb 5th? @DragonOrdnance can we expect some communication and shipping updates starting tomorrow or should we start looking elsewhere?

Anyone know who else has humalog?
So CNY ends tonight right? Feb 5th? @DragonOrdnance can we expect some communication and shipping updates starting tomorrow or should we start looking elsewhere?

Anyone know who else has humalog?
Heya, yeah I'm back. Ended on Monday, had my partner post up on the Dash thread as well.

Everything should be back to normal. Operations continued as normal throughout CNY that wasn't from China - everything is shipped out and gucci to go.

If anyone has an order pending, or just little issues here and there, please do DM me here and I'll fix it. I'll be checking the thread from now twice a day and such. Should be all good.

I've seen people have issues with orders particularly from China - those should be updating soon, as they are going out now.

Thanks everyone, sorry for the scare, I should of communicated my absence better.

@DragonOrdnance Hi I still haven't got any replies on email, Wickr, and Meso DM. Are you able to ship any HGH (black tops, Turkey, etc) to China domestic?
Could ship anything that isn't from China to China. But Chinese customs tend to suck.
Heya, yeah I'm back. Ended on Monday, had my partner post up on the Dash thread as well.

Everything should be back to normal. Operations continued as normal throughout CNY that wasn't from China - everything is shipped out and gucci to go.

If anyone has an order pending, or just little issues here and there, please do DM me here and I'll fix it. I'll be checking the thread from now twice a day and such. Should be all good.

I've seen people have issues with orders particularly from China - those should be updating soon, as they are going out now.

Thanks everyone, sorry for the scare, I should of communicated my absence better.

Could ship anything that isn't from China to China. But Chinese customs tend to suck.
Love it, really good to hear, sent you a DM, thanks guys!
Heya, yeah I'm back. Ended on Monday, had my partner post up on the Dash thread as well.

Everything should be back to normal. Operations continued as normal throughout CNY that wasn't from China - everything is shipped out and gucci to go.

If anyone has an order pending, or just little issues here and there, please do DM me here and I'll fix it. I'll be checking the thread from now twice a day and such. Should be all good.

I've seen people have issues with orders particularly from China - those should be updating soon, as they are going out now.

Thanks everyone, sorry for the scare, I should of communicated my absence better.

Could ship anything that isn't from China to China. But Chinese customs tend to suck.
I still haven’t heard from you I been emailing you few times now
Lol still no response and no update since "preparing package", no emails again past telling me they'll tell the shipper to update the site.
I just want my slin man..

I'm sure there's a ton of us they need to respond to but considering how many of us there are and how we've all been voicing our concerns, maybe some overactive communication here from dragon would be nice..